I accidentally married a "CEO"

It's A Match

It's A Match

"Umm, I am sorry! Should I not know about it? Jeff, I mean Mr. Go had mentioned that Mr. Tan is in critical condition and needs a blood transfusion, and I happen to be AB(-) blood type as well; I am willing to donate if I am a match. Is it not why you wanted me to come?" Ann played dumb by asking with a confused look in her eyes.

'My poor daughter, I guess she has no idea about the other requirements. She does not know that besides blood type compatibility, she needed to be biologically related to him to become a donor. It means she still does not know that Albert is her biological father. If that is the case, should I tell her or not?' Sophia contemplated for a moment, then decided to wait when the time is right.

' Afraid that If she finds out the truth now, Ann might change her mind; 'I can't take that chance at this moment, Albert life is at stake.' Sophia now is in a bind, not knowing how to proceed.

"Yes, you're right one hundred percent! I asked Jeff to bring you along, knowing you're the only one that can save Albert. You're wondering how? You are my daughter; after all, I should know your blood type is rare. I hope you can temporarily put aside your grievance against me until he's out of the operating room and recovering. Once this dilemma is out of the way, I wish to have a heart to heart talk. I have a lot of explaining to do, and I want to clear the air between us. What do you say?" Sophia was hoping that she would agree.

Ann was contemplating how to answer. 'But I'm not ready to sit in talk with you; I have not surpassed your stardom yet; I need to show you that I grew up just fine without you, I never needed you then, and I still don't need you right now. When I accomplish all that I want to, I will stand tall and proud and have a heart to heart talk with you.' Deep in her subconscious, she wanted to say all that.

Instead, she said:" I think what we need to do is take care of the matter on hand. First, the rest we can discuss later. What do I need to do right now? Mr. Tan is still not out of danger; we need to act fast, don't you think so? Mother!" She said intensely that she left Sophia speechless for a moment.

"So! What do I need to do and where to go? Point me in the right direction so we can get this over with!" The way she said it expressionless, it made Sophia shuddered immensely.

"Let me call the Director to take you to the Blood test to check for compatibility, alright. Just wait here for a little bit; I will be right back." Sophia told Ann as she was heading to the door. 'She needed to talk to the Director and instruct him on how to handle and what to say. It's not time for Ann to know that Albert Tan is her biological father.' Sophia needed to talk to him privately.

"Ms. Ann, this way, please!" Ann follows the same technician and the hospital director that took Claudia's test prior. "This will not take that long, just a vile of blood, some saliva, and we should be good to go," The Technician informed Ann with a big smile on his face.

' I do not doubt that this young lady is the actual biological daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tan. She's a carbon copy of Mrs. Tan, unlike that Ms. snotty Claudia; if she is not dressed to the nines, she looks just like a common girl on the street.' The technician thought to himself.

" All done, you may go back to the VIP room to wait for the result. I will inform you as soon as possible if you're a possible candidate. This way, please!" Pushing the door open, ushering Ann out in a rush.

As soon as Ann left, the lab technician quickly started the process of DNA and blood testing. They must have a result in a heartbeat; they are in an emergency right now. Every minute counts.

Jeff, Ronald, and Claudia were not in the room when Ann came back. As soon as she walks in: "Where did you go?" Lea whispered to Ann while pulling her into the corner of the room where Sophia cannot hear them talk.

"Oh! I had to give a blood sample to see if my blood is compatible so I can donate." Ann replied expressionlessly, then looked into Sophia's direction with an unreadable look on her face.

"Really! My guess was right then, but how did the Queen Mother know your blood type? Is there something you're not telling me?" Lea gave her a mischievous look.

"When the time is right, I will tell you first, before I announce to the world what needs to be known a long time ago," Ann told Lea while looking at Sophia from the other side of the room.

The sound of silence is so loud to the deaf ear of everyone in the room. They're all sullen at the moment, waiting for the announcement of the outcome. The anticipation is running high; every second is like a lifetime of waiting...and waiting for the judgment to arrive.

The only person that has a worried look on her face is Sophia. She knows what the outcome will be, without a doubt. It is just a matter of time for Ann to find out the truth about her unknown father, and that's what scares her the most.

Finally, the anticipated result has arrived; everyone turns to the door as the hospital director and the Lab Technician enter.

"Ms. Sophia, Miss. Ann, we have the result of the test. Based on our thorough testing, the result is an astonishing 99.9999% match, it means.

Lea: "...? Match, meaning what?"

Ann: " You will soon find out!"

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