I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Father-in-law

The Father-in-law

Ethan left to meet with his adopted father as per Jeff's orders. He would need to be careful not to alarm Mr. Wright of their plan to take him down.     

Ethan went to the poker room, where Mr. Wright was currently playing. He saw him as soon as he walked in, sitting like the king of the underworld that he is.     

Mr. Wright was busy playing with the bombshell of a girl right behind him. One hand playing was on the girl's thigh, the other hand playing with the chips on the table.     

Mr. Wright saw Ethan as he walked in, and towards him, he beckoned him to come forward with a grin on his face. "Hello, son! When did you come back? Come, come! Do you want to play a few hands with your old man?"     

"Sure! What's the stake? 5-10, 10-20, 100-200, 500-1000? Which one is it? " Ethan let him choose; this way, he wouldn't be able to renege on his offer of him playing.     

Mr. Wright looked at Ethan, surprised; in the past, every time he invited him to play, he was always quick to decline. 'What's up with this kid, hmmm! I wonder if his grandfather gave him his share of the company already.'     

"Depending on what you can afford, the higher the stake, the better. I'm for 10,000-20,000 no limit, minimum buy-in 10mil can you handle that?" Mr. Wright was fishing for information.     

Ethan acted shocked for a minute. "Let me see what my financer tells me first, alright!" He took out his phone and dialed Ronald; he made sure Mr. Wright heard every word of their conversation.     

"I'm about to sit down in a game of poker; I need 20 million minimum, is that alright?"     

"Young Master, you don't need to ask me that. Your grandfather ordered to give you what you want, whatever it may be. I will contact the finance department to send you the amount you need right now." Ronald replied confidently and with authority.     

Mr. Wright heard it all, with approving looks on his face, he motioned for Ethan to sit down next to him.     

The other players at the table all got up and gave way for the father and son to play one on one.     

"All of you don't need to leave, the more players, the better." Mr. Wright announced to the other players that he got up to give way.     

"It's alright, sir; the stake is a little high for a small timer like us." One of the players said in a low voice.     

"Understood, next time then. Hahaha!" Mr. Wright's laughter was loud enough to be heard for miles away.     

Ethan decided to sit at the opposite side of the table. Mr. Wright was sitting at seat #1 while Ethan in seat #10. The floor manager came in with security carrying chips worth 20 million.     

He first went to Mr. Wright, stocked the chips in front of him, all 10 million of them. After getting him to sign the pink slip, the floor manager went to Ethan's side and did the same thing. One exception, though, Ethan didn't have to sign the pink slip.     

Mr. Wright saw all that and smiled mischievously. 'So, the kid got approval from the old man and now has power. This is great; I can use him in my future dealings.'     

The hand-picked dealer came in and sat down. "Hello, everyone! My name is Sol; I will be your dealer for the next hour." After the introductions, Sol started to spread the cards on the table then washed it[mixing the card] for both of them to see.     

Sol started shuffling, *shuffle, shuffle, box, shuffle* [dealer's procedure when shuffling the cards] after shuffling, she cut the cards ready to deal. "Ante, please! small blind, big blind."     

Mr. Wright put the small blind of 10,000 chips, and Ethan put the big blind of 20,000 chips. The game began.     

Just as they had set it up, Mr. Wright won almost all the hands for the first hour. By the time the other VIP players came, Mr. Wright had practically all of Ethan's chips.     

"Hello! Hello, this game looks interesting, can we join or is it private?" One of the VIPs said excitedly.     

Mr. Wright answered quickly. "No! No, it's open as long as you can afford it, your money is welcome! " He was thinking, the more the money, the better.     

"What's the stake?" Another player asked.     

Ethan was about to explain, but Mr. Wright beat him to it. "It's...." Mr. Wright proudly announced the amount of 10 million shamelessly. "So' are you all in or out?"     

"We're in, of course, we're in." The VIP players said in unison.     

The four new players sat down and waited for their chips. A couple of minutes later, the floor manager came again with the same bodyguard. On hand were 50 million chips, he gave each of the players 10 million, then he gave Ethan another 10 million.     

Mr. Wright was calculating in his head the total amount of chips currently at the table for him to take when the game was over. Just as they were about to start, the floor manager made an announcement.     

"We would like to inform everyone about the rules of the game before we begin. Chips must remain at the table as long as there's another player that's willing to play. Is that understood?"     

Mr. Wright was the first to agree; he was sure that he was the only one with the most money sitting at the table. He was the king of the underworld; no one could be more abundant than him around the table. At least that's what he thought.     

The next poker dealer came in; the three dealers would rotate until the game was over. Sol was tapped on her shoulder by the incoming dealer. She spread the cards then showed that her hands were empty then got up from the dealer's chair. Sol winked at the new dealer, coming in as a sign that everything was in order.     

The next dealer did the same thing as Sol; he first introduced himself. "Hello, everyone! My name is Mhar; I will be your dealer for the next hour." Same procedure as before. He then started dealing, and the game began.     

The same set-up, other players would win hands only once in a while. Out of ten deals, Mr. Wright won six times with a big pot too. By the end of the first hour, the same story Mr. Wright had most of everyone's chips, and he was being cocky now and grinning from ear to ear.     

Mr. Wright was so happy that he consumed far more alcohol than what he was used to. By the time Jeff and three other VIP's came, Mr. Wright was already wasted.     

Therefore, he did not recognize Jeff at all with his fake mustache and eyeglasses. Jeff was standing behind the other VIP players to be inconspicuous. He let the others make the inquiry, and once all was settled, he just followed along and sat next to Ethan at seat #9.     

Everyone greeted each other like strangers. Mr. Wright had no idea he was being played. All of his minions were already cleared from the vicinity by Jeff's elite bodyguards.     

Now it was only Mr. Wright that was left to be taken care of when Jeff's finished with him; he would be left with nothing.     

Same procedure all over again, the VIP room was cleared from spectators; they could not let others see what was going on. Mr. Wright was already intoxicated. Therefore he had no idea he was being fried in his hot oil.     

The game was about to begin when another person pushed himself in and was able to get in.     

It was none other than Edward Wen, Ethan's future father-in-law.     

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