I accidentally married a "CEO"

I Love New York!

I Love New York!

Jeff and Ann don't have any idea how famous they have become in Asia. They were on every social media such as; My-tube, FV, youchat, and many other sites.     

However, Lea was different. She knows what's going on around the world if it has something to do with her talent. As Ann's manager, she had to keep the notification bar active at all times.     

As soon as something was posted about Ann, it would send a notice to her phone. Since yesterday, Lea's phone had not stopped receiving notifications. *Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,* The sound of warning on her phone kept on going and going as they were sightseeing.     

All three couples stayed in New York for another day to do some sightseeing and shopping during the day. They all dress down to look like ordinary people of New York City.     

Due to the cold weather, which is 20-degree Celsius, everyone had to bundle up. Winter coat, boots, gloves, caps, and earmuffs to keep their head, ears, and whole-body warm.     

Underneath those winter clothing, all had an article of ordinary clothing. Still brand names, but simple. Everyone put on a pair of jeans, and each couple had matching collared long sleeve shirts. With a logo printed. " I :sparkling_heart: NEW YORK"     

Luckily it was not windy or snowing, only cold. So the day started with breakfast at one of the famous cafes, and I was then going forward to some shopping and sightseeing.     

All six of them acted like tourists, checking out sidewalk vendors, taking pictures, making a video for a memory of their trip.     

Ethan decided to do a video call with his grandfather so he could see and speak with the boys and show them what they are currently doing and seeing.     

What Ethan did had made the boys envious, and they wanted to see it in person.     

"Brother Ethan, when I grow up, I would save all my money and buy a plane ticket to visit that place. It's beautiful!" Bentong was excitedly jumping up and down while watching the whole scene from an 85" smart tv.     

"Don't worry, you won't have to wait to grow up; I will bring you here next year," Ethan told him.     

"Really? Wow! Ye-hey, I'm going over there next year..." Bentong happily announced for everyone to hear.     

Don-Don was so...engrossed; His eyes were focused on the tv screen. With the size of the tv, he felt like he was right there with them in New York City. "Wow!!! It's beautiful, right Bentong?"     

"Right!" Still bouncing and jumping on the sofa.     

"Bentong, do be careful; you don't want to hurt yourself." Grandfather Go warns him with concern in his old eyes.     

"Yes! Grandpa." He then stopped bouncing around and sat right next to Don-Don to continue chatting and watching with Ethan.     

Eva realizes that Ethan was video chatting with the boys when she heard their laughter. She hurriedly went in front of Ethan and the cell phone in his hand. "Hello! Guys!" She waved at them and gave them her most beautiful smile.     

She instantly became the tour guide for the boys. She would point to various places she thinks are interesting and then move to the next one while prancing around like a fairy in front of Ethan.     

Grandpa Go, Old Ron, and the household help were watching along with the boys. They were as excited as the boys were and also wishing that they could be there in person.     

The liveliness in Grandpa Goes' mansion was a sight to see. Each time the camera would come across something interesting, they would yell, "What's that? Go back, please!!!" Of course, they would do it simultaneously, which caught the old man's attention.     

"Listen up! All of you prepare and get your passport ready. Then, when summer comes, we will all fly to America and visit."     

Everyone's attention is now on grandpa Go. All were dumbstruck and stunned; none could say a word, speechless for a moment.     

The first one that found his voice was the Butler. "Are you serious, sir?" Asking the question with eyes full of hope.     

"I had never in my whole life been out of the country, and it's my longtime dream to travel to America before I die." Mr. Butler continued with the same facial expression.     

"Yes! Sir, are you for real? It's also my longtime dream to ride in an airplane." The driver butt-in curiously.     

"Yes, Sir, you're not joking with us, right? " Everyone else said in unison.     

Grandpa Go looks at all the people that had been serving him for many years. Some had been with him for only a couple of years, but most of them had been with him for more than 20 years.     

With that thought, tears started to form in his eyes with the notion of how they had been his companion more than anything else.     

"Yes! Yes, and yes! I'm not going to renege on my promise. When did I ever?" He's giving them a stern look to scare them for speaking out.     

All had suddenly become quiet and put their heads down. Afraid of the old man's wrath.     

"Oh! Come on, you guys! I was only acting out alright! Stop sulking and enjoy watching with the boys."     

When they heard grandpa Go say those words, they became lively again and started talking among themselves and commenting on the view of New York City.     

When the video chat had ended, everyone was disappointed. All wanted to see more of New York City, but Ethan's cell phone battery had died.     

"Grandpa, couldn't you call brother Ethan again? We want to see more of America. Please!!!" Bentong with pleading eyes.     

"We need to wait for a little; he needs to get a new battery. Alright! He will call us back as soon as he's able to get one." Grandpa Go explained.     

"Ok, then! I'll stay here and wait." He plopped himself onto the floor to start playing with toys while the waiting smile was clearly visible on his face.     

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