I accidentally married a "CEO"

What Is Wrong With Me?

What Is Wrong With Me?

Jeff was woken up in the middle of the night by a call from Ronald.     

"Boss! I'm sorry to bother you, but it's an emergency. I received a call from our office in the Bahamas that one of our vessels got hijacked. What do you want me to do?" Ronald was neurotic and in fright.     

"Are you here at the Mansion?" Jeff murmured on the phone. He didn't want to wake up Ann, who was currently in deep slumber.     

"Yes! I'm downstairs in your study now."     

"Alright! I'll be down there in a minute." Jeff slowly lifted his wife's head from his arm. Then, he got up silently and put some clothes on.     

While tip-toe-ing, he slowly opened the door, doing his best not to make a sound. Once he was out of the door, he took huge strides two at a time at the stairs hastening to his study.     

Ronald already had steaming coffee ready at his desk. The computer turned on, preparing for a video call to their office in The Bahamas.     

Jeff promptly made the call to the Port Captain. It only took a couple of seconds; a troubled man materialized on the screen of his phone.     

"What's going on? Give me all the details, don't miss anything you understand!" Jeff snarled at the Port Captain.     

"Sir! I'm sorry! To have woken you up at this hour, but this is a huge emergency. I hope..." He was not able to continue before Jeff slammed his hand on the desk and yelled.     

"Get to the point, Man! I don't have all day, what-how did it happen?"     

[1]"We had a Cargo load ordered in Dubai, and en route to the destination from Mombasa, M/V Serene was hijacked by Pirates 10-20 Nautical miles. They are currently holding twenty-one crew members on board." The Port Captain informed Jeff the best he could.     

"Continue! Nationality? Anyone injured, dead, did anyone contact the authorities yet? Jeff was now anxious, as well.     

"It's a full crew of Filipinos. No one was injured or dead, they just took possession of the vessel about twelve hours ago, and we just received a call from the authorities less than an hour ago." The Port Captain, almost out of breath, gave the situation in detail.     

"What's the demand? Did you receive any yet?" Jeff was now getting agitated by the minutes.     

"No, not yet! That's why I contacted Sir Ronald right away to inform you just in case they reach us and demand a ransom."     

'What the heck is going on? I still have the issue in Korea; now another one popped out from nowhere.' Jeff was thinking to himself.     

Ronald, who was listening to the whole conversation, was stunned and speechless. 'What now? We just came back not even twenty-four hours, and we will be flying out again? God have mercy on my soul! I'm losing it already.'     

"Boss! What should we do?" The Port Captain asked earnestly with concern showing on his face. "We haven't even contacted the families of the Crews yet, and no news has been announced to the public since it just happened."     

"Alright! I got the intel. Let's stop. For now, I will hold an emergency meeting to discuss this matter. Then, I will personally contact you when we finalize a decision." Jeff informed the Port Captain to bid him goodbye, then turned off the Computer.     

"You heard what's going on; get a move on it. You know what to do!" Jeff ordered Ronald.     

"Yes! Boss! I'm on it; I will prepare everything. The car will be ready when you are." Ronald was trying to cheer himself up, but it was not working.     

He was concerned for the crew of M/V Serene. 'God! Please! Help the crew that's currently in danger. Let nothing happen to them; their families will be devastated if any of them come to harm.' Ronald was praying on the way to take care of the task Jeff assigned him.     

As soon as Ronald left, Jeff got up and went up to their room to change clothes. As he was preparing, he couldn't help gazing at his sleeping wife and feeling guilty that he had to leave her in the middle of the night without letting her know.     

' It's better this way; if I wake her up to let her know, she will be worried and unable to go back to sleep. She has a lot on her plate right now and needs to have complete rest. I will call her in the morning and let her know.' So Jeff told himself while still gazing at his wife.     

Jeff finished getting dressed; before leaving, he went toward his wife and sat next to her side of the bed.     

Jeff slowly stroked her hair, then whispered as lightly as he could, "Sleep tight, sweetheart, I have to leave due to an emergency. People's lives are at stake, and I'm responsible for them. You understand, right?" Jeff was getting emotional with the thought of having to go without saying a proper goodbye to Ann.     

"I don't know when I will be back, but I want you to know that not a second goes by that I don't think about you. I love you with all my heart." Jeff kissed Ann lightly on her lips and then got up quickly before he changed his mind.     

'I can't understand what's wrong with me. I don't usually get emotional over anything. I have encountered many emergencies in the past, but I don't feel good about this. I feel like If I leave now, I might never see my wife again. It's not good at all.' Jeff tried to shake off the bad feeling he's having, but it wasn't working.     

"The car is ready, Boss! Whenever you are?"     

"I guess! I'm as ready as I can be! Let's go!" Jeff replied to Ronald, looked upstairs toward their bedroom with sadness in his eyes.     

Jeff has no idea that Ann was wide awake the whole time he was whispering to her ear. She heard every word he said.     

'Why did he say all those words?' That made Ann feel uneasy.     

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