I accidentally married a "CEO"

I Will Soon Find Out!

I Will Soon Find Out!

On the way to Tan Corporation, Jeff was uneasy and couldn't wait until he found out what was going on with his wife. 'What's under control? What does she mean by that? *Ding!* Hahaha! I know what she's talking about. Hahaha!' Jeff was laughing within his thoughts, not realizing that Ann was watching him the whole time.     

"You just realized what I'm talking about, right? Let see if you guessed it correctly." Ann was now playfully coaxing Jeff.     

"I'll wait and see; we're almost there anyway. I will soon find out." Jeff stuck his nose in the air, and playfully rolled his eyes.     


Grandpa Go Mansion:     

The old-man was sound asleep in the comfort of his bed when suddenly he awakened, sweat on his forehead pouring, it was from a nightmare, and it was so vivid he could still recall it.     

It was the time when he first met the young grandmother Tan. He had fallen in love at first sight [runs in the family] she was wearing a pink dress, sleeveless with printed flowers on it. She was wearing a hat on her short length straight hair when the wind suddenly blew away the hat from her head.     

Grandpa Go was quick to catch it and return it to her like a hero. He was so shy to ask her name and just smiled shyly.     

Grandma Tan was in town on holiday with her family. She was instantly captivated with Grandpa Go's shy smile. She didn't waste time and introduced herself to the shy young Grandpa Go. They had a short love interaction: Grandma Tan and her family left in a rush.     

Grandma Tan left a note to a friend to give to Grandpa Go. [Wait for me, I will come back!] In his dream, he had waited and waited, but she never did return as promised like in reality.     

The odd thing about his dream that he cannot understand was the face of the woman in his vision, and she was not Grandma Tan. Instead, it was the face of that woman Joanna Wen who's not even related to the Tans by blood.     

Grandpa Go got up and drunk some water, then started planning to visit the Tans the next day. He needed answers, and the best way to obtain them is from the primary source — his dear Grandma Tan.     


Albert Tan Hospital VIP room:     

Albert Tan was looking much better now; his bruised body and face had started to heal. The battered-looking Albert was now almost back to his old handsome self. It will not take long with his recovery rate; within a month, he will be able to go back to running the Tan Corporation.     

Grandma Tan was sitting in the VIP waiting room, sulking. It had been a couple of days already, and she had not laid her eyes on her beautiful granddaughter yet. On top of that, she had been trying to contact the Hospital where Claudia had supposedly been transferred, but no one was answering.     

'Maybe I should try contacting Sophia. Oh! I can't; she's doing a tour right now, and I don't know the time difference wherever she might be.' Feeling depressed and lonely, Grandma Tan decided to contact Grandpa Go instead to invite him for tea.     

"Hello! It's me, Grandma Tan. Are you busy?" She asked enthusiastically.     

"No! I'm not. I'm getting ready right now, preparing to visit you! What's up? Do you need me to bring you something?" He asked so lovingly.     

"Nothing. I was a bit down, and I thought about you, and here we are talking on the phone." Grandma Tan replied with sadness in her voice.     

"Well! As I said, I'm getting ready now. I will be there soonest. So, cheer up, alright! It's not good for making yourself worry sick. Got to go, bye!"     

Grandpa Go was whistling the whole time he was getting ready; he was so happy that his heart is beating fast. [not having another attack, just in love]     

Grandpa Go and Assistant Ron arrived at the hospital in no time. Grandpa Go had a lot of energy at the thought of seeing his first love. He was walking pretty steady without the help of Ron.     

Ron was shaking his head as he followed the old man making his way to the elevator by himself.     

'Whoever you are Joanna Wen, whatever might your relationship be with the Tans, The truth will be revealed today, one way or the other.'     

Once he arrived at the VIP waiting room, he rushed towards Grandma Tan and sat down next to her.     

"How are you? All is fine with you, right?" Trying to make small talk with Grandma Tan to open the question and answer portion.     

"I'm fine! As you can see, healthy but unhappy." She replied sadly.     

"Don't do that; you will make yourself sick. We are too old for that."     

Grandma Tan got up to the table and poured some water from the pitcher and handed it over to Grandpa Go.     

"Thank you! Sit! Sit! I have a question, and I'm hoping to get an answer today." He asked, curiously.     

"That girl that was here not long ago, what was her name?" He acted as if he was thinking.     

"Ah! Got it! Joanna Wen! That's the name. I'm curious as to what is her relationship with your family? Her resemblance to you is uncanny, and I needed to know, or I'll die from curiosity.     

"Ah!!! Joanna Wen...Well!"     

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