Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



"I will do what!?" Samantha gaped at me incredulously as though it was the craziest news she had ever heard today. The pale look on her face told me she wasn't prepared for the news.     

"Meet my husband, Eros Valentino." I explained to her calmly. "Tell him I'm alive."     

"You make it sound so easy as if I'll tell him about the weather, not an attempted murder." Sam mumbled under her breath while shaking her head. "I doubted if I'd even be allowed to enter his office without an appointment."     

Flashing her with a wicked smile, I lowered my voice even if no one could hear us. "You're not meeting him inside his office, Samantha."      

"Pray tell where?"     

"You're going to let yourself in and catch him alone in his condominium."      

"Are you out of your mind? That's trespassing, I could be sent to jail for that." Her terrified eyes confronted mine.     

"We should be careful. I can't afford my psychotic twin to find out. Just in case it happens though, I will bail you out."     


I bit back the smile on my lips. "Just kidding, I won't put your life at risk, silly. You don't have to trespass, I have my own key card to his condominium, you just have to get it at my house and use it to enter his place."     

"That still means I have to force my way in your house too."     

"Not unless you have the key to my house, I happened to be keeping the duplicate key hidden under one of my potted plants."     

Unconvinced, Samantha heaved a frustrated sigh. She ran her fingers through her hair several times before looking back at me. "What if one of the guards caught me?" Her smooth forehead wrinkled into a distressed frown.     

"It's not a fancy house, Sam. It's in a safe neighborhood so rest assured you won't get confronted with any guards."     

"Should I be relieved by that? What if one of your neighbors sees me?" She reasoned.     

"Tell them you're the new caretaker. They will believe you once you have the key."     

"You're going to be the death of me." She finally sighs, shoulders sagging in resignation. "You have it all planned in your head. I don't want to disappoint you " She paused as though she's calculating all the risk she would run into through her head.     

"Will you please do it for me?" I looked at her with puppy eyes. My hands clasped together on my lap while waiting for her to respond.     

"You pulled the winning card Bella. Do I have a choice?" Sam could only let go a weary sigh.     

If I can reach her, I could have kissed her cheeks to express my gratitude. "Rest assured you'll be well-compensated. Once this ordeal is over, you'll be a millionaire. I'll give you one of my AA Cosmetic Boutiques as a gift." I didn't even bat an eye giving her a lavish gift which she deserves.     

"Even without payment I will do it. You give me my freedom, and I will do anything for you in return." Sam's response was overwhelming.     

I'm lucky to have her with me or things would be too difficult for me, I thought to myself with a thankful, relieved sigh.     

"Er— One last question."     

Lifting my gaze, I found her cheeks flaming. "Spill it."     

Sam looked hesitant but after some thoughts she finally blurted out loud, "What if Eros Valentino refuses to talk to me?"     

"That…. I admit…. is a huge problem spelt in thick, capital letters." I groaned in alarm, Knowing how stubborn and untrusting Eros Valentino after his grandfather was murdered and he was accused of it, he will never trust a woman again. Surely he would refuse to believe everything Sam says even if she hands a letter I write with my own sealing it with my signature.     

Head pounding, my temples crumpled into a frown, making my headache worse than it was.      

If Eros doesn't listen to Sam and refuses to believe her then the rest of my plans will crumble to the ground, like a tower of blocks collapsing to the floor with its important foundation pulled out.     

Taking a deep breath I considered solutions in my mind but none of which could solve the dilemma.     

An idea clicked in my head like a switch. Eyes focusing on Sam's troubled expression, I cleared my throat. "Do you have a gun?"     

Eyes widening in horror, her jaw dropped to the floor. "A gun!?" She repeated, looking at me, wondering if I lost my mind.     

"Do you have a gun?" I repeated casually as though I was asking her if she had candies in her pocket.     

"I do," She reluctantly responded.     


"Dear Lord, what did I put myself into?" She uttered, her eyes cast heavenward as if she's conversing with God.     

"It doesn't need to be loaded, Samantha. Just in case Eros refuses to talk to you, you can use it to make him behave while you explain everything. Tell him the things he and I only knew about. It might convince him to believe you. There's one ultimate secret we share and there's which I guarantee will force him to believe you."     

"Everything is settled then, I'll follow our script but just in case things go from bad to worse, I'll improvise." Yet again, Samantha heaves a sigh.     

A smile finally stretched on my lips, easing my headache a bit. "Great! I'll book you a ticket today, you'll leave tomorrow."     

Samantha's lips parted in surprise, however before she could express her thoughts the door flung open, and an unwelcome guest unceremoniously barged into my room, holding bouquets of roses as black as her soul in her hands.     

Samantha and I exchanged meaningful glances as Scarlett tossed the black rose on top of the table.      

"I Heard you drowned last night?" She began, clear in her intent to annoy me. "What a shame! Has the car accident impaired your swimming abilities?"     

Scarlet wasn't done yet, she crossed her arms beneath large breasts. Sneering, she glared at me accusingly. "I also heard you have tattoos, the Alexandria I knew has severe allergies with inks so tell me, are you an Impostor, dare I say Bella?"     

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