I accidentally married a "CEO"

"Thank you! And I love you!"

"Thank you! And I love you!"

Social media was abuzz with news about an Alien species landing on earth. When masses read the headline, they thought they would see an Alien. The image was not an Alien; they were shocked.     

"What is this? These aren't Aliens they are God and Goddess who descended on earth. Hahaha!"     

"Let me see..." After seeing the images, "Oh! Wow! Who are they? Are they celebrities?"     

"I know at least one of two of them are; you see that one there..." The person speaking pointed toward Sophia and Ann's picture.     

"Those two are Celebrities I know that for sure. The other's are probably friends and family."     

"I'm wondering if they are here to make an international movie or what?"     

"Regardless why they are here in Korea, I envy the person that took the picture, I wish I was at the airport too when they arrived."     

Many speculated who they are and what they were doing in Korea. However, the truth was revealed later in the evening news.     


The ceremony began as soon as they arrived. The group didn't have much time to spare.     

When they saw the name of the new vessel, everyone had a smile on their faces. In a big bold letter "M/V ANN" was written at the side of the big cargo vessel.     

Tears started forming in Ann's eyes. She couldn't believe that her husband named the first one built in the batch of the new cargo vessel after her.     

Jeff was watching Ann's reaction the whole time. "Merry Christmas" He whispered, eyes full of love.     

Ann grabs Jeff's face with her two hands, looks him in his eyes. "Thank you! And I love you!" Gives him the sweetest and deepest kiss she can master.     

Everyone cheered when they saw the two being lovey-dovey.     

"That's my boy!" Grandpa go yelled for everyone to hear.     

Laughter was heard all around the shipyards.     

It was time for Jeff and Ann to break the bottle of very expensive alcohol as a sign of Christening and good luck.     

"Here you go, everyone!" Jeff yelled out for everyone to hear.     

All counted down with Jeff and Ann.     




Jeff and Ann hold the bottled together and hit the rail of the new vessel.     

*Smashed! Shattered!* [Sound of the bottle breaking.]     

*Clap, clap, clap.* Everyone joined with clapping their hands and cheered.     

"Congratulation CEO Go, and Miss Ann." The Manager of the Shipyard greeted them.     

"Thank you!" Jeff and Ann said in unison.     

Once the Christening was finished, some picture taking to commemorate. Then it was finished, everyone went down to the deck below to celebrate with the new crew of the vessel.     

The Captain of the vessel is one of Sophia's longtime fans. He requested if she can sing a song for them to give them good luck.     

Sophia complied with the request to make everyone happy. It was a joyous occasion for everyone.     


Evening news:     

"We interrupt our regular schedule to bring you a piece of headline news. It's a #1 search in social media, and the captions had many viewers asking a question." The newscaster announced to the masses.     

"CEO Jef Go of Mega World Intl. Group of Company came to Korea today with his family to launch a newly built cargo vessel named M/V Ann." The newscaster smiles before continuing.     

"The newly built cargo vessel was a gift to his soon to be wife Miss Joanna Wen-Tan [aka Ann Wen], and the whole family came today for the Christening."     

" Now all of you know who those people are; they are not Aliens, they are the God and Goddess of Asia."     

The newscaster ends her report with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.     


The party was over, and it was time to depart. Sophia and Albert decided to stay for a couple of days in Korea to celebrate the New Year. Grandma Tan and Grandpa Go went back home to spend new years with the two boys.     

Ann persuaded Eva into going with them to America for New Years celebration. Once Ethan heard it, he was thrilled and happy to tag along as well.     

He wanted to show Eva around Las Vegas where he grew up and plans on introducing her to his mother.     

Ronald and Lea plan on staying with her family, while Jeff and Ann would go to New York to watch some Broadway show.     


Inside the private jet, Ann decided to stay out with the girls this time. She wanted to spend more time with Eva and Lea since they would be going on their separate ways when they land in America.     

The men decided to play some cards, while the girls gossip.     

"Lea, you haven't told me the detail of your dinner with the future in-law?" Ann started the conversation with interrogation.     


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