I accidentally married a "CEO"

Everything Is Yours, Including Me!

Everything Is Yours, Including Me!

Ann almost did the same thing as Lea when she heard what Jeff said. However, she was able to swallow the hot soup first before it got spit out on Jeff's face. She wiped her mouth first before she spoke. "What do you mean, it's mine?" Ann's expression brightened.     

"Well! This restaurant belongs to the Group along with its branches all over the world. If you want this restaurant, then I will give it to you, so it's yours as long as you want it." Jeff smiled while studying Ann's reaction.     

"Oh! That's what you mean. Hahaha! You almost had me there." Ann raised a brow then grinned.     

"But, I'm dead serious, sweetheart! If you want this restaurant, it's yours!" Jeff proudly told her without blinking an eye.     

"No! No! I don't want it; I only said that if I ever have one. Only if, does not mean I want one alright." She sweetly declined and continued eating.     

Jeff grabbed Ann's hand and looked her in the eye. "Well! The offer still stands. All is yours, including me!" Jeff said, with love in his eyes.     

Ann was speechless; she didn't know what to say after that speech. The emotions were too much for her to express in words. When she couldn't think of a word to say, she did what a typical wife would do at that moment.     

She pulled her hands from where Jeff was holding. Put it on his face, looked him straight in his eye with tears shimmering in her eyes without saying anything. Then...Kissed him so lovingly like it's her last breath, and she's dying at the moment. No other words were needed; they understood each other very well.     

The two on the other side of the room weren't paying attention to the couple that's all emotional. Their focus was on the steak and lobster that was in front of them and of course, each other.     

"I wonder if all the food in the other branches around the world tastes the same?" Lea mumbled to herself.     

Ronald; "Hmmm! It looks delicious." However, he was not talking about the food in front of him. He was looking at Lea's lips while eating.     

Lunch was excellent; both parties had enjoyed their meal with their prospective partners.     

Unfortunately, reality came quickly. Jeff received a call from the investigator regarding the result of the fire that occurred in Korea. It means he will need to fly back to Korea ASAP.     

On the way back to Tan Corporation in the back seat of Jeff's car,     

"Sweetheart! You told me that I need to inform you of my schedule so you can accompany me. Does it still stand?" Jeff asked with sadness is visible on his eye.     

Ann looked for a moment, then replied. "What if it is?" She asked with concern in her voice.     

"I have to fly back to Korea tomorrow. Just for a couple of days, and I will be back as soon as I'm able to clear the situation. Do you want to come, or can you come?" Jeff was hoping that she can accompany him, but he knew better. He's a CEO after all, and so is his wife.     

Ann thought it through carefully. But in the end, she had to let him go by himself. She has responsibilities at Tan Corporation as much as Jeff has with Mega Intl Group. That's understood.     

Though they did not want to be apart from each other, however, in the real world of Business, the CEO holds the most responsibility. It just so happens that both of them are CEO's — business first before pleasure.     

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