I accidentally married a "CEO"

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A young girl found her beloved grandmother's cold, lifeless body on the floor of their rundown restaurant...

Shredded fragments of broken furniture were strewn all over the restaurant.

Plates, glasses – among other things – were all savagely scattered. The loan sharks didn't leave a single piece of furniture unimpaired. The whole place was in a complete state of chaos–and it was not over yet.

The loan shark advanced menacingly towards Grandma Wen, whose whole body was shuddering.

She didn't move. She couldn't move. The old lady was forced to endure all the discomfort in her body while being pinned down to one spot.

"Pak! Pak!"

Two reverberating slaps hit Grandma Wen's face, messing up her carefully combed grey hair. Then, as if that wasn't enough, the burly man mercilessly punched her straight in the stomach. Sending unbearable pain and discomfort in her body.

"P-please… this old body can't sustain it anymore." Grandma Wen, while holding her abdomen from the strain. "I already told you, I have no money. Would you mind letting me go? I'll try to pay you back as soon as I can."

The older woman thought it was over, praying that the man would show her an ounce of pity.

But she was wrong.

Just when the pain slowly faded away, Grandma Wen tried to gather what remained of her strength to stand up; an unexpected kick once again impaled her stomach.

The force sent her feeble body shuttling to the corner of the room, where she had banged her head on the wall.

Her fragile neck had snapped.


She was beside herself with grief. Her beloved grandmother, who raised her, was found lifeless inside their rundown restaurant in the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Everything that their small family had painstakingly built was destroyed, but what broke her heart the most was that her grandmother was murdered in cold blood.

The older woman obviously suffered so much in the last moments of her life, and the perpetrators were still not caught by the authorities.

She was barely able to get through the burial process because she was so immersed in grief.

Her best friend and her family members were the only ones who were there for her during and after the funeral.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Her best friend asked, doing her best to comfort the grieving young girl.

"If you want to, you could always move in with us, you know. My parents always treated you like their own, and now that the twins are off to military training, there's just me left to trouble them."

"Thank you, I really appreciate your offer, but I'll be fine. I just need to find a decent job and go to school at night. I know I can do it; I just want you to stay by my side and be my friend forever." She cried on her best friend's shoulder.

"Shhh, stop crying...'' Her friend gently hugged the crying girl. Then, trying to lighten up the mood, she solemnly declared, "I am never going to leave you alone. You are stuck with me. We will be best friends forever. For better or worse, till death do us part. Hahaha! It sounded as if we're getting married."

The young girl smiled a tad as she continued sobbing at her best friend's shoulder.

She's now all alone in the world. Her beloved grandmother, who had raised her all by herself with all her might, was no longer around.

While she was being comforted by her best friend, her mind was all over the place.

What is she to do now that she's all alone? She never once met any of her father, grandfather, or her mother's relatives.

Fortunately, she was now an adult. She had just turned 18, which is the legal age; she could live independently and wouldn't need to be taken into a foster home, unlike other orphaned children.

Once the funeral was over, she would figure out what to do with her life, but for now… First, she would grieve the loss of the most important person in the world to her, her grandmother...


Many years ago...

Grandmother Wen originally hailed from the Philippines. She migrated to the United States with her young child—Sophia—to be with her American husband. But her trip was all in vain, as her dear husband had died in a tragic accident a week before their arrival.

Her husband's family never truly approved of their marriage, and the family couldn't wait to get rid of Grandma Wen and her daughter as soon as they arrived.

However, Grandma Wen was a fighter and worked hard for the things that rightfully belonged to them, including the insurance money.

With the insurance money that she received from her husband's death, Grandma Wen opened up a restaurant to support herself and her only child. It was a new beginning for the both of them, a chance to fight for a new future, unshackled by their traumatic past.

Years went by, and they had lived their lives in peace. Until one day, her daughter came home with a face drowned in tears.

"I-I am pregnant."

"Oh God… oh no, oh – no! Pregnant? What… Who's the father?"

"I… can't say."

"What? Why! I am your mother!" Grandmother Wen exclaimed as she fell to her knees, tears in her eyes. "Please, please, tell me – who is the father?"

But no matter how hard Grandma Wen tried to find out who the father was, her daughter never said anything.

The older woman was helpless in the face of her daughter's stubbornness. Finally, she could only support her pregnant daughter and promised to help her raise her unborn child.

After a few months, a beautiful baby girl was born, and they named her 'Ann.'

Sophia had big dreams, and she wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. So as soon as she was able to move, she left her newborn child in the hands of her mother, packed her bags, and never looked back.

Parentless and destitute, Ann's grandmother chose to raise the young girl in Las Vegas single-handedly...


Years passed, everyone praised the young girl for her talent for singing and her natural brilliance in school from a young age. She was born with so many gifts, just like the mother who abandoned her.

Her grandmother had encouraged her to pursue her dreams, which unfortunately came with a steep price.--her life.

The restaurant that her grandmother opened wasn't manageable, nor was it lucrative. The older woman had no choice but to borrow money from loan sharks to provide for their basic needs in life and spare cash for Ann to attend various talent shows.

With the bills piling up day by day, month by month, Grandma Wen was unable to pay back even a certain percentage of the loan shark's high-interest loan. This decision led her to her tragic end.

Now that the young girl's grandmother had passed away, she didn't have any way to support herself. She had depended on her grandmother all her life, and now that she was gone, the young girl was lost and didn't know what to do.

She didn't realize just how bad her situation was until the bills from the funeral home began arriving in the mail. And on top of that, the apartment rent had not been paid for several months. If she didn't turn around her life now, she would be on a fixed trajectory to vagrancy.

The girl who once had a bright future was now penniless and destined for a life on the streets.


The young girl thought that there was no more hope for her miserable situation. She had already prepared herself for the worst-case scenario– becoming homeless.

She hoped that God was somewhere out there, listening to the cries inside of her heart. She was desperate, and all she could do was pray.

But, then, an opportunity had suddenly emerged.

Auditions for a singing competition were being held in a nearby city. This was her chance to showcase her talent. The young girl was confident that she would effortlessly pass the preliminaries and make it to the next round with her talent. Some part of her even believed that she might win the competition.

However, there was only one problem... How was she going to get there?

She couldn't even afford a bus fare with little to no cash and multiple debts to be paid. Worst of all, she just received a notice from her landlord saying she would need to vacate the premises if she didn't pay back the rent within the month.

'Argh, money, money, money!' She wanted to bang her head and hope she die to end her misery.

Money at every turn, money at every breath, money was always daunting her—the root of all evil.

She began to drown in a sea of depression while figuring out where she could get the money. She even thought about asking her best friend, but she already owed her too much. No matter how kind her best friend was, she would never take advantage of her. Not now or in the future.

She sat slumped on the floor, trying to wrack her brain for ideas on where she could get money for a bus fare. If she could just manage to join the competition, there was a slight chance of winning the competition, and all her problems would be solved.

"Think!" The young girl muttered to herself. "Think hard and use your brain. Aren't you smart?" She scolded herself.

Suddenly, she then thought of her biological mother, the one that had abandoned her at birth. Her grandmother once told her that her mother was now a famous entertainer in Asia, a bona fide 'Diva,' and recently married one of the country's wealthiest men in the region.

That sounds like a possible solution...

But the problem was she didn't know where to find her mother. An ambitious woman who abandoned her newly born child and old mother in a foreign country, with no one to support them.

That heartless woman didn't care then and for sure wouldn't care now that her abandoned child was all grown up and about to become homeless...

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