I accidentally married a "CEO"



Jeff and Ann couldn't believe what MC just said. They are to be the finale, and he didn't even ask if they would. Not that Jeff would decline, whatever his wife says, it's a go.     

MC has a worried look on his face, afraid that Jeff would decline. He focuses on Ann, with a pleading look on his eyes, and a sweet smile to accompany it, he asked. "My muse... It would be my honor if you and your handsome husband to be, to do the finale. You and only you can do this, please!!!"     

Jeff squeezed Ann shoulder as a warning, which Ann took as a yes. Therefore, "MC, it would be our pleasure to be your finale. What do you want us to do?"     

MC eyes widened with excitements written all over his face. "Thank you! Thank you, you're my life saver. Hahaha!" MC was happy to the max; he motioned to his assistant to come.     

"Hear this, for the finale...make it a grand entrance, we want the whole world to see this beautiful couple walks down the runway with them thinking they are walking down the aisle. You got it?" He ordered his assistant to ensure the arrangement was executed right away.     

The assistant hastened to make the arrangement, making sure that what MC proposed was followed.     

Another assistant brought in the dress they would be wearing. When Ann and Jeff saw it, they fell in love with it right away.     

"Honey! look how beautiful the wedding dress is, what do you think?" Ann was looking at it with awe on her eyes.     

Jeff just smiled before making a deal with MC. "My wife agreed to do you finale, but I haven't yet. If you want me in the picture, then we need to make a deal." He said it with a straight face void of any emotion.     

MC was stunned for a moment; when he found his voice, he was a little worried. "What is your demand then?" He asked with a hardened face.     

"Oh, it's nothing big and should be easy for you to accommodate." Jeff has a sly look on his face while caressing his wife's shoulder at the same time.     

"We would do your finale; However, after the show, I want the clothes. I will pay whatever the cost, but no one and I say no one in this world should have the same style and design you understand. The wedding dress and the tuxedo need to be one of a kind."     

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" MC face lit up after hearing Jeff's demand. He was worried for nothing. The begin with, he was already planning on asking them after the show if they want to use that particular design. Jeff just made it easier for him, now he don't have to bother. "Hahaha! Hahaha!"     

MC stretches his hand for a handshake. "Deal! The design, the style, the clothes are yours once the show ended."     

"Go...Go... CEO Go! Hahaha!" MC decided to make fun of his last name; he ushered Jeff to another side of the dressing room to get ready.     

MC turns his full attention to Ann, "and you my muse, is all mine now." He helps her up from the chair, then looks at her beautiful face seriously, turns her around, before yelling for the stylist to come.     

"Make sure to make her the most beautiful bride in the whole world, no in the entire universe. I'm counting on you!"     

"Yes, sir!" The stylist replied with confidence.     

The preparation had begun, the greatest finale is about to come....     

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