I accidentally married a "CEO"

"Ready or not, Here I come!"

"Ready or not, Here I come!"

The flight back to Asia was very long. Ann took this chance to get caught up with what's going with Tan Corporation. She nestles to Jeff who's also busy reading some significant documents.     

The private Jet has a very luxurious cabin that accommodates them perfectly along with the spacious outer area where other's can enjoy the comfort and luxury during the flight.     

" Honey' may I ask you a question?" Ann was playing on Jeff's upper torso making him shiver as she caresses it slowly. Jeff is not wearing a top shirt; his eight pack is spread out ready for Ann take advantage during the flight.     

Jeff stop what he's doing, put the tablet down and gave his full attention to his lovely wife. "What is it? Tell me' what's bothering you?" He swept the strand of hair toward her ear that was partially covering part of her face.     

" How are you going to help me with Tan Corporation when you have enough to worry about at Mega Group?" Ann looked at Jeff with concern. But in Jeff's eyes, she was more like begging to be swallowed whole.     

" Let me worry about that Okay! All you need to do is concentrate on how you are going to win everyone's heart at Tan's Corp. I have faith in you. I know this will be a piece of cake once you take action." Kissed her deeply in her red lips to end the conversation. [ Snu-snu ] to ease the boredom of a long flight back to Asia.     

They arrived back to Asia without a hitch. It was very late in the evening. Everyone was so tired from the long flight. Jeff and Ann are worn out from the activity they had done during the trip back. Ann can barely walk, her legs were still sore. Jeff had overdone it this time.     

Ronald bid his goodbye and head back home. He cannot wait to show his Father all the recording he made during their visit with the Kuan's. Ronald cannot contain the happiness his feeling that waiting to burst. He started laughing so hard on the way home.     

Lea still in the dreamland, elated to the max didn't even know Ronald had left for home already. As she was walking toward her room, she can't help to think. 'This is surreal, the life of the Billionaire is something. To be able to have breakfast in one Country and have dinner in another is fantastic! Thanks to my best friend, I'm living a life of luxury along with her.' She glanced at the couple heading to their bedroom, smiled and went into her room.     


The next morning Jeff had to leave early for a Business trip to Korea. They are building twenty new Vessels. The plan is to finish in the next couple of years. There's a problem in the Shipyard that requires his attendance. Living Ann on her device on her first day at Tan Corporation as the new Interim CEO.     

" Sweetheart, I'm sorry! It's inimitable that I attend, If I can send another, I would but I can't alright! I'll make it up to you when I come back.' Jeff is looking with sad eyes to his wife that sulking like a little child.     

" Do you have to go? It's my first day, and I'm nervous. Couldn't you wait till this afternoon at least? " Back hug Jeff as he was putting his tie getting dress. Ann pleading her might come with a hint of tears in her eyes ready to drop anytime.     

" Oh!... Sweetheart! You're breaking my heart. What can I do? I don't want to go, but I must ok? " Jeff turned around and faced his wife now has tears streaming down her beautiful face. Kissed it away, then turned and left before he changes his mind.     

Just as Jeff was walking towards the door to leave, Lea who had just woken up walking toward the kitchen saw him. " Good morning! Leaving so early?" asked Jeff with squinting half-opened eyes.     

" Good morning to you too!" Nods to bid Lea goodbye and about to step out the door. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around to speak: " Lea, do me a favor? I know you will never let anyone bully Ann, but you never know? "     

He looks Lea straight in her eyes; "Today is her first day if anyone tries to give a hard time, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you can't get a hold of me to call Ronald and he will relay the message alright!" Once Lea agreed only then can Jeff feel at ease to move on.     

Ronald was already downstairs of Ann's Condominium waiting patiently. He didn't want to go up. Afraid he will run-in to Lea and will not want to part as well. Their relationship had progressed into the second stage since the trip to America.     

Ronald opened the door for Jeff to get in. 'He felt terrible for the way his boss has a solemn look on his face.' Ronald shakes his head in shame.     

' I wish this can be handled by myself, and I would volunteer to go alone on this trip. Unfortunately, the situation is more complicated than what my little knowledge can process.' Ronald thought sadly.     

Inside Ann's Condominium, she was still seating on her vanity trying to sike herself out to be courageous and to start getting ready. ' I know I can do It, Ann Jai-Ho! Your smart, this is a piece of cake!' Once she starts feeling the surge of confidence in her; Ann went to her wardrobe and pulled out the suits she needed for the part. " READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" Ann yelled to herself.     

Lea who's standing by the door of Ann's bedroom started clapping her hand and yelled as well:     

"You said it Girlfriend, 'TAN CORPORATION; YOU BETTER BE READY! A TORNADO IS COMING!' " Lea yelled on top of her lung then started laughing happily. " LET'S GO!"     

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