Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

As if he were pulling on the reins of an unruly colt, Riftan wrapped his arm around Maxi's shoulder and led her to the cabin.     

"Let me show you our lodgings."     

Maxi threw him a glance as she followed him down the stairs. "I-Is it all right for you to leave the deck… before all the horses are led to the stables?"     

"The knights will see to that."     

The well-oiled passageway glistened. They stopped at the door at the end, and Maxi peered out from behind Riftan to scan the dim room. Though it could not compare to their bedchambers at Calypse Castle, the cabin was still spacious and lavish.     

She darted into the room and sat at the edge of the soft bed. Riftan dropped the baggage he had slung over his shoulder with a thud.     

"All the sailors are men, which means there won't be any maidservants to wait on you. So tell me if you need anything," he said, removing the cover from the porthole next to the table.     

Light streamed in and bathed his face in bright sunlight.     

"Never wander around the ship on your own. Though I doubt anyone would dare to lay a hand on my wife, it never hurts to be careful."     

Maxi did not think he needed to worry so much since it was highly unlikely for anyone to take an interest in her, but she kept the thought to herself and simply nodded.     

They went back to the deck as the ship left the port. The sailors pulled the lines taut, unfurling dozens of sails.     

Standing at the railing, Maxi watched as the large ship cut through the churning sea. A light tremor shook beneath her feet each time the waves hit the hull of the vessel, and a gust of wind filled the sails until they swelled out like clouds as though the wind itself was aiding their journey.     

The unfamiliar floating sensation made Maxi cling to Riftan's side, and he stroked her back reassuringly.     

"Sailing for the first time can feel dizzy, so try not to look down until you get used to the feeling. You might feel seasick if you keep fixating on the swaying."     

Maxi was already feeling a little dizzy, so she took his advice and stepped away from the railing. Beyond the stern, the whole port gradually grew more distant. The receding city became a speck in the horizon, and they were soon drifting all alone on the open sea.     

Maxi enjoyed the ocean breeze with Riftan for a moment before they returned to their cabin to rest.     

Their first day on board the ship passed peacefully. Although she felt nauseous for hours after their departure, she felt better after a nap and was well enough to have dinner.     

Maxi went down to the mess with Riftan for their meal, after which she left for bed early. It seemed the fatigue was finally catching up with her. She felt heavy, and her limbs felt limp despite the long nap.     

She was out like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow. When she woke the next day, the sun was already high overhead.     

"How is your seasickness?"     

Riftan handed her a cup of water as she groggily raised her head. Gulping down the lukewarm water, Maxi swept her eyes over him. He was wearing comfortable-looking cotton trousers and a white tunic. Unarmed, he looked more his age, young and full of vigor.     

"Do you still feel sick?"     

"N-No. I think… I am all right now."     

"Even so, you shouldn't push yourself. Try to rest in the cabin for the time being. Forget riding on horses or treating the wounded while we are on this ship. Would you like me to get you something to eat?"     

"I would… l-like to wash my face… and get dressed first…"     

Riftan promptly left the cabin and asked a deckhand for some food and a basin of water. A young man of about sixteen brought the water. Maxi washed her face and combed her tangled hair until it was sleek, then arranged it in a single braid. She was rummaging through her bag for a change of clothes when Riftan handed her a small box.     

"I had the merchant guild procure this for you."     

Maxi's eyes grew wide when she saw the navy-blue dress folded inside the velvet box. Riftan looked her over, and his brow furrowed slightly in disapproval.     

"Why don't you get changed? I am sick of seeing you in those trousers."     

"W-What's wrong… with me wearing trousers?"     

Though she pursed her lips, Maxi meekly took out the dress. She could not help but blush with delight at the smoothness of the silk, something she had not felt in a while.     

She gleefully unfolded the garment and held it against herself. After locking the door, Riftan slowly walked over to her and held out a hand.     

"Let me help you. Turn around."     

"I-I can do it by myself," Maxi said, clutching the dress defensively.     

Riftan narrowed his eyes. "I do not intend to lay a hand on you until you're used to being on the ship, so stop worrying and give it here."     

Maxi eyed him dubiously but soon handed him the dress. Riftan pulled her tunic over her head and undid the straps of her trousers. He regarded her for a moment before clenching his jaw and slipping the dress over her head.     

Maxi slid her arms into the loose sleeves, relishing the feeling of the cool fabric softly enveloping her skin. Riftan pulled the dress down to her ankles with great restraint, then gently tugged at the tangled laces on her back and knotted them.     

"Good. It suits you."     

He turned her around and scanned her from head to toe. Maxi was keenly aware of the faint heat rising between them, but Riftan took a step back and brusquely looked away.     

"You look well. Let us dine at the mess hall. We better leave the cabin before I change my mind."     

Maxi quietly followed him out without bothering to ask what he meant. They went down to the mess for a late breakfast before making their way up to the deck. There were no clouds in sight, and the clear blue sky overwhelmed her vision.     

Racing to the railing, Maxi glanced down at the waves churning with white foam. Riftan stepped up next to her and leaned an elbow on the railing.     

"If this weather keeps up, we will be able to reach Levan in a week."     

"H-How far is the battlefield… from Levan?"     

"It is about three or four days away. Once we get to Levan, we will head to the basilica first. If we are lucky, we might be able to meet up with the Temple Knights dispatched by Osiriya and depart for the battlefield with them." Riftan's face suddenly grew tense. "You must remain with the church. I will make arrangements for you to stay at the monastery."     

Maxi felt her back stiffen. When she did not reply immediately, Riftan straightened and anxiously turned her around to face him.     

"If you do not wish to stay at the monastery, I will send a request to the royal family of Livadon for you to stay at the palace."     

"I-I do not wish to be left behind… in an unfamiliar place. If I went with you—"     

Maxi stopped and quickly pressed her lips together when she saw his face contorting.     

"Don't be petulant," Riftan said in a calm voice that sent shivers down her spine. "Bringing you this far was already extremely difficult for me."     

"B-But… the knights will need a healer…"     

"There should be plenty of high mages and hierarchs in Livadon, so there is no need for you to put yourself in danger."     

Maxi weakly hung her head. She had long since realized that Riftan's icy warnings were far more dangerous than his loud anger.     

She swallowed hard and answered sullenly, "I understand. Then… I-I shall like to stay at the monastery."     

Riftan's tense shoulders relaxed at her compliance, and he caressed her cheek as if to console her. "I will make sure that you have everything you need, so stop frowning. The monastery in Levan is quite big and opulent. It is not a bad place to stay."     

Maxi stifled a sigh. Did he truly think she could be at ease all by herself after sending him off to danger?     

She knew being with him would put her mind at ease even if she had to ride on a horse all day until her buttocks were sore, or sleep on bumpy ground inside a tent. Though she had suffered hardship after hardship to follow him this far, she had not once regretted coming along.     

Hiding her disappointment, Maxi turned to face the railing once more. Riftan silently hugged her from behind. His reassuring warmth only made her feel more despondent.     

Once the voyage was over, she would have to watch him depart for a faraway place. The thought of being left behind in a monastery where she would have to anxiously wait for him until the battle was over formed a chasm in her heart. Maxi limply leaned her head back against his chest.     


Their voyage continued smoothly. The ship cut across the sea thanks to the strong wind. Although the waves caused violent rocking from time to time, their vessel was steadfast and nimbly navigated the rough waters.     

Although the waves had frightened Maxi at first, she was now mostly unperturbed. She still pretended to be scared, however, because she liked the way Riftan held her tightly whenever a rogue wave tossed them about.     

Time on board the ship was terribly monotonous, but Maxi never felt weary. Riftan was always with her except for the times he went up to the bridge.     

She cajoled him into teaching her how to use the dagger or studied the dice game frequently played by the knights. For Maxi, it was the most gratifying time of her life.     

Riftan never frowned nor grew annoyed no matter how much she pestered him. Even when she beat him at dice countless times, he jovially pulled off a gold button from his clothes and handed it to her. At night, he helped her bathe and combed her hair like a faithful servant.     

She sometimes read to him. Unable to refuse his pleas, she would sit on the bed and haltingly read epic sagas of ancient heroes or romantic poems of the bards. Riftan would lie with his head in her lap, his eyes closed as though he were listening to a sweet melody. No matter how much she stammered, he never looked at her with exasperation or treated her like a fool.     

The peaceful days felt so precious that Maxi secretly wished the ship would lose its way and drift in the sea like this forever. Still, whenever she had such thoughts, she recalled Ruth's face and those of the knights and was stricken with guilt.     

She was of course worried about them, but her heart grew terribly anxious whenever she thought of sending Riftan into danger.     

As if to cast off her fears, she burrowed into Riftan's arms every night. Riftan would caress her all over, and he only entered her when he could no longer hold back. Maxi responded to him more fervently than ever.     

When their moments of fiery passion were over, they would listen to the sound of the waves in mournful silence.     

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