I accidentally married a "CEO"



Ethan didn't have much of choice when the couple had adamantly refused to let him see Eva before heading home.     

Instead of going home to the Villa, Ethan decided to go straight at his grandfather's mansion. Everyone was already asleep by the time he arrived.     

The Butler informs Ethan that grandpa Go had ordered him to prepare a room for him. The old man knows that his not going home to be with his mother and Megan for that matter.     

Ethan was thankful; he went to check on the boys first before going to his room to rest his tired mind.     


The next day, Sophia was busy arranging Edward's funeral and visited her uncle in the hospital. She didn't have any time to worry about her depleting popularity.     

The nurse that posted the bad review about her got terminated from her work for bad etiquette.     

She should know better than to ruined someone career; the management has a strict rule about work etiquette. See no evil hear no evil, full confidentiality and she broke that law.     

Sophia's manager Edna found out of what had happened, and she reported it to Sophia right away.     

"It's not going to change anything anyway, why did they have to terminate her, they should have just given her a warning and ask her to issue an apology," Sophia told Albert sadly.     

"She's a fan, after all, they should have given her the benefit of the doubt. It's sad; we should do something about it." Albert replied nonchalantly.     

Sophia ordered Edna to contact the hospital to try to help the nurse get her position back. Even though the nurse had caused for Sophia's downfall, she doesn't want her to lose her job over that.     

After Edna contacted the Hospital, the nurse was re-instated. When the nurse found out that Sophia was the one that helped her, she issued an apology and asked for forgiveness.     

Once the masses read and heard about what Sophia had done, her popularity skyrocketed once again. She's back to being the "Diva," but it doesn't matter any longer, her decision was already final she's retiring for good.     

Grandmother Tan continuously visited Claudia at the Mental Hospital where she was locked up. Claudia knows how much the old lady loves her; she's trying her best to coax Grandma Tan to help her escape.     

Unfortunately, she did not succeed in coaxing grandma Tan at all. It's the opposite, after several months of rehabilitation, she was proven sane and was transferred to jail waiting for sentencing.     

Cladia looks so pitiful after she got transferred into the jail, she keeps on insisting that she's the victim and Ann was the culprit. When Albert Tan heard about this news, he went and spoke with Claudia.     

When Claudia heard that CEO Tan was there to visit her, she hurried up and made herself pitiful. However, Albert was only there to make her sign the document indicating she no longer part of the Tan family. Before Albert left, he decided to inform Claudia that he knew all along that she's not his biological daughter.     

"By the way, I only want you to know that I knew from the start that your not my biological daughter, the truth of the matter is I never touched your mother the whole time we were married. Our marriage was only for convenience and stayed that way until she died."     

Claudia was speechless after hearing what Albert told her, she was a fool to believe that he has no idea when all this time he knew and never said a word about it till now. Claudia slumps down to the floor in dismay, she's all alone now and would probably spend the rest of her day in prison.     


In the meantime, Eva had been staying with Ann trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. During this time, she didn't want to see Ethan at all. She was still eating vinegar and Ann, and Jeff knows about it too.     

The couple decided to pave the way for Ethan; he needed to be able to provide for Eva if they are to get married.     

Therefore, after Edward's funeral which was attended only by a close relative and friends. Jeff and Ann had taken over the Wen's Corporation through acquisition. Mega World Intl Group of Company purchased all of Wen's asset and was turned over to Ethan.     

The turnover was done via an emergency board meeting, finally, Ethan was named the new CEO of Wen's corporation.     

Olivia was happy with the outcome; she started speaking to Megan of the possibility of union. Unfortunately, Megan had set her eyes on Jeff, and she would do everything in her power to hook him up. As the saying goes, by hook or by crook. She plans on becoming Mrs. Jeff Go, and Olivia plans on helping her achieve this goal.     

While Olivia and Megan were cahooting, Jeff and Ann were having a meeting with the people in the church where they would hold their wedding.     

=== [Please, stop copying my premium chapters and translating it into another language]     

The meantime, Ronald and Lea's family, had a meeting in regards to their upcoming marriage. It's decided that the wedding would be held in Las Vegas the following year as not to have a conflict with Ann and Jeff's wedding.     

Mr. and Mrs. Kuan visited Ann before flying back home to Las Vegas. Ann was in tears with joy when she met them; they had been like a parent to her when her grandmother Wen passed away. They adopted her as their second daughter and Ann would never forget that for the rest of her life.     

Ann informs them about the twins; she figures that Mrs, Kuan should be an expert raising twins since she had one herself. "How about moving her in Asia, you can be closer to Lea and of course to me." Ann playfully told Mrs. Kuan.     

"I think, you're just looking for a baby sitter, hahaha! Don't worry, when the time comes, we would fly back and help you if you need it. That's if you need it, from what we could see it would never happen. Your husband could easily hire you tens of thousand help. Hahaha!"     

"It's not the same you know!" Ann pouted her mouth and gave Mrs. Kuan a sorry look and tried her best to look pitiful.     

Mr. and Mrs. Kuan agreed to be back for Ann and Jeff's wedding. They also promised to come when the twins come into this world. Mr. and Mrs. Kuan has a lot of experience when it comes to raising twins and Ann's looking forward to receiving a few pointers.     

Everything seems to be back to normal, Tan corporation's business boomed after becoming affiliated with Mega World Intl. Group of Company.     

Ethan's who's the new CEO of Wen's Corporation has a knack in running the business just like his brother Jeff, the company is now back in track and started making some money.     

In the eyes of everyone, all was perfect, and nothing could go wrong. However, in America, something big is brewing, and it will soon come to Asia to create havoc.     

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