I accidentally married a "CEO"

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Ann went into all the details of the events, they never kept secrets from each other even concerning the fake relationship. After finding out that Ann did the deed with Jeff, Lea teased her nonstop, which made Ann upset for a while.

After promising each other to visit at least once a month and keep in touch as much as humanly possible, they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.


Ann was finally adjusting to her college life. She was busy since she had a full load. She also had to find a part-time job off-campus so she was working on the weekends and sometimes during weekdays when she had free time. Her schedule was packed, and she was functioning on autopilot.

From time to time she would accidentally think of a particular person, it still hurt her, but she would shrug it off and continue working towards her goal of a better future for herself.

A couple of months went by when Ann suddenly received a message. It was the coordinator of the singing competition she had auditioned for so many months ago.

Ann was in class when the call came through so she couldn't answer it. She checked her phone as soon as the class ended.

The coordinator wanted to meet with her and discuss the possibility of signing a contract with them. "Is this for real?" She wondered aloud.

Ann called Lea excitedly "Girlfriend! You need to head out here. I have wonderful news! You will not believe it when you hear it."

"What is it? Tell me! You got me all riled up, you need to confess right now. Did you meet a boy, and are now pregnant?" Lea asked her jokingly.

"You're nuts. No! It's something else. It's about the singing competition I joined before, remember? Well, they contacted me and want me to sign an exclusive contract with them. Can you be my manager?" Ann excitedly explained the details.

Lea did not even have to think about it, she agreed in a heartbeat. She had promised Ann that if she ever got into the entertainment industry, she would be her manager. It seems that the time had come to keep her word.

Lea was so excited for Ann. They discussed where and when they would meet, to strategize, and do some research on what to ask for and what not to overlook when signing a contract with companies in the entertainment industry. Keeping in mind that they had zilch experience in contract signing, Lea would probably have to look for some pro bono lawyer to give them advice.


On the other side of the world, Jeff was on the phone talking to Mega International Agency's branch director of talents. "School is her priority, the rest is just secondary. You got that?" He sternly informed him.

"I understand. Rest assured CEO Go, her public exposure will be minimal. It will only be enough to pique people's curiosity. We will train, prepare, and get her ready for a full launch of her singing career after she graduates from college." The director of talents replied. "This is just a means to pave the way for her career."

"Hmm! You better not screw this up, or else!" That was all Jeff said before he hung up.


The two best friends were full of anticipation and excitement. They met up and discussed all the questions they would ask.

"Should we ask for a car, a house, a stylist, etc. etc." Lea was excited and unable to stop herself from rambling on and on.

"No! We need to first read the contract thoroughly before demanding anything!" Ann was trying to coax her friend/manager on how to handle the deal.

"Whatever! I'm just excited I can't believe you're finally achieving your dream, little by little." Lea said with tears forming in her eyes. "Anyway just so you know, I am now better informed on contract signing as your manager," said Lea trying to hide her tears with a grin, "they better not try to take advantage of you."


The day of the meeting finally came. They arrived early at Mega International Agency's building.

The place was grand and bustling with people coming and going. Lea was more excited than Ann.

She kept talking nonstop, pointing each time she saw a familiar face of some famous personality.

She would nudge Ann and whisper "Heaven. I'm in heaven. I died and went to heaven." Lea sang.

"Lea! You are right! You'll be dead by my hand if you don't stop!" Ann whispered to Lea.

"The only problem is I'm not sure if you will go to heaven, and I don't want to be blamed since we both know you have a direct ticket to hell." Hahaha!" Ann happily teased her friend.

The coordinator was already waiting for them by the front entrance. As soon as she saw Ann, she smiled and greeted her right away.

She took them to the 20th floor, where the Upper Management offices were situated.

As soon as the Director saw Ann, he wondered what her relationship with the CEO was. The CEO had personally contacted him and ordered him to sign her up.

'It doesn't matter what her relationship is with the boss, and she's a VIP. If I need to kiss her royal butt, I will do so wholeheartedly.'

Both parties signed the contract. It was a very lucrative offer, and they would work with Ann's schedule.

The deal came with a condominium, a car, stylish when she needed one, personal shopper, and a tour manager, which (of course) was none other than Lea on the payroll.

On top of that, she would be trained not just as a singer, but everything and anything else she wanted to be as long as she had the talent. Modeling, acting if she's interested, dancing, and of course, singing.

The Director informed her of all these perks happily, like he was giving a treat to a child. 'If she's satisfied with my offer and tells the boss about it, then I'm all set.' The Director thought happily.

Ann felt like she was in dreamland, and didn't want to wake up anytime soon.

"Ann! ANN!!!!" Leah said so loud she almost burst Ann's eardrum.

"...?" Ann did not react. She was still spaced out.

The Director just smiled at the expressions Ann and Lea had on their faces. "If you don't have any other questions, I had my assistant reserve a restaurant for us to celebrate. Please join me."

"By the way, one more thing I forgot to mention. We have transferred your manager to the same college (Harvard) as the one you are attending now. She needs to be available 24/7, and since her grades are high enough, we were able to make the transfer without delay. Of course, we shall subsidize her scholarship since the school originally offered her half scholarship" He proudly informed the two.

Lea and Ann were speechless with the announcement. They were so stunned and shocked that they just stared at the Director for a while.

Finally, Lea spoke. "Our journey to stardom is about to begin! Hahaha!"


Lea graduated ahead of Ann. She only studied the core subjects, took a lot of online classes, and took extra classes every semester while Ann took longer since she was training and studying at the same time.

Ann kept a low profile at school. She focused on studying and practicing. She did some magazine endorsements, some events and variety shows, a couple of cameos in movies, but nothing major.

However, people were starting to notice her, especially in Asia.

Ann's mother, the famous singer, and actress in Asia, saw an article about Ann, and smirked a little thinking to herself 'Blood is thicker than water, and she has my blood. She will be famous someday!' Then wiped tears from her eyes.

By the door, a pretty young girl was standing just looking at her step-mother's beautiful face. She thought to herself 'I will be famous like her someday! I did not beg Father to marry this woman for nothing.'


A private plane was headed towards the United States of America. Sitting inside was CEO Jeff Go, on his way to attend a college graduation.

His face showed concern, and he appeared to be in deep thought. It was exactly four years ago when they had met and made a deal, a fake marriage that was supposed to be annulled when the deal was finished.

However, after consummating the fake marriage, Jeff left without saying goodbye. He was getting more and more depressed by the minute thinking about what had happened and how the reception was going to be.

After getting a call from Asia, he had to rush back home. He didn't have a choice, it was an emergency. However, Jeff's conscience bothered him; he had wanted to say goodbye to her in person.

He only had one choice back then, he had left a sticky note on Ann's bathroom mirror and a wad of cash under the pillow.

Now, four years later, they were technically still husband and wife.

The marriage never got annulled, and it was time to bring her home where she belonged.

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