The Epic of Azathoth

Darkness and flashback, the end.

Darkness and flashback, the end.

I certainly didn't imagine a dog...don't make that face...don't use the ultimate skill on me.     


( Nidhogg used puppy dog eyes on you )     

( -999.999 )     

( You are dead )     


'' Beatrice turns off the Dark Souls music ~ ''     

( Pff! ... HAhaha ... )     

( ... You sure are better than my former ''players'' )     

'' It seems I'm being compared to your ex-boyfriends ~ ''     

'' What makes me better? ~ ''     

( Most in you only saw me as a dating system or some psychopaths who would kill anyone just for the pleasure )     

'' Easy there ... among all of them, wasn't there one who was normal? ~ ''     

( Some could even be considered normal )     

Let it go ... don't want to know about your ex-boyfriends ~ ''     

( They're not my boyfriends )     

'' Yes, yes ~ ''     

While I'm here, I still want to see some things     

'' Mini map ~ '''     

* Whistling ~ Looking at my mini map, I must say that I am quite surprised that everything was so detailed, down to the smallest details.     

Zooming in on the Mini map, I saw three red dots not far from me.     

So there are still some of them around?     

''Come on ~'' I said to them.     

'' Nidhogg gets in my shadow ~''. I said to him.     

Expanding my shadow as much as possible so that he could fit inside it, my shadow being considered a separate dimension for my monsters to inhabit within.     

Entering my shadow Nidhogg disappeared as soon as he touched it.     

Flying over to me, Raum landed on my shoulder before asking as I walked towards my goal.     

'' Where are we going Master? ~ Raum asked without looking at anything.     

'' Raum I will clarify a few things for you, I am not homo, I am not 100% straight, I am not against it at all ~ '' I replied making it clear that I do not want that kind of relationship with him.     

''Master ... Are you some kind of comedian? ~ Raum asked with a lot of sarcasm in his voice.     

I'm not a comedian ~ '' I answered him.     

'' I'm not a man or a woman either, but I can take the form of a woman to have some fun ~'' Raum said imitating that crazy woman's voice, causing Daemon to get a chill.     

'' I hope this makes things clear between us, Master ~ '' Raum said this time changing his voice to a more seductive one .     

Even if he was in the form of a raven, I'm sure he was laughing at my face .     

Reaching my goal, I looked at the mini map confirming that I was in front of my goal . I turned to look at the small hill in front of me.     

Not wanting to go in there unprepared, I took Yamato out of inventory and left her by my side.     

Now all that remains for me to do is to look for an entrance.     

Walking around the hill, I found a possible entrance.     

Arriving near the vines that covered the entrance to the cave, what looked like a normal wolf tried to jump on me, but I quickly pointed my finger at it and used *Bind* to tie it up.     

I approached the wolf and looked at him very carefully while using * Observe* on him.     


Level: 4     

HP - 650     

MP - 250     

[STR 16 ][VIT 13 ][DEX 11 ][INT 5 ][WIS 5 ][WIS 5 ][LUCK 5 ]     

Thoughts about you : Food     


'' I am not food ~ '' I just hope the other two didn't hear me. "'' 'But why are you so weak? ~ '' I whispered as I looked at him.     

Looking at him and losing interest, I removed Yamato from the sheath and used one hand to stab his brain.     

He entered without any resistance.     


( You killed 1 normal wolf )     

( the normal wolf is too weak to provide XP )     

( All lost XP will be converted into BP )     

( 100 BP added to the Blood Core )     

( Requisite met [Sword Mastery] )     


( Sword Mastery ~ Level 1/100 ( Passive ) ]     

Increases proficiency in using swords .     

Increases attack damage and attack speed by 5% when using swords .     


Looking at the last window, I couldn't help but display a happy smile.     

Walking with the mini map open, I don't want to be caught off guard by these wolves .     

I stopped for a moment thinking about something and decided to ask Beatrice.     

'' Can I go without eating?     

( You can easily go a month without sleeping, two days without eating anything and one day without drinking anything )     

'' Then I still have to eat ~ ''     

'' In the end, I can't abandon the pleasure of meat ~ ''     

Saying this with a sad face, I approached the dead wolf and crouched down in front of it.     

What will it taste like?     

Leaning over my shoulder, Raum waited patiently.     

'' How can I do this? ~ I whispered to myself.     

Leaving Yamato in hand, I grabbed the tactical pocket knife from inventory, something I never expected to use.     

Wait ... I'm being an idiot here, I can simply draw all his blood and then remove his flesh.     

Doing just that... I removed all the blood from his body just to gain 100 BP. After removing all the blood from his body, I began to cut his body carefully.     

I finished my work and it was disappointing ... all the survival videos I watched were a complete farce.     

"I have only one way out left...commit Seppuku....     

( Don't you think you're taking this too seriously? )     

'' No ... ~ ''     

( All right ... here take this )     

( Skinning ~ Lvl1/50 ( Passive-Active )     

You can skin dead animals more easily and not lose materials such as skin, meat, etc...     


''You're an angel ~ ''     

( I'm more like a demon )     

'' You're my angel ~ ''     

( Are you trying to flirt with me? )     

'' Does this count as flirting? ~ ''     

( Yes )     

'' Then I'm out ~ ''     

( ... )     


( 3x Wolfmeat has been added to stock )     

( 1x wolf heart has been added to stock )     

( 1x wolf skin has been added to stock )     


'' I wasn't bad for the first time ~ '' I said, as I looked at the mini map, I realized that one of the dots was very close to me.     

Grabbing Yamato, I quickly turned to the wolf that was already lunging at me, as if my brain went into automatic mode, I quickly pulled Yamato out of his sheath and split him in half, leaving a large cut in the cave wall.     


( You killed 1 normal wolf )     

( Normal wolf is too weak to provide XP )     

( All lost XP will be converted into BP )     

( 100 BP Added to Blood Core )     

( Sword Mastery Leveled up!)     


[Sword Mastery ~ Lvl. 2/100 ( Passive ) ]     

Increases proficiency in the use of swords .     

Increases attack damage and attack speed when using swords by 6% .     

Shit, I thought she was just going to cut down the wolf and not the cave wall .     

Well ... it said she could cut through almost anything.     

Plus a percentage increase in damage and attack speed, Hm ... I think the damage is pretty much useless if she can cut through almost anything, few things should resist her cutting through something like Daedric's artifacts.     

I've already killed two of these wolves at the cave entrance, but I can't see anything else inside the cave.     

If this eye patch hadn't gotten in my way, I would have created a monster that could provide me with night vision.     

A monocle should do the trick.     

By creating a monster of my imagination with the Annihilation Maker, I infused it with the ability for infrared vision.     

I'm sure the Annihilation Maker is much stronger than all the other holy equipment, all you needed was the imagination to create monsters.     

Just create monsters to repel the abilities of others using holy equipment, Boosted Equipment, you just need to give a monster the ability to reflect attacks.     

The real Longinus is no different, just be able to reflect its attacks and not be a demon and you are safe.     

Equipping the monocle, it was strange to use this for someone who has never used it.     

No matter, I can see pretty much everything in here now.     

Not forgetting to skin the wolf, just as I was about to start stabbing it, a new window appeared.     

( This is pure shit, don't take it seriously )     

( Skinning )     

( Y/N )     

Clicking on the S. the whole wolf was dismembered.     

( 4x wolf meat was added to stock )     

( 1x wolf heart has been added to stock )     

( 1x wolf skin has been added to stock )     

( Skinning Level Up! )     

[ Skinning ~ Lvl2/50 ( Passive-Active )     

You can skin dead animals more easily and do not lose any materials such as skin, meat etc ...     


Closing all the new windows and leaving only the mini map open, I moved on while looking in the direction of the wolf.     

It didn't take long to reach the end of the cave, this place was quite small, in fact, I only had to walk for two minutes and reach the end of the cave. As I know it was the end of the cave, the last wolf ... or rather a reinforced wolf was in front of me and there was a passage behind it     

'' Bind ~ ''     

Ah... I feel like a chuunibyou saying this, someone please kill me ...     

Coming out of dramatic mode, I approached the strong wolf, but before I killed him I wanted to see his 'Status'.     

''Observe ~ ''     

Strengthened Wolf     

Level - 10     

HP - 1.000     

MP - 250     

[STR 30 ][VIT 30 ][DEX 20 ][INT 10 ][WIS 10 ][LUCK 10 ]     





Thoughts about yourself : Food.     


'' I said I'm not food ~ '' I said stabbing your brain.     

( +120 XP! )     

'' That's too little EXP ~ ''     

'' Status ~ ''     

Name : Daemon Sultan     

Race : 98% Human / 2% ????     

Alignment : Truly Neutral     

Class : Blood Marquis     

Secondary Class : N / A     

Lvl - 7     

EXP - 4.500 / 5.000     

Hp - 1.100 ( 110 per minute )     

Mp - 19.500 ( 3900 per minute )     

BP - 63.300     

STR - 60 ( 20 ) 80     

VIT - 50 ( 20 ) 70     

DEX - 10 ( 20 ) 30     

INT - 30     

WIS - 10     

CHARM - 30 ( Arthur's mask )     

LUCK - 60 ( Arthur's mask )     

Unused points : 40     

Credits : 11,100     

'' That's not very balanced ~ '' I whispered.     

Distributing 20 points in DEX, 10 points in INT and 10 points in WIS, to make my stats more balanced.     

Status ~ ''     

Name : Daemon Sultan     

Race : 98% Human / 2% ????     

Alignment : Truly Neutral     

Class : Marquis of Blood     

Secondary Class : N / A     

Lvl - 7     

EXP - 4.620 / 5.000     

Hp - 1.100 ( 110 per minute )     

Mp - 19.500 ( 3900 per minute )     

BP - 63.300     

STR - 60 ( 20 ) 80     

VIT - 50 ( 20 ) 70     

DEX - 30 ( 20 ) 50     

INT - 40     

WIS - 20     

CHARM - 30 ( Arthur's mask )     

LUCK - 60 ( Arthur's mask )     

Unused points : 0     

Credits : 11,100     


[Haemokinesis ( Basic ) ]     

[Blood Booster ( Basic )     

[Blood Absorption ( LvL7 ) ]     

[Blood generation ( LvL7 ) ]     

[Blood Bomb ( LvL1 ) ]     

[Blood Claw ( LvL1 )     

[Premonition ( LvL5 ) ]     

[Player's mind ( LvL Max ) ] ]     

[Player's Body ( LvL Max ) ] ]     

[Observe ( LvL5 ) ] ]     

[Sword Mastery ( Lv2 ) ] ]     

[Skinning ( Lv2 ) ] ]     


This is certainly addictive, that feeling of gaining more power is intoxicating like a drug.     

'' Flaying ~ ''     

( 6x Wolfmeat was added to stock )     

( 1x wolf heart was added to stock )     

( 1x wolf skin was added to stock )     

( Skinning Leveled Up! )     

[Skinning ~ Lv3/50 ( Passive-Active )]     

You can skin dead animals more easily and do not lose materials such as, skin, and meat Etc ...     


''This is upgrading pretty fast, at least I won't starve anymore ~ '' Finishing my inner monologue, I skinned the strengthened Wolf and looked at the passage.     

( 6x Wolf meat was added to stock )     

( 1x wolf heart was added to stock )     

( 1x wolf skin was added to stock )     


Not wasting my time I walked to the door and to my surprise there was a trunk.Looking at the chest I suspected it was a trap.     

Kicking a stone at it nothing, using *Seeing* on it nothing and using my last resource, I pulled Yamato from his sheath and hit him only to see a barricade protecting him.     

'' What the fuck and this Yamato couldn't cut through that barrier, surely there's something wrong with that chest ''     

( There's nothing wrong with that chest it's protected by the game, you have to open the chest )     

'' What I thought it was a fucking Mimic ~ ''     


I let my guard down and went to the chest. As soon as I touched the barrier it disappeared ... it wasn't just the barrier that disappeared ... the ground below me also disappeared and I fell into darkness .     


'' Bitch! you pay me!!! ~ I screamed as I looked down and even with the monocles I can't see what's down there.     

''Master ... We are in a very unusual situation ~'' Raum said in his normal voice that didn't sound like a man or a woman.     

''Still clinging to my shoulder, how can he still stay like this?     

''Yes ... Quite unusual~'' I answered him back     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.