Spirit Vessel

Chapter 987: Cosmic Primeval Seal

Chapter 987: Cosmic Primeval Seal

Chapter 987: Cosmic Primeval Seal    

His energy became purer and purer as he seemingly became a Buddha. They oozed out of his pores and condensed into a golden fog.    

Auspicious runes floated around him. Three thousand monks seemed to be chanting in harmony with the grand dao.    

The thirty-six techniques activated and issued metallic clanks from within. Since they were so powerful, fusing them became exceedingly difficult.    

“Rumble!” They struggled within, not wanting to lose their identity.     

Eventually, the first two twisted together like two lightning bolts. They became stronger during this refinement process.    

The others were forced to do so a while later. Eventually, only eighteen were left. Each was only slightly weaker than the power of a tenth-ranked treasure.    

“I can keep going.” Feiyun felt that he still has energy left to stimulate his hidden potential.    

This process was arduous since the eighteen were erupting inside his body, nearly splitting his skin apart.    

“Condense!” He gritted his teeth and treated his body as a cauldron. More suppressive power came out.    

Alas, it was met with incredible pushback. This was akin to two top experts fighting inside him. He would have been dead if it wasn’t for his strong physical constitution.    

“I can do this!” He wiped the blood off his lips and sat down again, fully focusing.    

This time around, he didn’t use force but tried to use a more harmonious method to fuse the various techniques. After all, Buddhists emphasized calmness and peace. Forcing the issue wouldn’t work.    

Sure enough, switching it up resulted in success. Two techniques fused together, resulting in a golden pillar shooting upward.    

Feiyun was ecstatic and didn’t hesitate any longer. He used this momentum to condense the other techniques.    

“Boom! Boom!” More and more fused together but he was being affected. Whenever two became one, his body shook violently and he spat out blood as if he had just been punched.    

Eventually, only nine techniques were left, looking like nine heaven-raising pillars. They were stronger than common first-ranked spirit treasures now.    

He took a deep breath to gather worldly energies. His wounds healed and the depleted energy returned.    

The Buddhist affinity within him was stronger than ever before. Alas, he wasn’t strong enough to combine the nine techniques back into a single one just yet.    

He raised his arm and saw that it was golden. Images of landscape could be seen in his palm. They were ethereal yet still looked quite real.    

This was one of the nine techniques – Cosmic Palm.    

He felt that this was the key technique out of them – the main point of the third diagram.    

“It has to be the starting point of the legendary Cosmic Primeval Seal.” He thought.    

According to the legends, a sage of Buddhism could derive an entire world out of his palm. Even the fastest cultivator in the world wouldn’t be able to escape.    

Feiyun’s current technique seemed to be an early variation of this. Once he fused all nine together, it could become the legendary technique. A single palm strike could crush the world then.    

Alas, he needed to wait until his cultivation was stronger in order to have ample Buddhist energy and comprehension.    

What did primeval mean? It meant existing in all places and since antiquity. It was chaos yet orderly, containing all dao and laws.    

The word “primeval” itself was rather forbidden. Only supreme techniques were allowed to have this character.    

Feiyun could change his Cosmic Palm into the Cosmic Seal without a problem. However, adding the “primeval” character could take a lifetime.    

Few would be able to actually withstand the last evolution of this palm strike.    

“Bam!” He closed his palm and the illusory world disappeared. Once he opened it again, he saw an ocean of golden energy, or rather, a Buddhist pearl.    

It was golden with a tiny Buddha meditating in the center, looking as scared as can be. There were nine holes on the pearl that connect the outside world to this Buddha. As it absorbed world energies, it became more radiant and resonating.    

“Comparable to an eleventh-ranked pill.” He smirked while looking at it.    

Tenth-ranked pills and up were extremely precious and desirable. After all, having one virtually meant having another life. Anyone would pay a high price for that.    

Feiyun’s pill was level higher, meaning that even paragons would covet it. Top alchemists needed considerable resources and time in order to refine pills of this level. Moreover, they might not be as pure as his.    

Of course, he couldn’t create an endless amount either. Each pill took a lot of Buddhist energy. Doing it repeatedly would result in injuries.    

This was his reward for finishing the third diagram. By this point, one strand of Buddhist energy could let a dying person live for several more decades.    

If he could reach even higher attainments, he could become the legendary Fo Canzi. Eating his flesh then could let someone live for several thousand years longer.    

“The fourth diagram is Silkwormization with 800,000,000 transformations, far more complex while containing more truths.”     

“Did Fo Canzi really come up with this merit law? Why does Shui Yueting know him?”    

The more he cultivated, the more profound he found the scripture to be.    

If Fo Canzi truly created this art, then he would need to reevaluate who Fo Canzi was and his identity.    

If he didn’t, then he might not have finished cultivating the whole thing.    

Feiyun had a strong awareness of the heavenly dao due to his previous life on top of the saints’ wills. Alas, he was still only on the third diagram.    

The scripture had a total of seven diagrams; the last four were far more profound.    

“I might become the great Buddha if I can finish all seven.” Feiyun didn’t think that he could do so, only hoping to use this Buddhist art to become a saint in the future.    

He didn’t wish to start on the fourth diagram either. His current goal was to fuse the nine arts into the Cosmic Seal.    

Starting on the fourth diagram might interfere with this goal, potentially preventing him from learning it all together, let alone reaching the primeval palm.    

He finished his session and opened his eyes. He still sat on top of a platform with a halo behind him, looking like a Buddhist Saint.    

If he were in the mortal world right now, many would prostrate and worship him.    

Xuanyuan Yiyi was still unconscious on the stone table. Nonetheless, her condition was improving after eating a golden pill. It won’t be long until she awakens.    


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