I accidentally married a "CEO"

The View

The View

Ann got up and went by the window, opened the blinds to look outside. "Eva, come here?" She called while still gazing at the strip of Las Vegas. Magnificent lights and lots and lots of people walking around from left to right.     

Eva heard Ann calling her, she excitedly got up, "I'll be right there!" she yelled back while walking towards where Ann was standing by the window.     

"Look! You see how pretty all those lights are, that over there,  is Caesar's Palace, that's where my Idol does her show every night. Over there on that side of town is where Lea and I grew up. If only we were not in danger now, I would have loved to show you around." Anne sighed at the missed opportunity before continuing with her story.     

Ann was reminiscing on her childhood; she told Eva what had happened back then, her grandmother's demise, and how she ended up meeting Jeff, and here they were four years later, still husband and wife.     

Eva was devastated after hearing the story, without her realizing her actions; She pulled Ann into her embrace and started crying. "I'm sorry!"     

Ann smiled at her actions, "Don't be; I was telling you the whole story not for you to be depressed and feel sorry for me. Instead, for you to get to know me a little more, you understand?"     

Ann stepped back a little to be face to face with Eva. "That's in the past, and as you can see, I'm now living a happy life and look at all this..." She raised her hand and opened them wide, indicating the entire penthouse.     

"Do I look like I'm struggling? It's the opposite, as you can see I'm currently living the best that life could offer."     

Eva thought about it and realized that her cousin was right. She might have lived an impoverished life back then, but she was too far from that now. "You're right; I was just sentimental."     

Lea finished speaking to whomever she had called, from the way she looked as if she had swallowed a live frog, it did not go well.     

"I can't believe this; the whole entourage was on its way here to do our makeover when they encountered a big boss by the security and wallah! It's a no go." Lea felt pissed at Jeff.     

"Oh, so Jeff stopped them from coming? What's the reason, did they tell you?" Ann was curious as to why Jeff would stop them.     

"As part of security measures, since they would not be here to protect us, and the bodyguards cannot come inside the penthouse while we are receiving our makeover; no one can enter until they come back whenever that may be," Lea explained still upset.     

"Well, that's reasonable enough. Even though I was very excited to get a makeover, safety comes first." Eva interjected with an understanding look on her face.     

Ann understood it as well; Jeff would never jeopardize the safety of his family, including his unborn babies.     

"Let's wait until they come back later, in the meantime, how about we do some karaoke? That should entertain us for a while, right?" Ann asked, but not feeling it.     

It didn't matter what Lea and Eva's replies would be to her suggestion, she was determined to keep them occupied, and Karaoke was the only activity that she knew was distracting enough.     

Eva loved the idea and agreed in a heartbeat, but not Lea. "You two can do it; I'm going to be a spectator and a #1 fan, alright!" Lea really wanted to do the makeover, and she was still smarting over it; however, under the circumstances, they had to wait until the men returned.     

Lea sat back down on the sofa, sulking and mumbling to herself. Ann and Eva just played deaf to her grievances and continued their conversation.     

The two ladies were ready to sing their hearts out; the only problem was there was no microphone for them to use. They didn't want to trouble the butler. So' in the long run, they ended up resting and taking a nap while waiting for the men to come back.     


In the meantime, the men were having a meeting with the Floor manager and poker dealers. Jeff had requested for the best poker dealer they had in the house. Not from dealing, but the best in manipulating cards.     

"This is how I envision the plan. We will set up a private game and invite Mr. Wright to play along with some of the VIP's we know around. We will let him a few rounds for him to get hooked, then will reel him in and catch him in one go."     

Once he informed them of what his plan was, he asked the dealers to show him their ability of how they would execute the plan.     

A total of three poker dealers were lined up in front of him, waiting to take their turn. It was a combination of two men and one woman.     

"Alright, you all may begin. Impress me!" Jeff ordered sternly.     

The poker dealers did Jeff's bidding and started showing their ability one by one. Once all were finished, Jeff was impressed.     

It was amazing how the dealers could manipulate the cards without a person realizing it. One minute one of the dealers showed that the next card should be an Ace of hearts, but when Jeff looked at it after being dealt, it became a king of the diamond.     

*Clap, clap, clap!* * Clap, clap, clap!* *Clap, clap, clap!*     

Everyone was amazed and clapped their hands; the poker dealer was excellent. Jeff was watching the whole time very carefully but never saw how the dealer switched the cards. That impressed him.     

The other two were as good as the first poker dealer, which made Jeff satisfied. The floor manager was also confident and trusted these people who work for them. If not, they could lose a lot of money if they played poker instead.     

"Ethan, you know what is expected of you, I think it's showtime. See you in a bit." Jeff turned his attention to the rest of the people, "Ronald, make sure you arrange everything accordingly. I'm going up for now and will watch everything from the penthouse.     

Ronald nodded then ushered the floor manager and the poker dealer out of the room.     

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