I accidentally married a "CEO"

Triple Wedding

Triple Wedding

Everyone was shocked, especially Ann. She could believe that her uncle would do that. She looked at Jeff for help, "Honey, there's something you can do to help, right?" Concern was clearly showing on her face.     

"Sweetheart, don't stress yourself, alright! It's being taken care of as we speak; They are currently downstairs playing poker of death." Jeff said it proudly to his wife, making her feel at ease.     

Lea was dumbfounded after hearing what Eva said and Ethan's outburst. "Wow! Do things like this still happen? I can't believe a father would do that to his daughter. Mr. Wen needs to go to hell for sure."     

"Lea! Watch what you say, please!" Ronald scolds her in front of everyone and is not right, no good at all. Lea holds grudges, and the consequence is dire when it's time to go to bed later on.     

"Let's go back down there and beat the shit out of my Dad!" Ethan got up, growling.     

"Hold your horses, alright! Don't mess things up, and the cost for our plan will be jeopardized." Jeff warns his younger brother.     

Jeff and Ethan went back down to the VIP poker room to see what's going on. The longer they wait, the high chance of the idea of getting ruined is also higher.     

When Jeff and Ethan arrived at the poker room, it was eerie quiet; everyone was standing around the table instead of seated playing a hand of poker.     

"What's going on?" Ethan asked the floor manager, barely audible.     

The floor manager whispered back, " They both went all-in blind and stake were all their chips. There's about 60 million at the table right now."     

The atmosphere was thick and suffocating for the two players. Either one who wins would have most of the chips at the table and would be the chip leader and have the power to bluff.     

Jeff was standing still, watching the reaction from both players. Edward was sweating all over, while Mr. Wright was thoroughly intoxicated and had a carefree attitude.     

Without anyone noticing, Jeff gives the dealer a signal to let Mr. Wright win the hand. He's too intoxicated, more natural prey to kill.     

The dealer saw Jeff's signal and proceeded to let Mr. Wright win the hand, and Edward Wen couldn't accept that he lost.     

His face turned ashen, and then he started hyperventilating. Ethan saw how pale Edward and from the look on his face, it seemed he was about to have a heart attack. Ethan quickly went to Edward's side and helped him out to get some air.     

"Hot, dang! I'm the chip leader now. Hahaha! Come on, let's continue this game unless you all are chickens. Hahaha!" Mr. Wright was happily teasing everyone, not knowing what was about to happen.     


In the meantime, Ann called her father and mother, and she wanted to inform them of the situation and hope they could intervene if needed.     

"What is wrong with the Wen's men? Are they sitting on their brain or what!" Sophia was mad as hell after hearing the whole story.     

Albert was quietly listening to the whole conversation in deep thought. "How about we pay a visit to the old man Wen? He probably doesn't have any idea what his son Edward was doing right now."     

When Eva heard through the speakerphone what Albert Tan suggested, she was elated. "Yes! Grandfather could stop Dad from what he's planning on doing. Yes, Uncle Albert, Aunty Sophia, please! Speak to Grandfather. Please!" Eva pleaded.     

Ann second Eva's request from her parents. "Please, Mom, Dad, if you could do this for Eva, I would be grateful and your grandbabies." Ann used the name of her unborn child to help her cousin out of the dilemma.     

"Of course! Baby, we would do everything to help your cousin, you know that." Albert replied lovingly to his daughter with a smile on his face.     

'Ann had called them Mom and Dad, without knowing, she blurted it out.' Albert likes the sound of her voice calling them that, and he would do everything in his power for Ann to continue calling them Mom and Dad no matter what it takes.     

"Alright! Let's hang up. For now, I will pay a visit to Grandfather Wen and see what he could do to prevent this from happening." Sophia told Ann and Eva then to hang up to get ready and visit Grandfather Wen.     

Grandmother Tan heard the whole conversation and contacted Grandfather Go right away.     

Grandfather Go agreed to intervene as well; he would also visit Grandfather Wen and discuss the situation.     

He knows Ethan likes Eva, and if everything works out, they could also be getting married right after Jeff and Ann's wedding.     

A thought came to him, 'They could have a double wedding if everyone agrees, hahaha! That would be a joyous occasion for sure. Hahaha!' Grandfather Go's laughter was heard all over the mansion.     

Don-Don and Bentong were watching some cartoons; both looked at Grandfather go with a question on their young faces.     

"Grandpa, why are you so happy?" Bentong asked curiously.     

"Oh, it's nothing! Nothing at all, I only thought, ``what if we have a double wedding?"     

Bentong was lost and had no idea what Grandpa Go was talking about. " Double Wedding, what's that, Grandpa?"     

Don-Don answered on behalf of Grandfather Go. "He means two [double] weddings because you know people go to church. So two people would go to church with another two, something like that. ahh, whatever, you won't understand until you get to my age, ok!" Don-Don gives up trying to explain.     

"Anyway, you guys stay here and behave, alright! I'm going to visit someone to make sure that this double wedding happens. Hahaha!" Grandfather Go got up and called Old Ron to accompany him to his destination.     

"What's with a double wedding, Sir? Whose wedding are you talking about?" Old Ron asked.     

"I'm talking about Jeff and Ann and Eva and Ethan, a double wedding. What do you think of that?"     

"Sir, what do you think of 'TRIPLE WEDDING' "     

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