I accidentally married a "CEO"



Grandma Tan loves to cook spicy food. When Grandpa Go told her to prepare whatever she wants, she decided to make her favorite dish, [Beef Bicol Express.] with lots and lots of red chili pepper.     

However, she never let anyone know that her palate was not the same as it used too. She could no longer tell the difference if it's salty, sweet or spicy. It never bothered her before since they have a cook at home, but now she's worried, sweat started forming on her forehead.     

Grandma Tan hurriedly backs away immediately after placing a spoon full of Bicol Express into grandpa Go's mouth. Everyone noticed what she did, besides grandpa Go who's blindfolded at the moment.     

Grandpa's face transformed into red like a blazing flame as soon as the food reaches inside his mouth. At first, he was going to be a gentleman, hold it in and continued chewing as to not embarrassed Grandma Tan.     

Unfortunately, besides being spicy, the Beef Bicol Express was also very salty. Therefore, he had no choice but to get up hurriedly and calls for someone to help him slowly make a ran towards the kitchen sink to spit out the food in his mouth.     

"Pwe! Pwe! Pwe!" He gurgles a glass of water into his mouth before spitting it all up to get rid of the nasty taste.     

Grandma Tan was too embarrassed; she slowly made her way out of the dining room with a sullen face. By the time Grandpa Go made it back to the dining room, Grandma Tan was already gone back to her room to sulk.     

Everyone was speechless, especially Albert who had grown up eating Grandmother Tan's cooking. "I wonder what happened?" He reached out the plate of Beef Bicol Express and took a teaspoon; he then scoops a small portion of a spoon full to try it out.     

"Pwe! Pwe! Pwe!" He couldn't even wait to get up and go to the kitchen sink; he looks for a napkin before spitting it all out loudly.     

Everyone got curious and took a piece of the meat, and sure enough, they found out the reason. Ann and Sophia looked at each other before they started secretly laughing. "Hahaha!" Everyone else was unable to utter a word, afraid of Grandpa Go's wrath.     

They realized that Grandma Tan was no longer with them in the dining room. " Where's Grandmother? " Ann curiously asked around.     

Everyone looks at each other and then raises their hands simultaneously indicating they don't know.     

Bentong who was watching the whole thing unfold went to Ann and tags on her dress. "Older sister, I saw grandma Tan leave and go back to her room crying." He said it sadly.     

"Oh? I wonder why?" Ann said curiously.     

"What should we do? Should we go and talk to her? I didn't mean to act that way and made her feel bad, is just... You all know what I mean." Grandpa Go trying to justify his action.     

Ann was about to go and check on her grandmother when they heard a voice from behind. " I'm sorry! I ruined the fun, I should have the girls tasted it while I'm preparing it, but we agreed to cook on our own without asking each other help." Grandma Tan explained.     

"Oh...Mother-in-law, it's not a big deal, we all tasted it, and it's not that bad." - Sophia was trying to butter up to Grandmother Tan and trying to make her feel better. - "Right? Guys?"     

"What do you mean it doesn't taste that bad! That thing is horrible, it's salty, and it's freaking hot!" Albert interjects without batting an eye.     

Sophia; "Albert!!!"     

Ann; "Father!!!"     

Grandpa Go "I'm going to beat the shit out of you!" He then slowly made his way to Albert.     

Albert was quick and went behind his mother for protection. "Mother...are you going to let him beat me?"     

Everyone started laughing, the atmosphere changed quickly, and it was back to harmony once again.     

"When are we going to eat? I'm starving!" Bentong loudly asked afraid they would not be able to hear him from all the laughter.     

Don-Don was going to second Bentong. However, he decided against it and sat down in his own accord and started putting food on his plate and Bentong. "Forget asking, just dig-in." He told Bentong with a sweet, happy smile on his young face.     

Bentong followed suit with his older brother and started reaching for food and filing it up on his plate. He was about to reach out the Bicol Express when. "NO!!!!" Everyone shouted and in unison before they continued laughing again.     

Bentong was stunned from everyone screaming at the same time; he dropped the spoon quickly before looking around with his eye-bulging. He then spoke tears started forming in his eyes..."Gosh, I know it's especially for grandpa, but you all don't have to yell at me." He then sat back down and started sulking.     

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!" The laughter got louder and louder; everyone was having a stomach ache from laughing so hard, including Don-Don who understand what's going on.     

Grandpa Go went towards Bentong and sat down next to him. "Son, if you want to try that special food grandma made for me, I'll let you?" Grandpa Go was consoling Bentong and wanted him to stop sulking.     

"GRANDPA!!!!" Everyone yell's in unison again.     

"Oh! Forget it, let's all sit down and have dinner, foods getting cold by the minute." Grandpa Go ordered everyone.     

Their last night in Hawaii was something to remember by; it's a story that the twins would repeatedly hear as they get older. [That's for another chapter]     

Everyone was up very early the next day, the flight back to Asia would be at noon. The elders and the two boys stayed at the house and lounge by the fool.     

The three couples decided to go for a stroll by the beach and take in the scenery. Each pair was happily holding hands while they were playing around as they stroll when suddenly they heard someone shouting, it was coming from the Ocean.     

"HELP! HELP! Please, someone, help me!" The sound was coming from a woman who looks likes she's drowning.     

Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald looked at each first...Who's going too?     

"Guys! Aren't you all going to save her?" All three ladies asked their man in unison.     

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