I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 67: Petty- R18

Chapter 67: Petty- R18

After exiting his home, Kel immediately saw a scene all too familiar for someone who'd played Skyrim. As he looked towards the main gate, he could see a guard arguing with two dark skinned warriors. They belonged to the race of Redguards, although Skyrim did have a good number of red guards, very few were warriors.     

"Quickly leave Whiterun, your reason isn't solid enough for me to grant you entry. With all that is happening, our city has adopted stricter entry requirements which I'm afraid you don't meet."     

The guard spoke with his hands crossed as he denied the red guards entry. Kel showed a slight smile and walked away towards the market area. There he saw a familiar face.     

"If it isn't Kel the Dragon Slayer, I admit when I said prove your worth, I didn't think you'd go and kill a dragon. Impressed would be understand".     

Kel turned to the source of the voice and found a smiling Uthgerd.     

'Does she seriously believe someone would kill a dragon for her?...'     

"Oh that...Well what can I say, I seek thrilling adventures".     

Kel eyed Uthegerd up and down like she was his prey, making the intention behind his words very clear. Even the toughest of Nord couldn't resist a powerful hot blooded man. Kel's actions thus far and the way he spoke to her now made her feel he was just that.     

"Well then I wouldn't mind you coming to spend another night at my-"     

"No. We go right now".     

Kel cut her off and voiced his intentions clearly once more, although taken aback, Uthegerd couldn't help but smile.     

"Well, How can I argue with that..."     

A short walk later. Kel and Uthegerd arrived at her home. Upon arriving, Uthegerd immediately stripped off her arm, remaining in nothing but her undergarments.     

"Well? Are you just going to look at me?"     

Uthegerd asked curiously which made Kel smile, he removed only his top and began walking slowly towards her. After reaching in front of her, he extended his arms to her chest and ripped off her bra.     

"Oh my-"     

Before she could properly react, his hand caught her by the chin and pulled her close to his before they locked lips. His other hand found its way to her large perky breasts which he immediately began to grope.     

After breaking the kiss, Kel turned her around and made her bend over. She didn't protest and went along with his gestures. She held the wall for support as she bit her lip in anticipation. The wait was short as Kel almost instantly began groping her asscheeks while rubbing a finger between her slit.     

Kel then soon took out his now erect cock and sandwiched it between her fat asscheeks and began to thrust roughly.     

"Mmm...that...feels tingly".     

Uthegerd removed one of her hands from the wall and began to massage her own breast while breathing heavily. Soon Kel would tap his cock against her soaking wet pussy lips before thrusting it deep inside her. She grew wide eyed and immediately tried to hold the wall for support but Kel began pounding her vigorously.     

"Ngwaah!!...s-slow down...I mmmm...Uh-uhhh...nghh".     



Kel ignored her words and smacked her asscheeks as he pound her very tight cunt. Uthegerd could hardly utter a word as her pussy was being drilled at a rapid pace. Her breasts bounced madly while the sound of her fat asscheeks hitting Kel filled the room along with her depraved moans.     

"Let's go deeper shall we?"     

Uthegerd's eyes widened when she heard this but before she could respond, Kel thrust fully into her cunt.     


Uthegerds body jolted upright as she felt the force of Kel's thrust. She tried to tip toe so that part of his member could slide out but being shorter than him, Kel simply had to step forward and was back fully inside her. He didn't even let her properly adjust and began fucking her hard as she stood on tippy toes while getting ravaged.     

"I-I can't last much longer....I'm-..."     

As she was about to hit her climax, Kel thrust even faster before pulling and cumming all over her ass and back.     

"Wh-why did you stop...I'm close..."     

Uthegerd complained with a lusty look on her face as she wiggled her ass more Kel. Kel however simply smiled.     

"Like you said, I killed a dragon to prove my worth but you've don't nothing to prove yours, so you won't be getting your release."     

Uthegerd's face showed her surprise at his words.     

"...I'll show my worth...just don't stop now..."     

Kel ignored her plea's and got dressed before heading for the exit.     

"I look forward to seeing what you'll do."     

'Blue ball me and think I'll forget?'     

Kel shook his head as he walked away from Uthegerd's home with his head held high. Upon returning to the market, he came across an amusing scene.     

"Uh...Yes, I need a mammoths Task to trade with the Khajit caravan. But such a task is beyond me..."     

The woman who spoke these words was a young fair skinned Nord woman with red hair and a charming voice. This was Ysolder. Despite being a beautiful freckled red head, she wasn't the one who made Kel stop in his tracks.     

"A single mammoths Task. Hah! That's but a simple task for the Dragonborn, Don't fret, after I return from High Hrothgar, I'll bring with me a task, a beautiful lady shouldn't be left to handle such a brutish task..."     

After speaking Yorgen patted his chest and ran off towards the gate.     

"*sigh* of the adventurers to offer help, why him?"     

Ysolder sighed to herself and cursed her luck, having no one to provide a Mammoths Tusk, she couldn't refuse.     

Kel showed a smile and left the market area for a moment. When he returned, he patted Ysolder on the shoulder and spoke.     

"I overheard the dilemma you where in, so here."     

Kel had given her that which she sought, a Mammoth's Tusk. As for where he acquired it? He simply bought it in a shop.     

"R-really? It's such a fine task and it's already polished, you could sell this for a good pouch of septims, I-i don't know what to say".     

Kel smiled and shook his head.     

"A simple thank you will suffice. A mammoth doesn't pose a threat to me."     

'A 100 septims to make Yorgen look bad is money well spent if you ask me'.     

Ysolder smiled and nodded.     

"Thank you. I'm indebted to you, i must be off now to trade this before the sun sets, but i hope to see you soon?"     

As Ysolder hurriedly rushed to the main gate. Kel smirked and began walking back home.     

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