I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 106: Extermination part 3

Chapter 106: Extermination part 3

Soon, the day of the conference arrived and the jarls as well as members of their court were in Solitude. News of the death of Erikur and Mavens children and husband had shocked many. Especially when the cause was determined to be vampires.     

This Influenced many important figures to attend as it seemed that's who the vampires were targeting.     

"Before the meeting began however, there was already a controversial matter present."     

"I refuse to attend! How dare you invite the heads of the dark brotherhood and the thieves guild! Both of them should be arrested, are you mad Elisif!" The Jarl Of Markarth yelled out in anger.     

"I advise you to watch your tone, General Likke please tell them why."     

"*ahem* This declaration serves to inform the leaders of Skyrim that Jarl Elisif is the one and only recognized High Queen Of Skyrim. Her decisions are law, Legate Rikke has received the position of General and will control military operations within Skyrim and aid the Queen. Signed The Emperor" Legate Rikke finished reading the declaration which caused silence to fall into the hall.     

"That changes nothing! I still don't see why you're housing murderers and thieves!" The angry Jarl Of Markarth yelled out while slamming the table.     

"These so called thieves and murderers have provided me information on all of you present. More than half of you have committed both murders and thefts! General Likke has confirmed all the information and should I wish I can have plenty of you executed. If you think you're innocent of any crimes then I dare you to speak up. But I warn you if you're wrong. Then I swear you'll be executed" Jarl Elisif voiced in a firm tone causing everyone present to slightly lower their heads.     

"Good, now to properly begin. Please introduce yourselves, I believe many people here are unfamiliar with you." Jarl Elisif asked while facing the head of the dark brotherhood and Thieves guild.     

"I'm Nazir. Head of the Dark Brotherhood." A deep voiced Redguard said without showing much of an expression.     

"I'm Lokir, Head of the Thieves Guild." Lokir showed a smile and said proudly.     

"Now with those two introductions we may talk about how this vampire issue will be dealt with. And for that I call the person who will do just that. Please enter" As Jarl Elisif said these words, Kel walked into the room with 3 women behind.     

"Most of you here already know of Kel and his assistant Silvya. As for these two women. May I introduce Valerica and Serana. True Vampires" Elisif stated causing the people present to start murmuring but no one dared speak out of place...     

A/N: Yes I skipped the rescue because I personally found it boring. Sue me.     

After giving the small introduction, Kel proceeded to explain the plot Harkon was planning and of course stating Yorgen had joined them in this scheme as well. His plan to stop them was simple. It was to attack.     

Something the head of the dawn guard agreed to easily. It was the plan for after that took many by surprise.     

"Not all vampires are evil. Some are turned against their will and are forced to live that way. If I were to turn your loved ones into a vampire then would everyone present who is against sympathizing with them still be all for the idea of completely eliminating them?" No one directly expressed their disagreement but did have concerns or complaints.     

"You aren't a Jarl so you have no right to order us this way. Your ideas should be respected, yes but should also be passed to us to make a decision, not just you." The Jarl of Falkreath states causing some other figures present to nod in agreement.     

Kel didn't immediately answer but instead placed a clothed sword on the table and unwrapped it slightly.     

"You dare display I the great Meridia like your toy! Does your heresy know no bounds! I will kill all who dare look this way! You are unworthy!" The aura and yells from the sword sent chills down everyone present. Kel quickly wrapped it again and looked forward.     

"Can the priests present and you the arch mage confirm that my sword houses a powerful entity?" Kel asked with a smile causing many to nod worriedly.     

"In my working with magic all these years, I've travelled before to oblivion and I've felt what it's like to be in the presence of a Daedric Prince...that entity in your sword... is a Daedric Prince..." The archmage confirmed while trembling uncontrollably.     

"You're right. There is indeed a Daedric Prince present in this. Now I ask you. I tame dragons like they are cats and dogs and I have the power to imprison a being as powerful as some of the divines you worship. Do you think you're above me? Me informing you all should already be considered enough as I've said this before. I can destroy all your cities on a whim and you can't stop me from doing so. Nor can you do anything after. This is the reality of the situation. If you think otherwise then you're living a dream."     

"From today onwards, Vampire cases will be solved by a council Valerica and Serana will form between vampires and the dawnguard. You will all just report cases. That is all." Kel finished speaking and gestured Elisif to continue.     

"To show that not only am I in support of this but also to make an example, I declare that from this day Valerica will be the new Jarl Of Markarth. It will be a difficult transition to make to a society like any other but this will serve as the very first step. This is a decision that needs a majority vote to pass. Who agrees and disagrees." Elisif asked and raised her hand.     

"I agree..." Maven spoke for the first time during the conference.     

"I too agree". Jarl Balgruuf followed and it continued until the decision was unanimous.     

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