Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Zeref & Axel VS Mard Geer

Zeref & Axel VS Mard Geer

A young man dressed in black and white walked out of the shadows, seeing the young man Mard Geer got up from his throne, while a huge grin appeared on Axel's face.     

Zeref: It seems like that you have been expecting me?     

Axel: Of course… after all you needed the book.     

Zeref flinched slightly but both Axel and Mard Geer noticed that. Zeref's face and expression became completely cold, his usual smile disappeared from his face.     

Zeref: I have been also waiting to meet you Axel Summers.     

Axel: Oh… lucky me…     

Zeref: Yes, I wanted to meet the person who made one of my loyal subordinates to betray me.     

Axel: Oh… so how is my first impression?     

Zeref: Are you mocking me?     

Axel: No shit Sherlock.     

Both Mard Geer and Zeref were dumbfounded when they heard that, Axel was confused at first at their reaction but then he remembered something and smacked his own face. This world didn't have Sherlock so it was obvious that they didn't know about the reference. Axel thought that it would be a cool punch line but unfortunately, nobody understood the reference and nobody would even in the future. Axel decided that the best option would be now to divert the conversation.     

Axel: Zeref, did you see how I vaporized Acnologia?     

Zeref: Unfortunately, I wasn't there to see that… but I sensed his death and I was shocked.     

Axel: Yeah, he was bothering me...     

Zeref didn't say anything and started to walk towards a shocked and silent Mard Geer. Since Axel and Zeref were chatting he didn't dare to speak even one.     

Axel: So Zeref, what do want to do now?     

Zeref: Currently, only the book.     

Axel: Unfortunately I can't let that happen.     

Axel said that but Zeref didn't bother to react or reply to Axel. Axel just smiled and used Sound Magic on Zeref. Zeref just stood there and started to sway slightly. A black wave erupted from Zeref's body towards Axel. Zeref just smiled smugly but the next moment his smug smile turned into shock and disbelief. The wave collided with Axel but didn't have any effect on him.     

Zeref and Mard Geer had a look of disbelief in their eyes. Mard Geer had never seen his Creator's Magic to fail and Zeref never saw anyone come out alive after getting hit by his magic. Axel stopped the Sound Magic and Zeref again attacked him with his darkness waves but still, it didn't have any effect on him. Axel started to walk slowly towards Zeref and Gram appeared in his hands.     

The next moment Axel disappeared and appeared in front of Mard Geer, Axel grabbed the book of the E.N.D. Mard Geer and Zeref were completely shocked with Axel's speed. Mard Geer didn't react for a second but when he saw Axel grab the book he wanted the forcefully pry the book out of Axel's hand but he saw the sword descending towards his head and jumped back leaving the book.     

Axel caressed the book and up it inside his jacket. The next moment he was attacked by an enraged Mard Geer but was punched away by Axel. Mard Geer collided with the wall and transformed into his Etherious Form, he spread his wings and flew towards Axel and attacked with his Thorn Curse which was frozen in an instant they could reach Axel.     

Axel: Tower of Dignir.     

A huge purple tower appeared next to Mard Geer and immobilized him. The tower started to glow and exploded leading a huge beam towards the sky. Mard Geer screamed in pain after the bright light disappeared a bloody and injured Mard Geer was kneeling on the ground.     

Axel: I am shocked Zeref that you didn't join in the battle.     

Zeref: It is meaningless for me, though I would still need the book.     

Axel: Haha... then let me first finish this fight...     

Axel said and a crimson barbed spear appeared in his hands, he pulled back the spear and pushed his Magic Power into the spear. Axel then launched the spear towards Mard Geer.     

Axel: Gae Bolg.     

The spear headed towards Mard Geer obliterating the ground below it. Mard Geer dodged the spear's trajectory but jumping at the side. Mard Geer landed on his feet but spat out blood from his mouth. He looked down and saw that the spear has pierced his heart. Axel looked that both Zeref and Mard Geer had shocked expression on their faces.     

Axel: The spear's name is Gae Bolg... it has a unique characteristic. Once it is launched it will always pierce the heart.     

Axel opened his hand and Gae Bolg appeared in Axel's hands leaving the gaping hole in Mard Geer's chest. Mard Geer dropped on the ground dead. Just like that the King of Underworld Mard Geer died.     

Axel then looked towards Zeref with a grin on his face. Zeref didn't know why but he felt worried for some reason.     

Axel: Not that the nuisance is out of the way... let's have a chat, Zeref Dragneel.     

Zeref was completely shocked and scared, he wasn't scared for himself but the safety of his brother. He knew that he was immortal so he can't be killed. Axel understood what Zeref was thinking and decided to answer.     

Axel: Don't worry I won't harm your brother, Etherious Natsu Dragneel quite a dramatic name. And if you are thinking that I can't kill you then you are stupid.     

Zeref's expression didn't change on the outside, he still had that cole expression but in his mind, he was worried, very worried.     

Zeref: Why are you telling me all this?     

Axel: Nothing much... I just want you to know how insignificant you are against me. Let me show you that I am not bluffing.     

The next moment Axel appeared beside Zeref with his original sword in his hand and slashed Zeref's arm. Zeref was late to react but he didn't mind Axel attacking him. Zeref felt a hot and thick liquid dripping from his hand. He looked at his hand and his mind became completely blank. The liquid was red, it was blood. It was his own blood. Zeref looked at Axel with terror in his eyes and disappeared from the place.     

Axel: So he is a coward behind his immortality...     

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