I accidentally married a "CEO"



Ann's heartbeat was going haywire; a footstep was on it's way to her. What should she do? Should she open her eyes to let the person know she's awake or continue acting asleep?     

Ann decided to continue her acting and stayed still. When suddenly she was put in an embrace so tight she couldn't breathe. Then she heard a voice. "Sweetheart, please! be alright."     

Jeff was hugging his wife so tight that he did not realize that she's awake and okay. "Honey, let me breathe, hon, hon, Jeff!!! let me breathe alright!" Ann screamed so loud for everyone to hear.     

Jeff finally realized what he was doing and released his wife enough to be able to breathe. "I'm sorry, I thought... I saw you getting knocked out by that idiot and I was afraid that you were still out." He's mumbling while kissing his wife all over her face.     

"I'm fine, and the babies are fine too. They did not hurt me, you see! They didn't even tie me up or put a blindfold." She showed her hand to assure Jeff.     

"I don't care; they messed with the wrong person. I will make sure they pay for what they did to you and our babies." Jeff said it while lifting Ann to carry her out of the stinking place.     

Before Jeff walks out, he stopped where the two gangsters were tied up and on their knees. He stood up right in front of them, while still carrying Ann. He gives each one a flying kick.     

"Your both lucky that I'm carrying my wife and child or you both would be dead by my hand." He told them full of anger showing on his handsome face.     

Ethan was untying Eva before he took out her blindfold. It was a mistake because as soon as Eva was released, she took advantage of the situation. Without looking at who the person was, she did karate self-defense and kicked Ethan to the curve.     

"Eva!!! What the heck! Is this what I get for rescuing you? A kick in my butt?" Ethan was startled and stunned how good Eva when it comes to self-defense.     

Eva realizes her mistake and runs to help Ethan up from the ground. "I'm sorry! I didn't know; I thought you were one of the gangsters. You didn't say a word, and I couldn't see you with my blindfold." She explains feeling embarrassed.     

"Let's get out of here before the big boss shows up. The police are on the way to take this two idiots." Ethan also walks towards the two gangster who's still on the ground from being kicked by Jeff. He copied his older brother, stands right in front of them; He helped them up in a standing position, then hit each of them in the face and stomach.     

He was not satisfied yet, he twirled around and gave them a flying kick as well. The two gangsters were knocked down the second time around. "That's for messing with my sister-in-law! He was about to turn around and leave when he heard.     

*Pow! Pow! Pak! Pak!*- "That's for messing with me!" Eva told the two gangsters before turning around and followed Ethan out of the warehouse.     

Lea was in tears when she saw Jeff carrying Ann out of the warehouse. She runs towards them crying and yelling at the same time. "Ann!!! Thank God! Your safe, how are you feeling? How're the babies? Are you in pain anywhere?" She kept on asking without taking a breather.     

"Lea, hold your horses! I'm fine; the babies are fine, we are all fine. Hahaha!" Ann replied while laughing.     

"That's good, if not I'm going in there and beat the shit out of those two gangsters." Lea proudly announced.     

"You don't need too; we already took care of them." Ethan proudly announced to everyone loud enough for Eva to hear.     

"Let's all get out of here," Jeff ordered everyone.     

Ronald who's standing by quietly gave Ethan a thumbs up then secretly smiled before going inside and seating in the driver seat of Jeff's car.     

"Will see you back at the hospital," Ethan told them while waiving with one hand and holding Eva's grip on the other one.     

Ann and Jeff saw all that. "What do you think the status of their relationship?" Ann asks Jeff with mischief showing on her eyes.     

"Sweetheart! You just went through a very traumatic situation; I think you read things too far." Jeff was trying to convince himself rather than his wife.     

"Whatever! What I saw is not an imagination, I know you're brother likes her for sure."     

"What made you so sure?"     

"It's because of how he looks; it's same back then when he was courting me?" Ann replied nonchalantly.     

"What! What did you say? Ethannnnn!"     

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