Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Spriggan Twelve (End)

Spriggan Twelve (End)

~WITH CANA~     

Bloodman was completely enraged about how he was unable to defend against a weak human. Since Bloodman couldn't fell Cana's Magic Power he thought she was weak and it must be her magic which mage him unable to defend against her attack. Cana had already thought of killing Bloodman since he didn't have any importance like August. She also knew how cruelly Bloodman slaughters his enemies and innocents.     

Bloodman: How did you??!! How did you touch me, you filthy human???!!     

Cana: Uhhh... with my hands, duh...!!     

Silence... complete silence... Bloodman was completely dumbfounded by Cana's reply and rage kept on bubbling inside him. He wasn't able to hold it any longer and immediately released his first seal.     

Bloodman: You dare touch me you filthy human??!! To touch me is to touch death itself you insect???!!     

Just as Bloodman finished his rant he felt a huge amount of pain from his cheek and saw Cana punching him. He was again shocked because just when he was speaking Cana was standing several metres away from him. He didn't feel any magic from Cana which meant that she didn't use any Magic and this was her pure physical power. He was even more angered and rage kept of increasing inside him. He refused to believe this, how can a mere human without any Magic Power who he treated like an insect be superior to him??     

Bloodman was blown away several meters before dropping on the ground. He got up immediately and started to laugh.     

Cana: Did I hit too hard and he got his brain-damaged??     

Cana spoke to herself, she was dumbfounded to see Bloodman laughing like that after she hit him.     

Bloodman: Stupid human... my skin is made of Anti-Magic particles and since you touched it you are going to die a horrible death.     

Cana: Like I care...     

(A/N: Like Gods, power doesn't work on them so it is quite understanding that Curse of demons wouldn't work on them)     

Cana said nonchalantly and again punched Bloodman but this time she used her full power and a sickening crunch was heard. Bloodman's jaw was completely shattered into powder by Cana. Cana immediately placed her arm on his chest and released her full Magic Power without holding anything back but this made Bloodman completely scared. He never felt something of this level, even his creator Zeref would shy against this kind of Magic Power.     

Cana didn't want to continue the battle with Bloodman because he was really annoying and when she saw her power she was really disappointed. Cana knew that this wasn't his Etherious Form and but he would still not pose any challenge to her and his personality was really annoying.     

Cana: Fairy Glitter.     

Cana activated Fairy Glitter in point-blank range, it would definitely kill him without leaving behind any trace she was sure of it. Soon the explosion erupted and Cana could hear Bloodman's scream from within the explosion. Cana could see how Bloodman was getting disintegrated by the explosion and she didn't even care about it. Soon Bloodman completely disappeared from this world without leaving a trace. After a few moments, the explosion also subsided only leaving behind a huge pit. Cana snorted and flew towards Mira to see her battle.     

~WITH AXEL~     

Axel was fighting with the six of Sppriggan Twelve, Axel didn't use his full power or he won't be able to enjoy the fight like he is doing now. The place was completely destroyed, some places were charred black while some places were covered in ice. Many broken machines were also there along with a few beasts dead bodies. The six of the Spriggan were breathing heavily now, they weren't injured but they were severely tired while Axel wasn't even sweating. They clearly knew the difference in their powers so somehow they have found a way to work together along with each other.     

Axel: You guys are good but not good enough...!!     

Axel immediately disappeared from their sights and God Serena was blasted away when the spear hit him. It was the spear that would always pierce the heart Gae Bolg. The spear pierced God Serena's heart immediately killing him. The rest of them were shocked how easily Axel killed one of them and he was one of the strongest ones within them.     

Axel: Finally that annoying Dragon Slayer is dead... it was really irritating.     

Larcarde didn't wait and activated his Pleasure curse and attacks Axel but it didn't affect him. Larcade was completely taken aback along with the others. They have never seen someone nullify Larcade's curse. Axel remembered in the canon Larcade's death was very sad and he didn't deserve to die like that and honestly Larcade's personality and attitude were good, so Axel decided to spare him.     

Axel immediately appeared before Larcade and knocks him out with a punch on his stomach. Axel didn't wait for anyone to react and stores him inside Cana's card. He then remembered that Dimaria was also laying around somewhere. He immediately locates her and stores her too in his card. Now there were only four Spriggans remaining as Larcade was also captured and God Serena was dead. Axel looks at the remaining four and smiles which isn't a smile to any of them.     

Axel: Well... I had enough fun with you guys... now let's wrap it up.     

As soon as Axel finished speaking he takes out his original swords and transforms into Baal. He pointed his sword towards Wall Eehto and a huge magic power erupted from him.     

Axel: Bararaq Saika.     

A huge beam of thunder erupted from Axel's sword towards Wall Eehto and vaporizes each and everything in its path along with Wall Eehto only leaving behind a huge canyon. The remaining three knew that they didn't have any way to win now and only death awaited them. Axel raises his sword and uses Bararaq and huge lightning falls from the sky towards Neinhart. Neinhart screams in resignation when the lighting hits him and not even his ashes were left behind.     

Axel notices that Jacob is trying to run away from him but soon his vision started to change as he sees his own headless body and Axel standing beside it with a bloody sword. Just like that Jacob also died only Invel was left who resigned to his fate and was waiting for Axel to kill him but he suddenly loses consciousness when Axel chops his neck from behind. Axel decided to leave him alive so that he can take care of Alvarez after everything is over because he was sure that Zeref would go to Mavis after his curse is lifted and Ankheseram is dead.     

Axel notices someone coming towards him and smiles, it was Zeref who has finally decided to show up.     

Axel: Ah... the person I have been waiting for...     

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