I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 73: Progress

Chapter 73: Progress

In the weeks that would follow, Kel, Lydia and Silvya travelled through many holds of Skyrim, slaying and Or taming dragon's. Most had been of the weaker variety, however that changed when in Eastmarch Hold. There the group traveled to Kynesgrove. An ancient dragon burial mound.     

Kel chose to come here because Silvya informed Kel that Yorgen had failed to slay a dragon that rose from that mound. Not wanting to waste the chance to make Yorgen look bad, Kel came to deal with the Dragon.     

"I can't believe it he even calls himself the Dragonborn after abandoning all this people and running away, next time I see that boastful coward..." Lydia commented in an angry tone.     

After Kel told her the reason for them coming here, she began cursing Yorgen's name half the journey. It seemed to really bother her when someone failed at their duties but Kel didn't pry and let her be.     

"Silvya? Any other useful information I should know about Yorgen these past few days?" asked Kel in a low tone.     

"He's making considerable progress in his quest as the Dragonborn after assembling a group to help him. He should be done soon. His reputation hasn't changed much but he did suffer humiliating defeats from multiple dragon's. Only able to slay some due to his group." answered Silvya quickly.     

"Well atleast he's making progress in completing the main quest. Let me know if anything else important pops up later. We can't talk much with Lydia here". Voiced Kel in a low tone once again.     

"There it is! I see it!" Lydia suddenly shouted as she pointed to a mountain.     

Even in the snowy weather around Kynesgrove, one could easily see a large winged beast resting atop the side of a mountain. The dragon could see the three of them approaching from afar and unleashed a shout into the air.     

"Seems we didn't go unnoticed...ready your bow Lydia and take cover. Silvya ready your long range fire spells and do the same. This one is a powerful frost Dragon..." said Kel in a cautious tone.     

"How much different is it from the one's we've encountered thus far my thane?" Lydia asked curiously as she got off the horse and readied her bow.     

"Well, putting it's stronger body aside, it can use both fire and frost breath...as well as some other shouts that will cause you to tire out quicker. It's very powerful but at the same time it's not to be underestimated." Kel advised before slowly unsheathing his sword.     

Kel looked towards the Dragon and narrowed his gaze before rushing over. The dragon opted to stay on high ground and began shouting towards Kel from there.     

"I've heard tell about your dreadful thu'um...forcing us down from the sky...I will not fall prey to such." Announced the Dragon in a loud roar.     

"If you're going to stay there, then it just makes things all the more easy for me..." mocked Kel with grin.     

His raised an open palm towards the Dragon, a reddish orange aura covered his palm before large flames emerged. The flames didn't take long to completely engulf the confident Dragon. It roared out in pain and flapped its wings dispersing the flames...only for Kel to fire another wave.     

"It's strange how a dragon is weak to fire, others have faced shrugged it off like it was nothing. Must be hard having sensitive skin?" Kel purposefully mocked, trying to trigger his opponent.     

The Dragon continued to flap its wings and use frost breath to counter Kel's flames but not all. The dragon didn't leave its position as it was waiting for Kel to drain his magicka and attack. But Kel's onslaught continued without stop.     

"What is the meaning of this!" Roared out the dragon.     

"The meaning is simple. Submit or become the first dragon to perish by the hands of a human flame, I honestly can't think of anything more humiliating." Chuckled Kel once more mocking the Dragon.     

The Dragon grunted and tried to fly away but was hit with Kel's dragonrend shout almost immediately and was forced down.     

"Grr. How dare you!" Roared out the dragon in anger.     

It turned towards Kel and readied to charge, when suddenly a gigantic blast of flames hit it from the side. Shocked and in pain, it couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Before it could, arrow after arrow began hitting its already weakened body, easily penetrating is now brittle skin.     

"You didn't think I brought those two just for show now I did you? This is honestly getting sad, I'm no fan of animal cruelty so submit and it'll end here. I may even buy you a nice treat if you're good boy or girl... I can never tell with your kind".     

Kel showed a small smile on his face and his leaned against his sword, continuing to mock the already angry dragon.     

"Insolence! Grrr!" Roared the dragon in complete rage.     

As angry as it felt, it knew if attacked any longer it would surely die.     

"I yield! I yield!".     

Finally desperate for survival, the dragon announced its surrender. Kel then gestured Silvya and Lydia to pause there attacks. He then slowly walked over before using the bend will shout on the beast.     

"I Sahloknir have lost....I submit". It said in a dejected tone.     

"I'm glad you see the bigger picture...you can leave and go recover. I'll call your name should I need you."     

Not saying much more, Kel sheathed his sword and turned to leave. Lydia and Silvya came out from cover and walked over to him hurriedly. After the dragon left, Kel, Lydia and Silvya did the same.     

"Great job...both of you. I think it's about time we head back to Whiterun. Quite frankly I've had enough of Skyrim's wilderness." sighed Kel while shaking his head.     

"Are you still upset about the wolves that stole that deer meat we had prepared my Thane?" Asked Lydia with a smile on her face.     

"I don't hold grudges, just don't be surprised when you see me wearing a full set of fur clothing. Let's find a nice spot and set up camp for the night." replied Kel bluntly.     

"Lord Kel...I see a deer over there..."     

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