I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

I Chapter 188: How To Catch A Nun Part 2

I Chapter 188: How To Catch A Nun Part 2

With the thoughts of a young troubled child in mind, Asia rushed out of the church carrying only her bible and a piece of paper showing the address she needed to visit.     

'Lord guide me.' She thought while running as fast as she could, always thinking of others.     

Luckily the location wasn't too far from the church and was located in a newish looking apartment. She arrived a little past 9pm and quickly two flights of stairs before knocking on door number 69.     

"One moment please~" A cheerful voice immediately responded as if waiting for her at the door, after a few hard to make out sounds the door clicked open and an average looking woman in her late thirties opened the door and smiled at Asia.     

"Oh my what a lovely young child of god you are, thank for coming so late to treat my child. I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do." She said tearfully as she gestured Asia to come in.     

Asia didn't find the woman that odd as she had met quite a plethora of characters at all, one would be surprised the kind of people that go to church on the regular…     

"Thank you Miss?" Asia gave a small polite bow before asking how she should address the woman.     

The woman delayed answering and first tapped her chin while thinking. "Hmm, Call me Miss Seeilvyaisabeembo" She said with a bright smile on her face living Asia confused.     

Was she a foreigner like her? Not once has she ever heard of such a name.     

"Oh… may I just address you as miss? I'm not sure how to pronounce that…" Asia asked with a bit of bewilderment, she didn't want to offend the woman by mispronouncing her name. She knew some people were sensitive to that sort of thing.     

The woman happily nodded and welcomed her in.     

"No worries sweety, let me call my son one moment. Vergin!!Vergin!! Vergin Newdodick come down here right now, the nun is here to see you." She yelled at the top of her lungs with a big smile on her face.     

'I wonder where they are from to have such exotic names.' Asia thought as she heard yet another one of kind name.     

The owner of said name soon appeared in the form of a chubby pre teen who looked to be no older than 14.     

"Hey? I'm… what she said." The boy unhappily introduced himself before looking in his mothers direction.     

"Okay~ let's go the living room and talk." She offered before leading the way.     

After serving a few snacks she sat down next to her son on a sofa opposite the one Asia was gestured to sit on.     

She had her bible ready and her hands together ready to give an opening prayer, the mother looked slightly appalled by this but only for a open before showing a big stiff smile. 'Atleast she's not a Jehovah's Witness.'     

"Let's us pray…". After muttering these words Asia gave the two a solid thirty prayer that seemed to have no end.     

By the end both the mother and son looked truly relieved. "With the short opening prayer done, tell me your troubles miss." She offered with an angelic smile on her face, the boy next to the woman couldn't help but show a soft smile.     

The mother noticed and didn't seem pleased in the least, so she cleared her throat before speaking. "Yes… I'm afraid my child is a chronic masturbater."     

A/N: Basically all my readers     

"I don't how it got to this point but it's only been getting worse, first it was minor like any child lead astray by the devil *sniff* then one day I caught him doing it a woman with a male having intercourse with a hunan figured dog." The mother explained with slight tears running down her eyes leaving the boy flabbergasted.     

"Oh my…." Asia couldn't believe the words she was hearing, did such even exist? What sort of power possessed the child to fall into such depravity… she couldn't help but look at the child not with disgust but worry and pity as the mother continued to narrate the story.     

"Then I started to observe him as any worried mother would to try and understand why my baby was doing this, but instead I found a folder fool of unholy things… all arranged neatly in alphabetical order and genres. From children getting penetrated by tentacles of some sort to young boys in dresses putting their thingies into each other's poop holes, I simply don't understand." The woman cried before lifting a nearby pc and showing Asia a sample.     

"!!" Asia only looked for a moment before turning away with flushed expression, her heart was pounding in fright… this child really needed God. "I understand but such a task is too much for me… maybe he should come to church tomorrow and consult the father…" Asia suggested awkwardly as she really didn't know what else to say.     

"Oh I see… I knew it wouldn't be so easy. I'm just worried that this practices of his have began to appear in his daily life, these days his been visiting his friend named "ISSEI HYOUDO" in dresses and comes walking funny, I can't imagine what these two boys do." The crying mother added while sobbing hysterically.     

Asia could only provide them a long closing prayer and hope the priest would know how to handle the situation. "I'll inform the priest and ask that he make time for you tomorrow…."     

With that said Asia prepared to leave and was escorted by the mother. "Here's a photo of that friend of his in case you meet him, please help him also. Amen and goodbye." The mother slid her a photo before slamming the door in her face.     

Asia looked at the door perplexed before a loud male voice on the other side.     

"You bitch! How could you! This wasn't the agreement!! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"     

Upon hearing this Asia looked taken aback, thinking the child was angry at the mother for revealing that information. She could only hold on to her rosary before rushing away. 'I need to tell father! they need help and guidance!' She thought while rushing away from the scene.     

Meanwhile hovering above the building was a female fallen angel who seemed to be waiting for her, upon seeing Asia run out of the building the fallen angel smirked and looked ready to act.     

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