I accidentally married a "CEO"

Now You Know Who I am!

Now You Know Who I am!

On the way to the man's office, they encountered Director George Hao, who was on the way to Ann's office for a visit.     

"Morning everyone!" George greeted with a broad smile showing on his face. "Where are you all headed? I was about to..." He did not get to finish his sentence. He was interrupted by Lea.     

"Good morning to you too! Director Hao." We are on the way to his office. Pointing at the man they were following, then winked.     

George understood the signal and stopped what he was about to say.     

"It's good that you're here, Director Hao, how about coming with us to be a witness." The man motioned for him to follow along.     

"Huh!" George was now curious as to what he needed to witness. "Follow the lead!" Smiling secretly to Ann, Lea and Mrs. Lim     

Once they arrived, Ann realized that this man is the Vice President of Tan Corp. 'Interesting?' Ann thought.     

The day Ann became the Interim CEO, the Vice President, and his secretary was busy shopping and gallivanting in town. Therefore, they had no idea that Ann is the new Interim CEO.     

Inside his office, the Vice President motioned to everyone to sit down; no one complied. They all stayed standing, waiting for his next move. The secretary slowly walked towards her desk to grab a couple of sheets of paper.     

With a nasty looking smile on her face, she handed Lea and Ann the sheet of paper.     

"Read it! Sign and print your name when done." She spoke very proudly.     

The president spoke, "By the way, Director Hao and Mrs. Lim can be the witnesses.     

"Can you explain what I'm about to witness?" George asked, curiously.     

"It's a disciplinary action letter to reprimand these two interns for insubordination." Vice President replied arrogantly.     

"So! You called us here to sign this document for what? So we can get fired? And the reason is misconduct behavior and insubordination to a superior? Is what  I am reading correct?" Lea was now boisterous while Ann was speechless. "You must be kidding me? Hahaha! Are you out of your mind?"     

"You!" Pointing at Lea. "How can you speak to me like that? You see! You see! No respect at all!" The director was now enraged.     

Mrs. Lim, who was quietly observing how Ann would handle the situation, had a secret smile on her face.     

"Vice President! That's who you are. What is your name, by the way?" Ann asked professionally. "I believe we were never properly introduced, same as with this lady here." Ann looked at the secretary.     

"No need for introductions, you will be heading out of the door anytime soon anyway. Just sign the damn paper, will you!" The secretary sarcastically told Ann.     

"Lady! I advise you to be careful what you say in front of this one here," Lea informed the secretary while looking at Ann.     

"Hmmph! Ya! Right!" The secretary did not care.     

Ann was still waiting for the VP to reply to her inquiry. "Whenever you're ready, I'm ready to listen to the reason why I'm receiving this letter."     

"Didn't you read it? Why are you still asking me? It clearly states the reason.     

"But it says we're reprimand for insubordination to our superior. Who exactly is this superior you're talking about?" Ann was now agitated and had enough of the fiasco.     

"You have the guts to ask! Isn't it clear that the superior is me?" The secretary intervened and yelled at Ann.     

"Are you sure about that? You are sure that you're my superior? Make sure, because if you're not sure, you might end up losing your job over this and get sued for slander." Ann warned her.     

"Hahaha! You, a mere intern, can't accept that I'm your superior. Of course, my position is higher than yours; it means I'm your superior." The secretary kept on insisting that she was above Ann.     

"Hahaha!" Now it was Lea's turn to laugh out loud while pointing at the secretary. "You are out of your mind, girl; do you know who are you talking to?"     

By this time, the secretary was now very upset due to Lea laughing at her.     

She charged towards the two and raised her hand, about to slap Lea, when Ann grabbed her hand and hit her face hard in turn.     

Everyone in the room was stunned and speechless by what had happened.     

The Vice President stood up and charged at Ann when George moved like lightning and protected Ann. He ended up getting slapped instead. *PAK!* was all everyone heard?     

The room was eerily silent. No one moved, and no one said anything at first. Then the VP started apologizing to George.     

"VP, I'm not the person you need to apologize to, it's this person right here if you don't want to become unemployed today." George Hao warned the Vice President of Tan Corporation.     

"Me, Apologize to this one! I, the Vice President of this company, will not apologize to this person? No way!" He angrily yelled for all to hear.     

"Alright! Don't say I didn't warn you." George mumbled then turned to Ann.     

"Are you alright, CEO Wen?" George asked Ann respectfully.     

The secretary and the Vice President heard how George Hao addressed Ann. Both were dumbfounded and speechless. They finally realized who Ann was.     

"Lea, Director Hao, Mrs. Lim. Will you all follow me to my office." Ann told them without batting an eye.     

"You and You! Do not follow me; start preparing your resignation letters. Either way, I will recommend to the board your dismissal. Ann informed the Vice President with a determined voice.     

"By the way, do you now know who I am?" Ann turned and walked out.     

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