I accidentally married a "CEO"

He Kept His Promised

He Kept His Promised

Ann is now wide awake, after hearing what Jeff had whispered to her ears. She started to feel uneasy. It's like a warning that something is about to happen, and it's not right.  Now that she's awake, she decided to facetime her hubby.     

*Buzz, buzz, buzz*.  However, Jeff did not pick up and it's driving her crazy with worry.     

Jeff is currently on a video call with one of the Superintendent and couldn't pick up Ann's facetime.  The phone keeps on buzzing, and he now getting more anxious by the minute.  He needed to do something, or he would be in deep trouble.     

The superintendent keeps on reporting, and Jeff is now anxious and doesn't know what to do. " Super, I'm going to have to call you right back. I have a more urgent call to take." He turned off the video call without waiting for a reply.     

" Hello! sweetheart, what are you doing awake at this hour?" Jeff is trying to play it cool.     

" Mr. Jeffrey, Go!!! Your [#@^%&$] what do you think you're doing?" Ann screams at him as soon as her face showed up on the screen without even a greeting.  From the loon on her face, it doesn't look like she's happy at all.     

"Sweetheart! Calm down, alright! Your heart.  Did I tell you how much I love you?" Jeff jokingly said while a big smile was plastered on his handsome face.     

" Don't you sweetheart me! You [#$%&@] what do you mean whispering those word to me like your dying on me." Ann, who never likes swearing, had called Jeff all the names she could think at the moment.     

"You're so mean, you know that? Instead of you waking me up and explaining what's happening right now. You whispered those words then run-off on me like you're never coming back.  What was that all about?" Ann now has tears in her eyes flowing down her face.     

She then continued without giving Jeff a chance to explain. "You went and blubbered those words without thinking I might be awake. Did you not think for one minute that I'm might be a light sleeper?" Ann's sniffling in between her words.     

"Sweetheart! Come down, alright, I'm sorry! I just got too emotional thinking about something." Jeff couldn't tell Ann about the people that currently held hostage.  That's the reason he got emotional, thinking of the family of all those people that being held hostage at that moment.       

"I tell you what! Let me take care of this matter first; then I will head home right away. I will be there next to you when you wake up tomorrow, alright!" Jeff was trying to appease his wife's anger.     

" You promise? If I go back to sleep now, you will be here when I wake up in the morning?" Ann is now acting like a spoiled child, and Jeff loves every bit of his wife acting.     

"Yes! I promise! " Raised his hand and swore to God that his not lying.     

Only then did Ann feel a lot better and let him go to take care of the situation on hand.     

'I can't believe I'm doing this. I Jeff Go, the CEO of one of the biggest Corporations in Asia, admired and feared by many is actually [Under de Saya and Takosa] under my wife skirt and afraid of my wife.' "Hahaha!"     

Ronald heard every word Jeff was mumbling to himself while laughing out loud. He just shook his head and continued what he was doing.     


Ann is woken up from a deep slumber when she felt a hand was caressing her belly. She touched it, and sure enough, her husband is back.     

She glanced at the time from the alarm clock on the top of the side table, and it shows six o clock in the morning. 'Well, he didn't lie to me. He promised he would be next to me in bed when I wake up, and he's here. Hmmm!' She turned to face Jeff and stared at him, sleeping sound.     

Ann kissed him lightly and whispered to him, "Thank you! for coming to my life, thank you for always making me your priority, and thank you for loving me. For that, I love you with all of me." Then went back to sleep without a care in the world.     

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