Red Storm

Book 2 - 1.10 The Master Returns (IV)

Book 2 - 1.10 The Master Returns (IV)

Book 2-1.10 The Master Returns (IV)    

Grace was finally relieved after seeing Yulian open his eyes and fell into his brace.    


he would wake up... she firmly believed that he would wake up, but it     

was true that there was a tiny bit of doubt that was running through her     

mind the entire time.    

“It’s because you are too weak. How much     

must you have been slacking off while I was gone that a single glass of     

poisonous water would make you like this?”    

Yulian heard the blunt and familiar voice in his ear.    


Yulian suddenly sat up that Grace, who was in his embrace started to fall.    

“Ah! Grace, sorry.”    

Yulian quickly grabbed Grace to prevent her from falling and turned his head.    

“You’ve finally coming to your senses? The poison is all gone, so if you pretend you are still sick, I will kill you myself.”    

“Master, when did you return? Oh, but where is this……?”    

Yulian looked around him. He was not in his paoe or his father’s paoe.    

At Yulian’s response, Chun Myung Hoon scoffed in disbelief.    


save you from almost dying, but you’re an idiot who didn’t even know he     

could have died. Yes, if I wasn’t here, you’re the type of punk to ask     

King Yama ‘what? I died?’ aren’t you?”    

“What are you talking about?”    

Yulian was confused at Chun Myung Hoon’s words and looked at his master with a confused expression before turning to Grace.    

“Do you not remember anything?”    


I was in my father’s paoe drinking alcohol with father and my brothers.     

Orca said he had some good alcohol so I drank it...and while I was     

drinking it ……”    

He remembered until drinking Orca’s alcohol. However, he did not remember anything after that.    

Grace continued the restory on his behalf.    


fainted. There was poison in the alcohol. You and father fainted     

because of the poison, and Librie’s tribe’s warriors immediately charged     

into the paoe.    

Grace explained everything that happened to Yulian.    

“How… how could something like this……”    


listening to Grace’s explanation, Yulian was so angry he could not     

finish his words and just sat there with his fists clenched tightly on     

top of his thighs. Something he could not believe had happened.    

“Father? What happened to father?”    

Yulian realized the situation and urgently asked about his father Baguna’s condition. Grace responded with a sad expression.    


heard that your father still had a little bit of consciousness after     

drinking the alcohol. After father realized the rebellion that was     

happening, he ordered Pere-nim to take you and escape. There were too     

many warriors from Librie’s group that Pere-nim could not escape with     

both father and you……”    

“So, what happened? What happened after that?”    


Pere-nim and the Red Storm warriors were escaping with you to Rivolde     

where my father was, Librie sent people to each of the oasis. She said     

that you … that you murdered father and ran away and to kill you as soon     

as they found you……”    

Thump! Crack!    

Yulian was extremely angry and hit the couch; and the sound of the couch breaking could be heard.    


Soon, Yulian’s sorrow-filled voice rang throughout the paoe.    



looked towards Yulian with sad expressions, and even Chun Myung Hoon     

turned his face away. Even he knew just how close the father and son     


Yulian shouted like that for a while before suddenly stopping.    

“Librie, I, that… that… bitch ……”    

Yulian’s eyes were extremely red and a murderous aura poured out of Yulian’s body.    

“Don’t just tell me, show me with your actions.”    


Chun Myung Hoon’s words reached Yulian’s ears, Yulian looked around him     

before standing up and bowing to the people around him.    

“It looks     

like all of you have suffered quite a bit because of me. There is     

something I need to think about. Please let me be alone for a bit.”    


Yulian’s request, everybody went outside the paoe. They couldn’t feel     

the shock that Yulian was feeling, but they could imagine just how much     

shock he was in.    

Yulian came out of the paoe around the time the first moon started to come up.    

“Are you okay?”    

Chun Myung Hoon was waiting outside the paoe and asked once he saw Yulian.    

“It is all thanks to you, master. Where did the rest of the people go?”    

“I sent them all away. It looked like there was something you needed to tell me.”    

“You saw them?”    

Chun Myung Hoon nodded his head at Yulian’s question.    


sorry master. I went against your word. I was prepared to be beaten to     

death by you when I passed on the martial arts to my wife and the Red     

Storm warriors. It was something that I really needed to do...I’m sorry,     


Watching his disciple bowing in front of him, Chun Myung     

Hoon continued to worry. Chun Myung Hoon had seen the Red Storm     

warriors training and noticed signs of his martial arts.    


strength was not something that could thoughtlessly be shared in this     

world. He confirmed that thought while traveling through the western     

continent with the dragon for five years.    

In this world, those who     

could even just barely manage to use some sword force were known as     

masters and received a lot of respect. Of course, there weren’t that     

many people who could let out their sword force in China, but it wasn’t     

as rare as it was here. In a large or famous sect back in China, there     

were at least ten or so masters at that level. However, to pass on such     

martial arts in this world would end up causing chaos.    

Chun Myung Hoon continued to worry before finally asking.    

“How many of them are there in total?”    

“There are fifty-seven of them.”    

“How much do they know?”    

“I taught them the basic methods and foundational stances. I did not dare to teach the rest before getting your permission……”    

Chun Myung Hoon cut Yulian off.    


is it. I cannot accept anything more than that. It may be called the     

basic methods, but if they train long enough, they will figure things     

out on their own. That is the core of my arts. You are trying to make     

Pareia into a monster land in the continent aren’t you?”    

As Chun     

Myung Hoon indicated, although it was known as the basic methods, the     

thing that made the Gun Gon Shrine Law unique was the strength that came     

from setting the foundation and gaining experience (TL: I don’t think     

he ever told us the name of it before, so GGSL it is.)    

If it was     

someone with Yulian’s level of potential, with about twenty years of     

harsh training, they would all become masters for sure.    

“Thank you for giving me permission.”    

Getting Chun Myung Hoon’s approval made Yulian extremely happy and he kneeled in front of Chun Myung Hoon and kowtowed.    


I will give you a stern warning. I will approve of you having a kid in     

the future and passing down the martial arts to him, however, it must     

end with the current group of warriors. You may only pass it down to     

your blood. Nobody else.”    

“Thank you master.”    

“There is no reason to be so happy. If I find that you’ve went against my word one more time, I will chop off your head myself.”    

Yulian did not stop smiling even at Chun Myung Hoon’s harsh words.    


the time the next generation of Red Storm was created, the current Red     

Storm warriors’ abilities should be about his current level.    


that’s the case, even if it was not the GGSL, they can pass down the     

other training methods they have learned, and that alone will make them     

stronger than any of the other tribes.    

Plus, didn’t his master say he could pass it down to his own children?    

Yulian kowtowed again and thanked him.    

“Thank you very much, master.”    


so, what are you planning to do from here on? Glow Baguna was my friend     

as well. If you are okay with it, I want to get the revenge for you.     

Then the situation would calm down quickly; wouldn’t that be great?”    


Myung Hoon was saying that he would get rid of all of those involved in     

the plot and restore things as they were, but surprisingly, Yulian     

shook his head.    

“I’m sure everyone will want me to take care of it     

with my own hands. In the end, this is an internal issue for the     

Provoke family, and it will only mean something if I take care of it     


“You make it sound like I’m an outsider.”    

As Chun Myung Hoon spoke like he was upset, Yulian quickly shook his head.    

“Your disciple treats his master as the heavens, how could you say such sad words?”    


who seemed to have regained his energy with Chun Myung Hoon giving him     

permission to train the red Storm warriors, spoke with a vigorous voice.     

This made Chun Myung Hoon feel better.    

“It is fine. As long as you feel that way, that is what we will do. Then I will not take any part.”    

“Master, just the fact that you are next to me makes me feel like I have hundreds of warriors with me.”    


Myung Hoon, who seemed to like what his disciple had to say, started to     

laugh while waving his hand once and returned to his paoe.    

Yulian waited until his master disappeared before looking at the moon in the sky.    

‘I will make sure to get my revenge.”    

Yulian clenched his fists so tightly that his fingernails were digging into his palms.    

End of Chapter 1.    

Next up:    

A Bloodless Civil War    

Compared to the things that happened, it was resolved too easily.    

Should he pity their stupidity?    

Or, should he blame the woman who made everything a mess?    


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