The Epic of Azathoth

Chapter 4 [ -Dungeon - ] [EDITED]

Chapter 4 [ -Dungeon - ] [EDITED]

"Status! I shouted something - Maybe something could come my way... but that didn't matter now     


Name : Daemon Sultan     

Race : 98% Human - 2% ?     


Class: Blood Lord     

Secondary Class : N / A     

Lvl - 5     

HP: 100%     


MP: 100%     

STR: 50 ( 10 ) 60     

VIT: 40 ( 10 ) 50     

DEX: 10 ( 10 ) 20     

INT: 30     

WIS: 10     

CHARM: 10     

LUCK: 10     

Points : 20     

Credits : 1000     


''Again ... why did you fall again? ... That doesn't make any sense at all.'' I said, my expression not being good at all...     

''Calm down... Calm down ... it won't do any good to have a panic attack now.'' I muttered to myself.     

''The damn brat won't open her mouth either'' Letting a sigh escape unconsciously, I'll try not to think about it... it might be something good in the future.     

Having calmed myself down as little as possible so as not to hyperventilate - I would be no good at all if he ended up coming back now...     

I ended up turning my attention to the Black Dragon who was waiting for my orders.     

Hey big boy ... how about a name? Don't expect anything amazing. The last part came out as a whisper, but it has nothing to do with the subject.     

How about ... Níðhöggr? The Dragon/Serpent that gnaws at the roots of the world tree.'' I said.     


Níðhöggr let out a roar followed by his dragon breath.     

Looking at Nidhogg, I thought he was too cute to be a dragon...he looked more like a puppy wagging his tail.     

"You seem to like it," I said to him.     

He nodded his head in agreement and let out smoke from his nostrils - He kept wagging his dragon tail.     

'Is he really a dragon?' I thought about that as I started to look at the dragon in front of me.     

''Níðhöggr... Let's go.'' I said with a bright smile on my face - Níðhöggr ended up returning my smile with a smile of his own with a smile full of teeth, it was not cool at all to see those teeth that could easily tear my flesh.     

Lowering his head for me to mount him - I didn't think twice before climbing on.     

Spreading its wings - Níðhöggr put a lot of force into its swing, managing to lift it off the ground.     

This gave me a very broad view of the size of this dungeon.     

The only thing that didn't make sense was... why on earth is this place so big?     

'It shouldn't be normal for a dungeon to be so big.... There must be something else.'' I thought as I enjoyed the beautiful scenery below me.     

''And it's a shame that I have to destroy all this, Níðhöggr put it to burn!''     

Accumulating a lot of air inside his dragon lungs - Níðhöggr released all that accumulated air in one flaming breath into the forest below....     


[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     

[- Minor Blood Ball has reached its maximum limit - ]     


''Did they have a limit? ... It doesn't matter. It won't change anything that I'm going to get every gora of blood out of here.''     

I ordered each of them back to the .     

They were almost a colony of bees connected into a single being that was the Blood Core. As long as the Blood Core was within my reach, I could command them all.     

Looking at the blood balls that came back, they didn't seem to have changed much in appearance - As soon as they touched the Blood Core they caused a small ripple on the surface of the .     



[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5,000 BP - ]     

[ - Blood Ball added 5.000 BP - ]     

[ - The limit of the < Minor Blood Ball > has been increased to 10,000! - ]     

[ - Congratulations! Blood Manipulation Level Up! ( Apprentice ) - ]     

[ - Congratulations! 1st Form Acquired! Blood Solidification- ]     


'' Finally!'' I let out a shout of excitement.     


Looking more calmly at my Status - I quietly observed that my HP had increased by 250 points - Along with my MP, which had increased by 1,400 points.     

1,400 Mp just to lose 1 per center of my humanity... is not worth it. I meditated to myself.     

''Manipulation and the Annihilator can't be responsible for the loss of my humanity, so it must be an external factor.'' I reflected quietly.     


''You know what... I don't care'' Saying this, I turned my attention to the prompts of the 'Game'     

When I opened the notifications - it was full of Prompt's alerting me...     


[ -Blood Ball killed 59x normal Wolves - ]     

[ - UP! - ]     

[ - UP! - ]     

[ Normal Wolves are too weak for the Player to gain XP ]     

[ Looking for solutions ... ]     

( Solutions found )     

[ XP points were converted into BP ]     

[ Blood ball killed 4x strengthened Wolves ]     

( +120 EXP! )     

( +120 EXP! )     

( +120 EXP! )     

( +120 EXP! )     

[ - 6x lottery tickets won - ]     

[ - 6x lottery tickets have been added to stock - ]     


''Converting XP to BP? Who am I to deny it?'' I said.     

Opening my inventory I looked at the lottery tickets.     


''10 lottery tickets... 10 different kinds of torture''     

Opening them all at once, so at least I won't have to be tortured any more than usual.     

[ You got the following... ]     

[ ->Loot Box ]     

[ ->Loot Box ]     

[ ->Pencil ]     

[ -> Loot box ]     

[ -> Fireball ]     

[ -> Mask of player Arthur ]     

[ -> Yamato ( Modified ) ]     

[ -> Blind Sharingan ]     

[ -> Arsenal Cube ]     

[ -> Summoning ticket ]     


I quickly opened the inventory and looked at the one that caught my attention the most - Who wouldn't want to have a weapon capable of cutting almost anything?     

This is every man's wet dream... Besides a Waifu.     


[ Yamato - Modified - Rank: Mystic ]     

The Yamato is much sharper than ordinary blades, and is imbued with tremendous demonic power. The sword is said to be able to cut through anything, even the very fabric of space.     

This sword can cut through anything, and it can cut at a distance.     

-> Stronger opponents will not be cut instantly.     

STR + 20 Dimensional Damage per hit     

''Yes! It was certainly worth all the torture I felt ... What the hell is an arsenal cube?'' I said as my attention returned to the space next to Yamato.     


[ Arsenal Cube ( Epic ) ]     

The Cube is actually an advanced weapon that can be used with any type of energy to generate ammunition of three types: freeze, burn, and by stun. The cube has three forms: a pistol, a rifle, and a precision rifle that can be freely changed.     

Usage: Inject mana into the cube and think about what you want from it.     

Limitation: Requires mana.     

INT 1 x = 10 damage     

DEX 1 x = 10 damage     


''Whistle ~ this is amazing.'' I said and looking at the cube.     

Taking a quick look at my MP which was full at the moment, I positioned myself comfortably on Níðhöggr's back - I don't want to fall. The fall would not be good at all.     

Grabbing the 'Cube' from inventory - I looked at the blue cube in my hand, A blue screen in front of me.     

[Do you wish to replenish the Arsenal Cube with MP?]     



Using the Y option, replenishing it with all my mana -Feeling a little tired from spending all my mana for a few moments before I felt good again.     


[ - Arsenal Cube - ]     

Mana - 5,000     


Imagining the weapon I desired, the cube emitted a soft blue glow before transforming into a futuristic pistol.     

Changing its form again to a futuristic rifle and changing to its final form a futuristic Precision Rifle.     


I looked at Níðhöggr who let out a little grunt - I looked at what he was looking at and smiled.     

We finally found more of them, and to think that they would be in one place makes my job that much easier.     

Finally... I thought it would take forever to find them all.''     

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