I accidentally married a "CEO"

Someone Asked For Autograph.

Someone Asked For Autograph.

Someone recognized Jeff and Ann, and she couldn't contain herself. She walked to the couple and asked for their autograph. "CEO Go and Miss Wen, please! forgive me for intruding, but If I don't do this, I will regret it for the rest of my life."     

Ann gave her full attention to the young girl with a smile on her face. "What is it that we could do for you?"     

"May I please!!! have your autograph and can I also take a picture with both of you?" We had a big grin on her face.     

Ann thought she was cute and smiled at her, in turn, the young girl blush and shyly looked down on the ground.     

Jeff was quick to remedy the situation. " Where do you want our autograph?" The girl rapidly hands over the paper and a pen she has on her hand.     

After Jeff signed, he handed it over to Ann for her signature. Ann took the paper and quickly signed as well then handed it back to the young girl who now had a bright smile on her face.     

Jeff motioned to Ronald to come. "Take our picture." He then turned to the young girl to ask for her cell phone to be handed to Ronald.     

The young girl was quick to give her cell phone then shyly stood and waited for Ann and Jeff.     

Lea decided to tease the young girl. "Don't you want us in the picture too?"     

The young girl doesn't know how to answer; she looks at Lea blankly.     

"Lea! Would you stop it, you're scaring her." Eva intervenes when she sees how the girl's face suddenly becomes disappointed.     

"Oh! alright, I only thought that she might want us in the picture, I guess not." She mumbles to herself, but the young girl hears it.     

"Mam, I would love to have you in the picture too, but can I have one with just CEO Go and Miss Wen first, then all of you afterward?" The young girl said excitedly.     

"Sure! Go ahead; I was only teasing you. You don't have to take a picture with us either. " Lea sweetly informs the young girl.     

"But, may I please have a picture with all of you? Please!!!"     

Ann pulled Jeff to stand next to the girl on the right side, while Ann's on the left. Jeff didn't like that; he pulled Ann to his other side and the girl on Ann's other side.     

"Ready!" Ronald announced to the three.     




"Smiles," *Click, click, click*     

Ronald hands over the cellphone back to the young girl. She happily looks at the picture they had just taken before asking. "CEO Go, Miss Wen, would you mind if I post a picture into my social media account?"     

"I want my friend back home to all die with envy. Hehe!"     

Ann looks at the young girl straight face before replying.     

"If it's only me, I'm fine with it. But you have to understand that CEO Go is a private person. He doesn't like to be on the cover of any social media. Hehe!"     

Jeff pulled his wife into his embrace before whispering. "You sure know how to put the blame... On me! Hahaha!"     

After whispering to his wife, Jeff turns his attention to the young girl who's fangirling to him. " You have my permission to post our picture together. But I'm warning you, I only belong to her, and no one else understands!"     

"Yes! Sir, CEO Go. I understand clearly." The young girl left happily after that.     

After the young girl left, they walked around New York City to do some sightseeing.     


Meanwhile, in Asia, Grandpa Go and Grandma Tan and Bentong and Don-Don visited where the boy's parents were laid to rest.     

Grandpa Go asked his P.I. To check the boy's background, he found out that they were recently orphaned. They do have relatives in the province, but no one wanted them. So that's how they end up begging in the street.     

Grandpa Go decided to help the two young boys. He would ask Ethan to let them stay with him. He wanted to give them a promising future to look forward to and to have company in his lonely mansion.     

Grandma Tan was thinking the same thing and was worried that Grandpa Go would disapprove. So she decided to shut her mouth and wait until Sophia and Albert come back to ask them for help.     

Grandpa Go knows how much grandma Tan cares about the boys, which made it easy for him to ask her out to join them on a date. "The boys don't like what my chef cooks, therefore I decided to take them out for some fast food. Would you like to join us?"     

Grandmother Tan was excited when she heard his offer. "Fast food? Sure, why not! It has been a long time since I had eaten in a fast-food restaurant. What time do we go?" Grandpa Go could hear the excitement in her voice.     

"Will leave as soon as the boys are ready, should be no more than an hour. Is that long enough for you to pretty up yourself? Hehe!" Grandpa Go finished up his sentence with a chuckle.     

"I don't need that long to get ready; the sooner you get here, the better. I'll wait for your arrival at the front, alright!"     

When the boys heard they were going out to eat in their favorite fast food restaurant, they couldn't contain themselves and started jumping up and down. "Thank you, grandpa." Then both of them run to him and give him a very tight hug.     

Grandfather Go's emotion swelled up, and tears started forming in his eyes. Then, with a smile, he hugged the boys back and started laughing. The boys joined the laughter, and the whole house sounded livelier than ever.     

They arrived at the same restaurant where Ethan had purchased the chicken and spaghetti before.     

Like a grandson, like a grandfather, the sales clerk was stunned...     

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