I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Wen's Blood

The Wen's Blood

Eva was afraid that it might be her father at the door.     

However, Ethan was afraid that it could be a Police looking for Eva. They probably caught his car from the street CCTV footage.     

The two looked at each other, uncertain of what to do. The only way to find out who it could be was to check.     

Ethan got up, followed by Eva right behind. They slowly made their way toward the door; anxiety was visible on their faces as they got closer.     

*Bang, bang, bang*     

"Hello! Is someone home?" The person on the other side of the door shouted.     

The sound of the voice was a woman, not a man. Ethan and Eva sigh at the same time.     

Ethan opened the door to see who it is, " can I help you?" Eyes full of curiosity.     

"Good morning, I'm your new housekeeper," The woman informs them.     

"I didn't hire a housekeeper; who sent you?" Ethan asked, even though he has an idea.     

"Mr. Ron from Go residence had called and requested my assistance." She replied seriously with a straight face, not batting an eye.     

"I don't want a housekeeper" Ethan was irritated now for intervention and bodyguard.     

Eva, on the other hand, was smiling secretly. She knows who sent the lady; it could only be grandfather Go. He's protecting her reputation, and Eva appreciates it. She would thank him personally when they pick up the boys back in a couple of days.     

"I'm your new housekeeper; I'm all around. I cook, clean, and do laundry as well." Whether you like it or not.     

Ethan didn't have any choice but to accept his fate. "Well! Come in, come in then. Let's get you situated."     

The new housekeeper followed Ethan to the maid's room. " Here is your room, familiarize yourself with everything. If you have a question, you ask the lady there." He pointed out where Eva was watching them.     

"Yes, sir!" The new housekeeper went on her way and left the young couple standing to look at each other.     

When the housekeeper was out of earshot, Ethan finally voiced his opinion of the matter. "Grandpa's Idea to protect your reputation. I don't like it, but who am I to argue?     

Eva just smiled, not saying a word. What should she say? I don't like it either, and It's a bother to have someone at home to babysit us, right! She's not that shameless.     

It suddenly turned awkward for both of them. Ethan had to think of something, or she might go back inside the guest room and lock herself in like last night.     

"Do you have any plans today? if you don't' would you like to do something?" Ethan asked with a pleading look on his face.     

"I'm sorry! I kind of made an appointment with Ms. Sophia and your sister-in-law today. We are to have a girl's day out."     

"Really! Well, if you had made the appointment already, what can I say." Ethan was acting all hurt just because.     

"Don't be like that; I only want to get to know them. Girls stuff, you know!" Eva, feeling bad abandoning Ethan by himself.     

"Why don't you go visit the boys with your grandfather and do some bonding as well. He looks lonely, you know!" She advised him to make herself feel a little better.     

Ethan's whole face lit up with Eva's idea. "Your right. I could do some bonding with the boys and grandfather. Thanks!"     

He gave Eva a light hug before turning around to make a call to his grandfather.     


A Couple of hours later, Ethan dropped Eva off at Jeff's mansion then went straight to his grandfather's mansion.     

Ann welcomed Eva like a family. "Come! Come, let's go to the parlor first, while we wait for Lea to come. She's my best friend/manager/assistant. She is a jack of all trades." Ann told her while pulling her toward the parlor, all excited.     

"Eva was speechless and shyly followed Ann. If she had a sister, she would want it to be like Ann." She thought.     

"Eva, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking." Ann was curiously waiting for her reply.     

"I just turned 21 this year," Eva said in a low voice while looking down on her hand and not to Ann.     

"My dear, don't be shy, alright! We are about the same age, and you know that. I'm only a year older than you. The only difference is, I'm already married and going to be the mother of a twin. Hehe!" Ann said proudly, face glowing with a broad smile plastered on her beautiful face.     

Eva's facelifted when she heard what Ann said. "You are married already? But I saw not long ago that you just got engaged? Maybe I'm behind with the news. "     

"It's a long story, and we have all day for me to tell you all of it later. I want to hear your story as well, so be prepared to say to me all of it. " Ann warned her cousin ahead of time.     

While the two were engrossed in their conversation, Lea showed up with a big smile on her face. They can hear her coming with her loud voice teasing the butler at the front door.     

"Hello! Hello, and who is this? Wow, you're a beauty too, must have Wen's blood in you!" It was the first word that came out of Lea's mouth, which shocked Eva.     

"How do you know that my last name is Wen?" Eva asked wide-eyed     

"What! Don't tell me that my guess was right. Are you Ann's cousin? You must be. You have the same features and about the same height too."     

"I had a feeling when I saw you last time at the rescue mission that you're related. I even said it to my boyfriend, and he only laughs at me. He would be shocked when I tell him." Lea proudly announced to the two.     

The color drained out of Eva's face, her eyes flooded with tears.     

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