I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 69: Fort Greymoor 1

Chapter 69: Fort Greymoor 1

Little time had passed since Kel, Silvya and Lydia has set off from Whiterun. They had just past the western watchtower where Kel had slain the dragon. While passing they could see a different array of people examining the creatures remains, some looked to be mages while others warriors.     

"Seems your trophy is rather popular my thane, most Nord warriors would have dragged that things corpse back to their home for bragging rights..."     

Lydia spoke as she looked back at the tower. Kel also looked back but shook his head.     

"It's better left there, firstly, even if I did want to take it with me I can't say I have a place to keep something that large. Secondly, everyone who visits will probably ask for the details of what occurred which in turn helps my reputation."     

After thinking about it, Lydia stopped looking back and nodded.     

"That is indeed better than letting it collect dust in some home".     

Silvya also nodded before asking a question of her own.     

"If you get a bigger place, will you claim the body?"     

Kel raised a brow at the question as if pondering the matter before he answered.     

"I'm not quite sure, it would be nice to collect some trophies from here and there".     

As they continued to ride, Silvya stopped her horse and turned to Kel.     

"That ruined Fort ahead...I saw some movement."     

Lydia and Kel soon stopped their horses as well before staring at the Fort that laid many meters ahead. Lydia furrowed her brows before speaking.     

"Fort Greymoor, that place is infamous for housing bandits and other unsavory folk. I once took part in a raid to clear it out some years back but once another group is out, another moves in. The Jarl now ignores it completely. Sometimes it's empty sometimes it's not, we could just go off route and avoid it completely. A few dumb wolves are better than raging bandits."     

Kel looked at the Fort and showed a faint a smile.     

"I guess we're clearing it then."     

Saying nothing else, he began riding towards the fort at a fast speed. It didn't take long for him to alert the people present in the fort. Bandits. A bandit had spotted him from the wall and alerted the others.     

But before any archers could get ready, he approached the entrance and had his horse jump over the barricade before landing on a slow to react bandit and stomping his head into paste.     

"You shouldn't have come here!"     

A bandit yelled as he began charging towards Kel. Kel quickly got off his and unsheathed his sword before throwing it right through the bandits head. As he did so, an archer aimed straight for him but he quickly noticed it and jumped forward easily avoiding it before removing his sword from the bandit's head.     

"That's two down."     

The bandits felt they were being mocked by Kel. Those without bows unsheathed their axes and swords and charged at Kel while the archers took aim. However...     


Before one archer on the wall could even draw his bow, an arrow shot straight through his head. The source? Silvya who took a clean shot while still riding towards the fort.     

"Dammit! He's not alone!"     

Some bandits turned and focused on the two approaching riders while remained to face Kel. One charged at him directly, ready to slice Kel with his axe. However, the bandit left himself wide open. Rather than use his sword, Kel simply charged forward and hit the bandit on the kneecap making his leg bend the wrong way.     


The bandit yelled out in pain but Kel wasn't done. He finally decided to use his sword and slashed the bandits hands by the elbows clean off, making his axe drop to the ground.     


The bandit continued to yell helplessly but at that same moment, one his own came to his aid and attacked Kel with a sword. Kel dodged the swing and held the bandits arm and quickly disarmed him before kicking him forward.     

The bandit ended up hitting the one he came to aid and they fell to the ground. Making the armless bandit land on his own axe on the ground which split his head in half. The bandit responsible for making him fall narrowly avoided landing on the axe himself. But before he could stand, Kel shoved the man's own sword into his back, piercing both bodies in the process.     


The bandit roared out in pain. He tried to stand but the sword was plunged firmly. Piercing both bodies before burying itself into the ground, leaving the man to suffer.     

On Silvya's end, she faced no trouble either, casually sniping any bandits that came within her range. Lydia's battle prowess also came into exhibition as she roared a battle cry and charged at her two attackers.     

She slid under one's legs before standing quickly and slicing his head clean off. While the other was shocked from the spectacle, Lydia kicked her sword away before tackling her to the ground and slitting her throat.     

"That's the last of them outside."     

Silvya spoke while dismounting the horse and running towards Kel and Lydia. Even the bandit who was skewered stopping screaming and looked on as Silvya's chest bounced madly with every step she took.     



"What's wrong".     

A puzzled Silvya asked a silent Lydia.     

"Big one's just get in the way, right my Thane?"     

Kel didn't answer and simply turned towards the entrance to the fort's interior.     

"Let's just finish clearing this place so we can be on our way..."     

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