I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 129: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 6

Chapter 129: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 6

Later that very night, Kel had managed to fall asleep after Nurse Shizuka had left but less that thirty minutes later he had woken up due to a loud noise.     

"What the..." he muttered as he heard the sound of vehicles humming and saw bright lights coming from the window.     

Before he could fully grasp what was happening, the door to the room he was in swung open and Saeko rushed through with a stern expression on her face.     

"We have a problem..." She quickly said to Kel who had now gotten off from the bed and was walking towards her.     

'So he did decide to come after all huh' Kel thought to himself as he gave Saeko a nod before the two left the room together and went towards the balcony to see just was happening.     

"Hey what the heck is that noise?!" On their way to the balcony, Saeko and Kel ran into an annoyed Tagaki who had her arms crossed as she asked what all the noise was about.     

"Definitely not a pizza delivery I'll tell you that much" Kel replied sarcastically before continuing to walk towards the balcony. Tagaki showed a frown with narrowed eyes at his remark before following behind.     

Once at the balcony, Kel found Silyva standing by its sliding door with a narrow gaze towards the street just outside the flat's gate. On the street where a bunch of common vehicles with splatters of blood on many parts.     

The vehicles had made a sort of encirclement on the street with individuals in school uniforms standing atop the cars with guns or bats taking out the approaching zombies. At the center of the encirclement was a figure who looked happy to see that Kel had appeared on the balcony.     

"So glad to see they are other students doing well in these hard times, why don't you open the gate so we can all be sheltered together?"     

As Kel looked to the source of the voice, his gaze narrowed and he showed a slight look of confusion.     

"Shido..." he said in a low tone as he looked at the man on the street below with a small smirk.     

"You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself as well, you know cars and even weapons as well. This shelter isn't big enough to house us all so I can only ask you find another home. Given your current assets that shouldn't be too hard" Kel came towards the edge of the balcony and leaned forward before trying to take a passive route.     

"Hoh, I suppose you are right but we very tired from the long arduous journey here. Why not let us rest a bit there? We'll leave first thing in the morning." Mr. Shido replied with a smile on his face while looking up at the expressionless young man.     

Before Kel gave an answer he felt a tug on his shirt and looked back to find Tagaki slowly shaking her head side to side. He then turned to Saeko who looked at the man below and gave the same gesture as Tagaki. As for Silyva, she put her index finger on her neck and moved it from right to left.     

"Under normal circumstances sure but the world has changed Shido sensei and quite frankly you're creepy and no one here wants you inside. So just leave, if the world returns to normal feel free to give me detention ok?" Kel let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders as he prepared to leave.     

'Did he come here on his own? Or maybe Koji...' Kel thought to himself as he prepared to walk away but was cause to stop when the sound of gun firing was heard and the sound of impact came from side of the balcony,     

"Well we tried the civil approach, it is as you said. The world has changed so if we want to take that shelter for ourselves, why should we listen to you when you say no." Shido asked while aiming a gun up to the balcony. Kel walked back to the edge of the the balcony with a smile on his face as he looked at Shido.     

"I never did understand how quickly people began killing each other in apocalyptic stories. It all felt very forced to me, but people like you really do exist. Once you have an excuse to kill you'll do so gladly and without batting an eye. I can't fault you for being like that however, because I feel I'm not much different. Just another hypocrite with an excuse to kill. The real difference between me and you is... I don't enjoy being a murderer." Kel's words made Shido laugh before he slowly clapped his hands.     

"Well reality is often cruel, the world has changed and naturally people will do the same. It's now kill or be killed but it doesn't have to be that way, join us and you could live in this world as a king. All you have to do is co-operate." Shido pointed out with a smile on his face but Kel remained unmoved.     

'It's best I avoid getting into a firearm exchange here, it will draw far too many of those damn things. But if he joins us, won't that killing two birds with one stone.' Shido thought to himself as he slowly raised his head up. But the sight that greeted him caused his eyes to widen.     

Silyva was now standing next to Kel with a gun drawn towards Shido. Kel only glanced at Shido once before walking away from the balcony.     

"Can you do it?" Kel asked in a low and Silyva gave a small nod in agreement while Tagaki and Saeko who stood not too far felt like they missed something.     

Without another word being exchanged, the sound of gun fire began to echo through the night.     

A/N: Cliff-Kun Greets you all, cliff kun will only perish when stones are given. Enjoy     



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