I accidentally married a "CEO"

Biological Daughter

Biological Daughter

The Engineer and the Builder felt much relief when they saw Jeff kissing his cell phone screen.     

"Whew!" Both people exclaim at the same time; they felt relief.     

In the meantime, Lea and Ronald texting to each other;     

Lea: [ What's the story, did you get my message?]     

Ronald: [ YES!]     

Lea: [AND?]     

Ronald: [ I'm currently inside the car waiting to be slaughtered by the boss.]     

Lea: [ Oh! ] - [ Talk to you later then, if you're still alive.] - [ Hahaha!]     

Ronald: [ What was that all about?]-[ You don't care at all?] - [I'm sad...]     

Ann texted Lea instead of going back to the Cafeteria; she did not want to face George in case he was still there. [ I'm going back upstairs, make an excuse for me to George, ok!]     

Lea: [ Oke-Doki!]     

The day went smoothly after that; Ann buried herself with work.     


Albert and Grandma Tan were having a deep conversation when Sophia came into Albert's room at the Hospital.     

" You're right, Mother; it's best if we send her to America to recuperate." Albert Tan told his Mother with sadness in his eyes.     

" Who's going to America?" Sophia curiously asked the both of them.     

" Oh! You're here! Good! Mother and I were discussing Claudia's recuperation. She will need a specialist to help her with all the damage she sustained from the accident." Albert was looking at Sophia for approval.     

"Furthermore, It's best to take her out of the Country for now while they are still investigating. If you know what I mean?" Still waiting for a reaction from Sophia.     

" Hmmm! Your Idea is not bad; It's feasible." Sophia sat down next to Albert by the bed.     

' It's better if she doesn't come back in this lifetime. Stay as far away from here, because if she does. I will make sure she pays for what she did.' Sophia thought while smiling at Albert, not showing her real emotion.     

"Sophia, I know this might not be the right time, but I can't wait any longer, and I must know?" Grandma Tan asked, looking excitedly at Sophia.     

" What is it, Mother-in-law?" Acting nonchalant.     

" About that relative of yours, Joanna Wen, Is she related to Albert in any way?" Grandma Tan couldn't ask the real question, afraid that she's mistaken.     

" Mother-in-law, please! stop beating around the bushes. " Sophia is now getting agitated by the question.     

" Isn't it obvious? Her similarity to you is uncanny, and she's related to me. So to answer your question, as I said before, Yes! Whatever it is, your thinking." Sophia proudly replied to her Mother-in-law.     

" Whoa! It's great! Really great! With the situation now with Claudia looking like that and might become invalid, I'm sure Jeff will not marry her if it kills him. It's good news; I need to let Grandpa Go know so we can make the arrangement." Grandma Tan excitedly announced.     

" Hold It! Hold your horse's Mother!" Albert Tan is now anxious and excited at the same time.     

" Mother, can you please! give us a moment to talk in private? I still have many questions unanswered, and please! don't whine your mouth to that Old Goat until we hear from Joanna that she agreed, alright! " Albert asked his Mother, pleadingly.     

"Sure! Sure! Don't worry; I will wait until we speak with my Granddaughter first, and then I will tell Grandpa Go. I'm sure he will agree in a heartbeat." Grandma Tan excitedly excused herself and went to the adjoining waiting room.     

' No wonder she looks like me when I was at that age. She has all the features of Tan's and the Wen. Beautiful, smart, and talented. Very well educated and polished. Who wouldn't want her for a wife?" Grandma Tan is thinking happily on the way to the waiting room.     

Silence had occupied Albert's room right after Grandma Tan left. Sophia and Albert just stared at each other for a while. No one dares to say a word, afraid to express their real feelings, not to hurt each other.     

Finally, after contemplating for a while, Albert Tan breaks the silence; " How? When? Why?" Albert utters to Sophia, currently in deep thought.     

" I know you have a lot of questions, and all need answers, but let's wait when Ann is available, and we all three can have a family bonding, alright! For now, let us worry about the other daughter you have here in ICU. We need to make an arrangement." Sophia tried to sound politically correct and smiled the sweetest to her husband.     

" You are right, there are many things that need our attention, and we need to focus. Go ahead and take care of it all; you already have my Power of Attorney to handle Claudia's matter. The rest can wait." Albert gave Sophia a little push encouraging her to go.     

Sophia got up and went to the ICU's directions to handle Claudia's transfer to America to recuperate.     

' Now, you will be out of the way; I will make sure that you never come back! They think I'm going to send you to America, ha! I'm sending you to an unknown Country, to make sure you never recuperate at all. Hahaha!' Sophia was so happy with the outcome it was showing on her face.     

The Director of the Hospital was on the way to the ICU and saw Sophia. He was about to approach her when he heard her rumbling to herself. ' Tks! Tks! Tks! These rich and famous people are all cunning and vicious. They will do anything even if it means killing your own family. In the future, I better make sure I don't involve myself in their matter.' He backtracked his step and went in the direction of Albert's VIP room.     

" Did you show this to anyone? " Albert asked.     

" Only to the young Miss Wen who had donated the blood that saved your life," the Director replied.     

" Director, how many people know that Miss Wen is my Biological daughter?" Albert asked sternly, looking at him.     

The Director of the hospital was speechless and in deep thought. 'how do I answer this? God help me! Please!?-     

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