Red Storm

Book 3 - 4.4 Yulian’s Plan (III)

Book 3 - 4.4 Yulian’s Plan (III)

Book 3-4.4 Yulian’s Plan (III)    

The Red Storm’s four horsemen,     

as well as a couple others, were already at the Greatest Warrior level.     

Although they still could not compare to the third generation Greatest     

Warriors of Pareia, they were at the level of the other Greatest     

Warriors. Two to three Wikaly warriors were falling at their hands each     


“They really are amazing.”    

Abham could not help but be marveled at the sight.    


matter how strong they are, they will not be able to escape. As long as     

they are human, they will not have infinite stamina.”    

Runa spoke as if he was mumbling to himself and quickly waved the flag to move the warriors.    


it looked funny that they were moving 20,000 warriors to handle less     

than 60 warriors, the opponent had that much value.    

‘Who knows, they might not be human.’    


was having some thoughts that were contradicting what he had just said,     

but quickly shook his head. Whether the opponent was human or not, they     

still needed to catch him.    

“I must move as well. There is too much injury to the warriors. Wouldn’t it be better for me to defend them?”    

Runa urgently grabbed Abham as he started to speak.    

“You cannot do that. I believe their goal is Abham-nim.”    

Abham could only watch the warriors being slashed with despair at Runa’s opposition.    

As Runa mentioned, Yulian was aiming for Abham.    


determined that Abham was the Commanding Greatest Warrior as he was the     

first to step forward and wanted to catch him, but there were too many     

warriors in the way.    

As he continued to move here and there to     

avoid being completely surrounded, he was starting to get further and     

further from Abham.    

He even started to worry that the Red Storm warriors’ stamina will fall before he could get to Abham.    


were still moving vigorously so that kind of worry was not needed right     

now, but they will eventually reach their limit. He needed to push     

forward even if it was reckless.    


Yulian took a deep breath. After that, once his body had enough ki, he shouted out loudly.    

‘One breath, that will be the end.’    

The moment Yulian made up his mind, his movement started to change.    


Like a flag fluttering in a hurricane, Yulian continuously started to swing his greatsword as he moved forward.    

If there was something in his way, he slashed and stabbed past it without lowering the speed of his pirma.    

He was moving so fast that the Red Storm warriors were starting to fall behind.    

“Abham-nim, please escape!”    

Runa shouted loudly, but Abham shook his head.    


was an opponent who was showing great strength to fight him. Looking     

past the warrior’s etiquette, he could not escape while watching the     

Wikaly warriors fal one by one trying to prevent Yulian from getting     

closer. That was not something Abham’s pride would allow him to do.    


I will think that I am dead and take you on. If we can catch you even     

at the cost of my life, we will win this war. Our Wikaly will still have     


Abham started to let out a loud shout.    

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come. I will not retreat!”    



Wikaly warriors started to forget about their fear of Yulian and Red     

Storm thanks to the shout of their Greatest Warrior and started to     

increase their efforts.    

Yulian could not hear anything at that     

moment. Well, he could hear it, but it was so quiet that you could     

barely call it noise. The sound of his heart beating that was ringing     

through his chest and head was the only thing he could hear.    


distance between Yulian and the warrior he was aiming for was not very     

far now. Yulian jumped off from his pirma high into the air. Although he     

didn’t fly high like a bird, the height of his jump in the midst of a     

fierce battle stole everyone’s attention and made the shamshirs stop     

moving for a moment.    

Although the amount of time it took Yulian to     

jump up and land back on the ground was only long enough to blink     

twice, the only thing everyone could remember was the memory that Yulian     

had flown like a bird.    

Yulian started to dance as he was running.     

He was swinging his arm around and jumping up and down. That kind of     

dance. Maybe it is best to describe it as feeling free moving on his own     

two feet after being on top of the pirma for so long. Now this may be     

hard to believe, but he was actually running faster than he was moving     

while riding the pirma. That was the truth.    

The Red Storm did all     

they could to follow behind him, As they continued to swing their     

swords, arms and legs started to fly away as a mist of red blood flooded     

where they were standing.    

As Yulian and the rest of the Red Storm became covered in blood, they truly embodied their name of Red Storm.    


Abham shouted toward Yulian who had almost instantly arrived in front of him and ran toward him on top of the pirma.    

‘I will kill him with a single slash.’    

The shamshir that he was swinging wildly held that type of desire.    



unique noise of the greatsword rang through the air and Abham could     

feel his shamshir that arrived at Yulian’s side widely being pushed     

away. Although he had not moved his eyes from Yulian, the sight in front     

of his eyes was changing.    

This warm feeling that hit his face.     

Abham felt like it took him quite a long time to realize that he had     

fallen off of his pirma. Yulian, who had broken the legs of Abham’s     

pirma, tried to get toward the fallen Abham, but the Wikaly warriors     

protected him with their bodies.    

The Red Storm warriors tried     

their best to get to Yulian who had advanced far far ahead, but the     

Wikaly warriors did not easily let them through. Although the Red Storm     

had strong abilities to charge through, they still did not have enough     

experience to pierce through a dense formation like this one.    


now, Yulian had used his overwhelming strength to create even the     

smallest of gaps for them to push through, but right now, Yulian was far     

ahead of them.    

Warriors who cannot move end up being captured.     

The reason they were able to come so far was because they were running     

and Yulian was leading in the front.    

The Red Storm warriors     

continued to shout and used whatever strength they could muster, but as     

they were starting to become overwhelmed by the Wikaly encirclement,     

they heard Yulian shout loudly once more.    

“Oowoooooo! My warriors, what are you doing! Come to me! It is time to show them your strength!”    


The Red Storm started to respond. They started to ignore the shamshirs and started to run forward.    

“I will gladly take the hit from your shamshir. There is no way it is going to hurt more than my greatsword!”    

Haisha shouted in a loud voice as he started to rile up the warriors.    

“Damn it, I told you we needed a proper plan!”    


Shubeon shouted in an annoyed voice next to him, his actions were     

faster and stronger than anyone else in Red Storm that all the warriors     

who were hit by Shubeon’s greatsword lost either an arm or a leg. The     

Red Storm started to sustain some injuries all over their bodies. But     

they continued to move forward and managed to successfully get rid of     

the warriors who were around Yulian.    

With nothing to get in his way, Yulian once more started to approach Abham. Everything happened in an instant.    


The Wikaly could hear that terrifying noise once more.    


of the warriors around Abham ended up dead, and although other warriors     

were running toward them, Yulian had already broken Abham’s shining     

shamshir into two pieces. Runa quickly tried to lead 500 warriors to     

prevent Yulian from getting any closer, but Yulian was already too close     

to Abham.    


Yulian’s greatsword finally landed on     

Abham’s shoulder. The moonlight made the dark blade shine as the tip of     

the blade inched closer to Abham’s neck.    



was regretting that he could not convince Abham to get to safety, and     

looked toward Abham and Yulian with a shocked expression.    

“Order them to lower their weapons.”    

Yulian started to speak after seeing the Red Storm warriors who were covered in blood and starting to slow down.    

“Kill me. I will not be lonely as there will be many of you joining me in death.”    


Abham answered with a cold smile on his face, Yulian slightly turned     

his wrist and the blade created a small injury on Abham’s neck.    

“Didn’t I tell you already? I came here to make a deal. I will trade you for my warriors.”    

Seeing Yulian speak so casually, Abham clenched his teeth and started to shout.    

“Have the respect of a warrior! Do you mock me and kill me.”    


shout stopped the battle. The Wikaly warriors finally saw that their     

Commanding Greatest Warrior was captured, and looked at each other with     


“What are you doing! I told you to kill them all!”    


Abham’s shout, the Wikaly warriors started to pick up the pace that     

they had slowed down. The expression on the face of the Red Storm     

warriors started to turn dark. Their stamina had already hit rock     

bottom, and they were just persevering with their mental fortitude. They     

would not be able to last much longer.    

Yulian decided there was no need to see anything else. He had made a mistake. He tried to smudge a warrior’s honor.    


guess I was wrong. It will be hard to capture you. Then I will cleanly     

kill you. You will have died on the battlefield and since we have ended     

up in danger for your life, I’m sure you will not regret it.”    

Yulian’s sword quickly went up and was right about to come down. But at that moment.    



stopped his sword at the voice and looked to his side. It was a young     

warrior who was not over 30 years of age. Well, his body was too small     

and did not have much muscles to call him a warrior. He might actually     

be a priest.    

“All units stop!”    

The lead flags started to move at the young man’s voice, and the oasis instantly became quiet.    

‘He is an amazing individual. Is he another Greatest Warrior?’    


the young man in front of him had more authority than he imagined,     

Yulian was slightly surprised and carefully waited for the young man’s     

next move.    

“Runa, what are you doing?”    

“How will we protect an oasis without our Commanding Greatest Warrior? I can only agree to his request.”    


is an order. Kill all of them right now. As you mentioned, if we do not     

take this opportunity, there will not be another one. Didn’t you see it     

with your own eyes?”    

“We cannot defend this oasis without you Abham-nim. I also won’t have the desire to defend it without you.”    

“What are you talking about, Runa?”    

“Do you think I would have remained here if Abham-nim was not here?”    

As Abham closed his mouth and glared at Runa, Runa continued to speak.    

“There will be no problems even if those two Greatest Warriors are returned. Please do as I ask.”    


Runa said that last thing only loud enough for Abham to hear, Abham     

looked toward Runa with a complicated expression before lowering his     


“I speak to the Pareia’s Glow. In return for letting the two Greatest Warriors go, release all of the Wikaly prisoners.”    


say that a deal is advantageous for the one who agrees later. It is     

already too late. You must return the two Greatest Warriors as well as     

all of our warriors you have taken captive.”    



Seeing Runa agree so easily, Abham loudly called out to him.    

“What are you going to do if you let their warriors go as well?”    

Runa spoke to Abham once more.    


trust me. We are just returning to the beginning. I was feeling a bit     

iffy about using such a scheme to catch such a large fish in the first     

place. All we have to do is properly capture all of them again.”    

‘Iffy? He feels iffy after capturing two Greatest Warriors?’    

Yulian was listening to Runa not with shock, but a feeling of admiration.    

“You must be greater than you look, aren’t you?”    

As he subconsciously asked Runa, Runa looked toward Yulian and started to smile.    


could I compare with the Pareia’s Glow and the warriors who came this     

far with just that many people? No matter how it goes from here, please     

take good care of me from here on.”    


Yulian shouted loudly as his body started to shiver.    

Yulian and Runa, the two men’s gaze made each other start to shiver.    

End of Chapter 4.    

Next up:    

Runa Brink    

A warrior who could not complete his coming-of-age ceremony.    

A warrior who could not even properly swing a shamshir.    

But in some aspects, his name was the same as fear itself.    


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