I accidentally married a "CEO"

I Can Have You Kill!

I Can Have You Kill!

Ann looks around to see if there are other people besides the two that kidnapped them.     

Lucky it's only two of them; she needed to find a way to escape. But if she does survive, what about the other girl? Think! Think! Think of something before others arrive. Ann told herself.     

The Gangster did not tie her or put on a blindfold; she was free to move around without being detected. She searched her hospital robe to see if her cell phone was inside. Exploring little by little, then...she felt something; it's her cell phone.     

Good, now she just needed to figure out the numbers. She can't pull it out, for the gangster might find out she's already awakened. She slowly pressed the numbers; luckily, she has her phone in silence where there's no sound coming out. *Dut, dut, dut.* that should be it, she thought.     

Suddenly, Ann realizes that if Jeff pick-up the phone, the gangster might hear the voice. She hurried up and pressed to hang up the phone.     


Hospital surveillance room:     

Jeff's phone started buzzing inside his suit jacket that's currently hanging at one of the chairs. He's busy checking the surveillance footage and misses the call.     

Ethan was helping Ronald calm Lea, who's now crying her heart out. Suddenly remembered that he's on the way to Don-Don's room. He went to where Jeff was, busy looking at the footage. "Brother, I have something I need to do first. It would be just for a moment. If by chance you find something, call me, alright!"     

Ethan was about to leave when he saw something on the screen. "Wait! Go back to the last footage." He looked carefully to see if his eyes were deceiving him. What he saw was Eva going into the elevator with Ann. It occurred to him that Ann was not the target; it was Eva all along.     

"Brother! I think I know who kidnapped my sister-in-law. You see that girl right there." He pointed into the screen.     

"What about that girl! If she has anything to do with this, she's going to die by my hand." Jeff said it was full of anger.     

"No! No! And Yes! Ah!!! I don't know how to say this, but she does, and she doesn't have anything to do with sister-in-law getting kidnapped." Ethan was trying to explain.     

"Ethan! Jeff is now yelling for everyone to hear. You better make it clear what you're trying to say. I do not understand a word you're saying."     

"Brother, It's a long story, and we don't have time for that right now. What's important right now is for us to rescue them before they get hurt.     

Jeff grabs Ethan's collar. "You're telling me that it's not my wife they are after but that girl?"     

Ethan nodded with a worried look on his face.     

Jeff dragged him, still holding onto his collar, walking out the surveillance room. " Do you know where they might have taken them? You better be, if anything happens to my wife and child...God only knows."     

"Brother!!! Can you please, let go of my collar! We can get there faster if you let go of me, you know!" Ethan was yelling at Jeff in return.     

Ronald and Lea were following the two brothers, along with Jeff's elite bodyguards. "Did I hear it, right? It was not Ann they wanted but the other girl." Lea asked Ronald     

"It seems that way; we better hurry and catch up with them" Ronald grabbed hold of Lea's hand and started running after Jeff and Ethan.     

Once they arrived at the parking lot, Jeff ordered Lea and Ronald to take a different car. Lea would not have it; she wanted to ride with the two brothers.     

"Lea, it's dangerous. It's better if we follow, alright!"     

"No! I want to ride with them; what if we lose them? I can't have that." Lea argued, yelling at the same time.     

"Boss! Can we please ride with you?" Ronald pleaded with Jeff while looking at Lea, who's hysterically crying.     

Jeff looks at Lea, then at Ronald. "Alright! But make sure she's not in a way. I don't want any obstruction with this mission. You got it?"     

"Yes, Sir!" Ronald replied happily.     


Eva finally awakened, she couldn't see anything, but she could hear voices.     

She heard the gangster talking about the other girl kidnapped with her, and she started feeling bad. It's because of her that the other girl is in trouble. She needed something.     

"Hello! Guys, can you please! take out my blindfold and let's talk." Eva yelled at the gangster.     

"Sorry! Miss Eva, no, can do! Boss said to keep you blindfolded until he gets here." One of the gangsters replied.     

"Come on! Guy's I want to talk to, and it's hard when I can't see who I'm talking to." She yelled back.     

The two gangsters just ignored her and started to pissed Eva off.     

"Look, you guys; you know your boss likes me, right? It's the reason why I'm here right now. If you don't do as I say, and someday I become your Boss woman, I could get you all killed." Eva threatened the two gangsters.     

Hearing what Eva said gets the two gangsters into thinking.  What if...?     

"You know it could happen; she could become the boss woman. What do you think, should we remove the blindfold or not?" Asked one of them.     

"Up to you!" He's not going to involve himself in case there's a problem later down the line. "It's your Ass that would be on a line, not mine."  Said the second one while turning away from the other gangsters.     

The other gangsters were about to remove Eva's blindfold when...  The door busted open.  Then a fight begins…     

Eva knows that her savior has arrived and if she's not mistaken, it must be Ethan.     

  A moment later someone kneeled down and gently touched her hair, then pulled her in a tight embrace.  She then knows for sure that it's Ethan before he removed her blindfold.     

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