I accidentally married a "CEO"

I will take care of my Wife

I will take care of my Wife

Ronald had already prepared the car ahead of time. He already knew what would happen once the meeting adjourned. He's always one step ahead of Jeff, thanks to Lea's intel.     

Everyone in the meeting room was speechless with Jeff's announcement. He didn't even bat an eye when he ordered them to get Twenty-One Million dollars. He ordered them to prepare the cash like it's only Twenty-one USD instead of Twenty-One Million USD.     

"Come to think of it, CEO Go is right; lives are at stake here. The money we can make again. However, we cannot replace the lives of the crew members if anything happens to them." One person said.     

"Thank God! Our CEO is not a heartless man. He values what's important, which is his people over money." A happy employee praised Jeff for his deed.     


Jeff and Ronald arrived at Tan Corporation in a heartbeat. They went straight to Ann's office like a raging bull ready to kill.     

As soon as Mrs. Lim saw them coming, she punched the intercom to Ann's office to inform her ahead of time.     

Ann smiled when she heard that Jeff was on the way. "Lea helps me clear out some of these files, please! We have company."     

"Yes! Boss, I'm on it." Lea said, secretly smiling for what she did.     

George Hao had long gone and went back to his own office. He did not know he was targeted by an unknown assailant eating vinegar.     

"Good day! CEO Go, Ronald." Mrs. Lim greeted them as they walked towards Ann's Office.     

"Should I announce you?" She asked curiously.     

"No need!" Jeff gruffly replied and went straight to Ann's office without knocking.     

'Why should I let you announce my presence so that she can prepare herself no way!' Jeff thought, still eating vinegar.     

"Hi! Honey, what's up? What are you doing here? I thought you had an urgent situation right now?" Ann asked, while slowly making her way towards Jeff.     

Jeff looked around to see whether that man he saw on the video was still there, before replying.     

"Oh! I just finished, and I thought you could probably use some of my expertise." 'You think I will tell you the truth why I'm here' "So, how's your day going?" He asked, coming closer to Ann, embracing her and kissing her soundly.     

"CEO Go! Stop it! We are in the office, you know. What if someone walks in on us, what would they think?"     

"Sweetheart! I don't think anyone would dare just barge in here unannounced. Don't worry, alright!" He said, pulling Ann to the sofa to sit with him.     

"Someone just did this morning if you must know. But I took care of it!" She proudly informed Jeff while pushing him further away from her. Jeff didn't like that and pulled her back closer to him.     

"Who would have the guts to just barge into the CEO's office unannounced? Does this person have a death wish or what? Good thing you took care of him" Jeff thought it was George that Ann was talking about. He was smiling smugly.     

"By the way, didn't you say that you met a senior from you in College? Which department is he working on? I want to meet him."     

"Oh! It's too bad; he was just here a couple of minutes ago, offering his help if I needed it. You just missed him; I will let him know next time." Ann was now looking at Jeff suspiciously.     

"Jeff, tell me the truth, did you come just now because you were close by or on purpose?"     

"The truth? I was in a meeting when suddenly it occurred to me that you might need my help. I was not here yesterday on your first day. So I thought I could come by. That's the truth." Jeff looked at his wife with a poker face.     

"Are you sure? You swear?" Ann asked, still suspicious of Jeff's real purpose.     

Jeff crossed his fingers before answering, " I swear! Cross my heart and hope to die."     

"Alright! I believe you." "By the way, I need your advice on something if you've got the time?" Ann got up and went to where all the stocks of paper were on the table.     

"You see all these boxes of files. They are expenditure reports from various departments. I want to audit them internally. How should I go about it?" She asked, waiting for Jeff's opinion.     

"Don't clutter your office with these, let me make a call, and I will let someone handle these and provide you with a report when done." Jeff took out his cell phone and made a call.     

While Jeff was on the phone talking, Director George Hao came knocking.     

"Annie! I mean, CEO Wen! If you have no plans for lunch later, how about we go together?"     

"Oh! I didn't know you have company. Sorry!" He was about to turn around and close the door when Jeff suddenly stopped speaking on the phone, got up from where he was sitting.     

He then walked towards George Hao, standing tall and proud.     

When Jeff was almost right in front of George, he started assessing the competition. Only when he finally finished did he then speak, "Hello! You must be the senior that CEO Wen mentioned?" He questioned, without introducing himself.     

"Hello! Yes! I'm CEO Wen's Senior in College. How do you do! The name is George Hao." He extended his hand to Jeff.     

Jeff was contemplating 'should I introduce myself as the CEO of Mega International World Group or as Ann's husband. Just when he had decided to inform his rival that Ann is his wife.     

"By the way, Thank you for offering to shadow Annie. She's still green and needs a lot of guidance. I hope you treat her well. Right, Annie?" He said, looking at Anna with a sweet smile on his lips.     

'Annie? What did this bastard just call my wife? Annie? I will show you who Annie is to me!'     

"You don't have to thank me, Senior Hao, rest assured that I will take care of my WIFE!" Jeff announced proudly.     

Ann; "Jeff, Go!!!"     

George; '^-^.'     

Ronald/Lea; "Way to go, Jeff!"     

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