I accidentally married a "CEO"

Oh! My God!

Oh! My God!

The blast was eerie loud it could be heard from miles where it happened. A cylinder of Oxygen that was being utilized by one of the welder's had exploded. It was inside the Engine of the Vessel currently in construction.     

Jeff and others were in a small portable makeshift office nearby when it happened. Everyone heard a loud explosion and ran out of the small mobile office to see the situation.     

What they saw was a blazing fire engulfing the lower level of the vessel currently being built.     

"Oh! My God!" Someone yelled, "Hope there's no-one inside the Vessel; the fire is raging like hell." Another interjected.     

Suddenly a siren from a fire truck could be heard coming to the direction of the fire: one, two, - Six fire trucks to the rescue. The firemen were all quick, fire hose connected through the hydrant, and water started blasting to the air.     

Jeff and Ronald saw this scene when they arrived.     

Ronald nudged Jeff; "Boss, this is a big problem it seems someone is sabotaging the progress. What is your order?"     

Jeff was in deep thought and about to reply to Ronald when; *Bzzzz* his phone started buzzing from the left pocket of his suit. He suddenly remembered his wife. 'Shit! I forgot to call her back; she's probably going crazy right now.'     

He took out his cell phone from where it had been buzzing non-stop.     

As soon as he put his thumb to answer, "Hello!" The frantic voice of his wife was on the line. "Jeff, is this you! Honey! Answer me, please! Jeff..."     

"Sweetheart! It's me. I'm sorry! There was an explosion, and we lost contact. Then I had to rush out to check, and I forgot to call you back." Jeff quickly replied.     

"Forgive me, please!" But as much as Jeff pleaded, what he heard next gave him much more fright than the explosion.     

"JEFF GO !!!! YOU! ($^&)%$#@) So you're okay, while I almost had a heart attack from worrying. Is this how you're going to be, fine!" Ann hangs up the phone then turned it off.     

'Oh! Shit! What do I do now?' Jeff was now in a panic, not because of the multi-million USD Vessel was now burning. But due to the wife at home that hanged-up on him.     

"Ronald!!!" Jeff was losing it now. He couldn't leave, especially with this Inferno blazing and burning one of the Vessels being built. There are so many problems to be resolved. The only option left, he's sending Ronald home to appease the now totally pissed off wife.     

Jeff loves Ann to death; however, unless it's detrimental as the CEO of a large group, Business will have to come first. This is what Jeff's trying to prevent, a time like this when he has to make a choice.     

'He will wrap it up as fast as he can, then fly home to extinguish the fire he created back there.' Jeff thought gloomily and headed to the direction where the Chief of the Fire Department was standing.     


Ann hangs up the phone, turned it off then threw it inside her bag. 'That SOB! He thinks saying sorry after that stunt that almost gave me a heart attack is enough. He's got another thing coming.' She mumbled to herself as she was gathering all her things ready to head to the Hospital.     

"So! Did he order you to fly home instead of himself? Well, I understand his reason, though." Lea told Ronald on the other end of the line.     

"But, he should be the one pacifying his wife, not me." Said Ronald, wanting Lea to feel sorry for him.     

"By the way, you are in the same boat. You might as well stay there and just come home at the same time. Because I will kill you myself if I see you soon." Lea told him angrily then hang up the phone as well.     

'Now what? What did I do? Oh! Shit! I copied precisely what Boss did with his wife. It means I'm also in the hot seat. Fu,' Ronald walked as fast as he can to where Jeff was busy speaking with the Chief.     

They needed to plan and prepare for the upcoming battle. But first, they needed to take care of the business at hand.     

"Let me get this clear; you will not be able to tell me anything until after the investigation is complete? And that would take a couple of days?"  Asked Jeff, waiting excitedly for a reply.     

"Yes! CEO Go, we will need to wait until the fire is fully out and controlled, investigate thoroughly then report our findings to the Insurance. And that would take a couple of days at least." The Chief confidently told Jeff.     

"That's good! Take your time and do a thorough investigation, and once you have completed to contact me through my assistant; we will fly back right away." Jeff couldn't wait to finish the conversation so he could fly back home to make up with his wife.     

"That's about it!" The Chief replied, then shook Jeff's hand and walked towards where other firefighters were.     

"RONALD!!! WE ARE GOING HOME!" Jeff yelled to Ronald, who was already making his way towards him.     

"We're going home? Boss! Are you sure? Hahaha! We're going home!" Ronald was jumping for joy.     


Tan Corporation:     

"Lea!" Ann called for her friend, still mad at her husband.     

"What's up?"     

"Book a flight to Korea for both of us, tonight, right now, anytime! " Ann's was fuming now, and if Jeff cannot come, then she will go to him!     

"Right now! Yehey! I'm on it. Korea, here we come!" Lea hurried up and started checking for a flight to Korea, leaving right now, later, as long as it's tonight!     

"Hello! I'm checking for the first flight to Korea. Do you have one available?"     

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