I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Future

The Future

When they walked out of Jeff's office, all the secretaries outside were staring at them, wondering who this beautiful woman was next to their CEO.

"Is she the woman that was in the news not long ago?" one employee asked the girl next to her cubicle out of curiosity.

"You mean the one with the face mask and sunglasses they saw coming out of the private elevator? Too bad we can't take a picture so we can compare if there's a similarity." The other girl replied, not realizing that the CEO himself overheard them.

Jeff and Ann had passed the cubicle already, but then he heard what they were talking about and stopped for a moment, then turned around and gave them a stern, cold look before speaking. 

"It seems that I'm not giving you enough work to do for you to have enough time to gossip. So tell me, do you all want to keep your jobs?" He did not wait for the answer and just strode out of the building, Ann in tow.

Inside at the backseat of the car, "Do you have to be so mean to them? A warning would have been sufficient. You didn't have to scare them, you know!" Ann looked at Jeff with sparkling green eyes, so beautiful.

They were only an inch apart, so close that he felt like he was drowning in her eyes.

"My dear wife, I was not mean to them. I was simply informing them that I'm paying them to work, not gossip, especially if it's about us. It is none of their business." Jeff told Ann so sweetly that she wanted to eat him up.

Jeff pulled her to his embrace and held her until they arrived at the restaurant.

Everyone's faces lit up when they saw the two of them walking into the restaurant. They must have been starving.

Jeff seated himself at the head of the table with CEO Tan on his left and Sophia Tan on his right. Claudia Tan was sitting next to her father and was very unhappy with the arrangement because she wanted to sit right next to Jeff, which was not an option.

Ann's seat was in between Leah and Sophia Tan, her mother. She did her best not to have any interactions or conversations with Sophia, but luck was not on her side today.

Not knowing the relationship between them, Jeff suggested a commercial promotion with a Mother and Daughter tandem. He even went as far as to comment on their similarity that they would pass for a mother and daughter, and people would believe without question.

CEO Tan agreed with what Jeff said about the two of them looking like "What Ann looks like now is how Sophia looked back in the old days when we first met in College." He said he wondered what kind of relationship these two had and wanted to find out.

Ann smiled and glanced at her mother without saying anything. Then gave Jeff a killer look.

Claudia thought Jeff was talking about her and Sophia and was excited about it. "I believe it's a good idea, Jeff!" She was looking at him like a little puppy ready for the slaughterhouse.

She didn't realize her mistake until Sophia replied, "Sure, why not? It would be good for Ann to get some exposure. I don't mind at all. But, unfortunately, I don't have any endorsements or engagements anytime soon. How about it, Ann?'

'Here goes Ann again,' thought Claudia.

"It's not a bad idea. I can discuss it with my manager, and I will get back to you if that's alright with you," Anna replied without making eye contact with Sophia.

Sophia did not get another chance to speak with Ann. When lunch was finished, they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

She could not understand the emotion that was crawling little by little inside her heart right now, and it was like yearning for a precious item that she had lost or given away and wanted to get back. Her heart was aching right now!


That night at the Tan mansion, Sophia locked herself up in the guest room, a bottle of wine, a couple of boxes of Kleenex, a box full of memorabilia from 20 some years ago up to the present.

She gave Albert and Claudia the excuse that she needed to prepare for an upcoming drama, and they believed her, at least Claudia did, but not CEO Tan. He had his doubts and was required to confirm his suspicions.


At the same time, at Jeff's mansion, the couple was having a heated debate regarding their lodging and sleeping arrangements.

"Look! Look! It's clearly stated that we are to have separate dwellings and...you need to make an appointment t-t-to do that! You know" Ann was pleading with her husband. 

"So..so... to rectify this..." She did not get a chance to finish her sentence with Jeff being on top of her... making her forget what they were discussing.

Jeff was like a hungry wolf that wanted to eat her up (Gobble-gobble, chomp-chomp). He had been living a celibate life for four years.

For four long years, he had taken lots and lots of cold showers after waking up in the middle of the night having a wet dream. 'Never again!'


The next day, Jeff felt terrible for his wife, who could barely move. She was sore in between her thighs and had a bruised-up body; red marks were showing all over her left and right thigh.

Jeff could not believe his eyes that he was the reason for all her suffering right now. He was a monster when it came to mating! He was so brutal, and he was afraid to do it again, worried that he would hurt her more.

Ann looked like a rag doll, a satisfied rag doll, after their lovemaking. Whether it was four years ago or last night, she had no complaint. But, unknown to sleepyhead Ann, her husband was right there sitting down next to her by the bed in agony after seeing her state contemplating what to do next.

Ann was currently asleep and having a wet dream at that! When she started moaning and panting. Jeff got worried that she was in pain. He didn't know what to do at that moment. 

He grabbed Ann in an embrace, sobbing, "I'm sorry!"

Ann felt Jeff's embrace, but she was still dreaming, and in her dreams, she started kissing him, touching him, but unknown to her, she was also doing this outside of her dreams. Jeff was confused and didn't understand what was happening, but he couldn't ignore the arousal that was starting to surface. The animal within him wanted to be free.

Jeff's animal instinct was unleashed once again. He tried his best to control himself, but he was only a man after all. Add the moaning and panting that Ann was doing; he couldn't stop being aroused to the max.

This time, however, he did his best to be as gentle and as sweet as he could; he wanted to give her heaven, not hell, after all!

Ann woke up to a pair of deep blue eyes staring at her. It shocked her for a split moment that she instantly became wide awake, all traces of sleepiness banished.


Jeff scratched his head, embarrassed.

Ann extended her arms and pushed him away just a little while, exclaiming, "J-Jeff... stop!"

Jeff just glanced at Ann innocently, acting like a little lamb now. So where did that big bad wolf go?

Ann then slowly climbed off the bed. She was so sore that she could barely walk into the bathroom.

As she was brushing her teeth, she thought, 'Last night was so incredible, our lovemaking was out of this world, but even if I managed to conceal all the bruises, how am I going to hide all the hickeys on my neck?? This is too much!'

As she viewed all the evidence in front of the mirror, a tall, handsome figure appeared at the door of the bathroom, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm sorry! Are you mad at me? Forgive me, please..." he then approached her and hugged her from behind; he started kissing her bruises one by one. Ann just coldly snorted at him and didn't bother to answer his pleas. 

What else could she say? It was all right and done. She was already black, red, and blue. 'Like fireworks.'

Her expression showed that she was in pain the entire day. Lea had been trying to discuss something with her, but she wasn't paying attention at all. Her mind was still on cloud nine from the scene in the bathroom and the night before.

Lea had no clue what Ann was thinking about right now. After a while, when she still hadn't uttered a single word, Lea quickly got up and called Jeff for an explanation, "There's nothing wrong. Last night, I just got carried away, just a little, and she's probably still in pain right now," he said, just wanting to make things clear to Lea "that's all!" 

Technically he didn't need to explain, but she was Ann's closest friend after all.

"If it's any consolation, I promise you that from now on, I won't ever do that again!" Jeff declared before hanging up.

Lea was left confused on the other end of the call.

Lea told Ann right after the call that Jeff had sworn to her never to do what he did to Ann ever again. 

Her heart was wholly broken. Nevertheless, she still pretended to be calm and unmoved as she indifferently said, "If that's what he wants and will not touch me ever, then so be it! See if I care!"

When Jeff came home that night, he was given the silent treatment without knowing what he did wrong?

When it was time for them to sleep, Jeff found himself locked out of the room."Now what? Ann...Honey! Sweetie pie, my love! Why are you mad at me? Please open the door, honeybunch!"

Everyone in the household heard their Young Master begging and pleading to the Young Missus. They all laughed hard without Jeff knowing he was the topic of the day within the Mansion.

Everyone in the mansion heard and saw what was going on with the couple. However, the ones that were most afraid were Ronald and Lea. If they didn't patch things up before they went to sleep, there would be hell to pay in the morning for everyone in the household, including them. 

All of them will be in Lion's den, with the "Lion King" ready to eat them alive.

"Do something, why don't you!" Lea urged Ronald, "you're his assistant; shouldn't you be assisting him right now?" Who knows what outcome would happen if they don't provide some assistance to their clueless boss, who seems to have zero experience in appeasing his wife.

"Why me? You're her best friend and manager. You probably have a better chance of succeeding than me. I'm just an assistant, and my status is lower than yours."

Technically Jeff could have entered the room with no issue by using a key, but he didn't want her to be more upset than she already was, and who knows what she would do to him once he entered. 

In other words, he chickened out. He just kept on knocking and continued talking outside the room by the door.

"Sweetheart, if I have done or said anything wrong, please forgive me once and open the door, please... pretty please!" Jeff pleaded with Ann non-stop for what felt like hours. "I promise I'll never do it again, okay!"

  'The same words are what got him in trouble, and he's repeating them! Is this guy sitting on his brain or what?' Lea thought as she listened to what Jeff was saying.

In the meantime, Ann was sitting on top of the bed, reading a book inside the room. When she heard what Jeff said, she couldn't help but be more upset than she already was.

The more Jeff pleaded, the madder she got. Finally, however, it did not look good for everyone in the household to see the mighty CEO acting like this, which gave her no choice but to forgive him and open the door.

When Jeff heard the sound of the door being unlocked, he knew he was out of the dog house. So he prepared the sweetest smile that he could come up with for her to see when she opened the door.

"Peace! Okay, I love you!"

"Just this once, I will forgive you, but it won't happen again next time, you hear me!" She wanted to act mad, even trying hard to sound like it, but when she looked at her husband's handsome face, she couldn't help but smile while scolding him.

What else could Ann do when she was faced with the most adorable and handsome man in the world but melt into his embrace and kisses.

After the couple closed the door, everyone cheerfully went to bed. 

After a week, Ann finally settled into her new lifestyle. Jeff was nothing but the most adoring and loving husband, and he had been spoiling her to the max. Her friend/manager Lea was full of envy and happiness at the same time.

However, no matter how lovey-dovey they were right now, there was still the issue of them being married in secret. Only the people around Jeff's mansion knew the truth.

One night, while they were in bed snuggling, Jeff asked Ann what her plans were. He wanted her to know that he would support her no matter what she decided to do. Ann did not reply to his question. Instead, she just kissed him, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.

Truth be told, she was wide awake and just faking asleep. She didn't know how to answer his question right now, she still had many plans and things to accomplish, and on top of that, they hardly knew anything about each other. So they still had a very long way to go.

During the next few days, Ann would stay low-key. She never went anywhere the whole time, afraid that she would run into her Mother.

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