I accidentally married a "CEO"

What Are You Doing Tonight?

What Are You Doing Tonight?

Ann put both her hands on her husband's neck; she then looked straight into his eyes filled with love for the man standing right in front of her.  She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have married a man like him.      

Jeff could only stare back at his wife, he's lost for words and all he could do was wait and see what Ann was going to do. Then, while their faces were so close that they could almost switch, Ann put her two palms and caressed his face before she spoke tenderly.      

"Thank you! You are the greatest man I have ever known. Without you in my life, I wouldn't know how to live." She then kissed him sensually and sweetly before she hurriedly got up from sitting on his lap.     

While they were kissing, she started feeling something, it feels like something growing down below, and if she's not fast enough to get up and run away, who knows, Jeff might take her right there and then.      

It will not be a pleasant sight for any households to see if they happen to walk in on them.     

"Sweetheart!.. Where are you going?" He shouted after Ann, then he realized why? Jeff's a little embarrassed after seeing the bulge under his pants. He scratches his head while smiling provocatively.     

Ann had to get out of there fast; she provoked his junior and is now standing proud and tall.  She thought it was hilarious that for a mere kiss, his junior would react that fast.  "Hahaha!"      

She was laughing hysterically while escaping from her monster of a husband.      

"I need to stay away from you! You're a monster when you get a hard-on!" Shouted Ann on the way out.     

Unknown to them that the Butler heard what Ann just said and turned scarlet from embarrassment. "Oh! My, my! This youngster is making this old man blush." He mumbles as he tries to hide.     


Meanwhile, at the villa, Ethan received a call from his grandfather about the Christmas dinner that's going to be held at his mansion.     

"Of course, grandfather, I have not forgotten. I will be there for sure, alright!"     

He suddenly thought about the boys and asked Grandpa Go if he could bring a friend.     

"Sure! Sure, bring any friends you have, of course, I prefer a young girl, but guys are accepted too." Grandpa Go laughed after realizing what he had said then hang-up the phone.     

After hearing his grandfather's approval, Ethan was thrilled and rushed to go to the hospital to pick the boys.     

He had the guest room prepared already; The bunk bed was delivered and fully set up for the boys to use while staying with him.     

He was so excited that he went on a shopping spree.  He chose Spiderman and Superman for a bed cover and ordered lots of toys for them to play with. Next, he would take them shopping for clothes; they need to be presentable when introducing them to his grandfather.     

Ethan was so overjoyed that he forgot the most important thing. He failed to get Eva a present. The most important of them all, the woman he's interested in. He hurried up and searched for a lovely gift before going back to the hospital with a big grin plastered on his handsome face.     

However, he arrived in the hospital only to be devastated that Eva was nowhere in sight.      

"When did she leave?" He asked curiously to the two boys.     

Bentong had to think for a moment, but when he couldn't calculate how long ago, "Oh! A long time ago!" Was he responding coolly?     

Ethan was going to ask to elaborate on the long time ago but changed his mind.     

'It seems that I'm not going to get a proper answer from this kid. So I'll go find somewhere else.' He then turned his attention to Don-Don. "Do you know if she's coming back?" Disappointment is visible on his face while asking.     

Don-Don, who was busy fidgeting while seated on top of the hospital bed, looks at him with sadness in his eyes. "I don't think she will be coming back for a while."     

"What made you say that?" He's curious now. The kids know something, but they are not talking.     

"Why don't we get out of here first, have of, and we can talk when we get home." He likes the sound of that 'home.'     

When the boys heard the word home, they looked at each other. They talk to each other without a word, then they both run to Ethan and give him a hug, tears flowing on their young faces.     


While Ethan and the boys were shopping, someone suddenly showed up, making the sad Ethan smile from ear to ear.     

Eva had come back to the hospital to find out that Ethan had already picked up the boys. She was disappointed at first, but when the attending nurse informed her that they were going shopping, she knew where to find them.     

"Hey, guys!" She greeted them with a beautiful smile showing straight, perfect white teeth.     

"Hey! to you too!" Ethan banter. "How did you know where I was?" He asked curiously, but happy that she's right in front of him.     

"I have my way, and I know these two right here." She pinched the boy's cheek. "This is where they would be." She replied shyly, avoiding Ethan's stare.     

Eva couldn't look Ethan straight into his eyes; she feared she would be found out. The real reason she went looking for them is not only the boys but also because of him.     

When did she start having a crush on him? Her heart is beating so fast it's like ten horses were running *Thud, thud, thud, thud!*     

Oh! Shit, this is not good, not good at all. She diverted her attention to the boys that were currently having fun picking clothes. "What did you get here?" She asks Bentong. "You want to try it on? Let's go over there into the fitting room." She took Bentong's hand and excused herself.     

Ethan thought she's so cute; the way she blushes just from his stare made him aware that she is also interested in him. It won't be long; she will be his for the taking. "Hahaha!" He laughs out loud.     

"Eva, what are you doing tonight?" Ethan asks, hoping she doesn't have any plan at all.     

Eva looks at Ethan. "Why?"     

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