I accidentally married a "CEO"

What is the Truth?

What is the Truth?

When Grandfather Go arrived at the VIP room in the hospital, the first person they met was Claudia.     

Claudia couldn't wait for grandfather Go to come for her, and she quickly ran into his embrace, looking for sympathy. "Grandpa, *huh...huh...huh* My dad, *huh...huh...huh...*."     

"Hush! Child hush, everything will be alright. I heard that the surgery was successful. I spoke with the Director of the Hospital before I came here, and he told me of the miracle that happened.     

"He said that at first, they needed a blood donor to continue with the surgery and it could only come from an immediate family, then suddenly the operation was able to finish without needing one. If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is?     

"Where's your Step-mother? There's something significant I need to discuss with her with regards to Tang Corporation?" He asked Claudia absent-mindlessly     

"Mom went to check on Dad; she should be back in a minute. Unfortunately, I can't call or text her in the ICU; Phones are not allowed."     

"It's okay; I have all the time in the world. I will wait for a bit, and keep you company. What do you say?" He told her teasingly.     

"Thank you! Grandpa, you don't know how much I feel relieved that you came. Jeff was here a while back, but he had to take care of some important business and left." She told Grandpa, Go proudly with a sorrowful look on her face.     

"What did you say? Jeff was here not long ago and just left because of urgent business? That's good! That's good, indeed! "Grandpa Go was happy when he heard this news.     

After half an hour of waiting, Sophia has not come back, and Grandpa Go couldn't wait any longer and decided to leave.     

"Ms. Edna, kindly relay my message to Mrs. Tan that I must speak with her tonight at the latest. It's imperative and must not delay." He then walked out of the room after saying goodbye with Claudia.     

On the way home, Grandpa Go called Jeff, "Where are you? What was so important that you left your fiancée all alone grieving in the hospital? You better not be..." he realized what he was about to say and changed the subject right away before hanging up.     


Meanwhile, back at the Condo, Jeff was so worried that his wife was sicker than she looked, but there was nothing he could do but take her home. Lea told them that Ann doesn't want to stay a minute longer at the hospital after she finished giving blood. Whatever the reason might be, he has to respect her request.     

Lea and Ronald were in the living room debating and guessing on what's going on.     

"This is so mysterious, how does Sophia know Ann's blood type?" Lea said with brooding eyes.     

"I know, I was wondering about that too. When I tried to get intel from the boss, I was told to mind my own business. Aren't, them our business?" Ronald asked.     

"Well! Let's wait until they are ready to tell us, sooner or later we will know the truth behind all this. In the meantime, why don't you make us something to eat? I'm starving. " Lea coax Ronald to cook for her with her sweet smile and a Dowey eye.     

"Why me? You're the woman, shouldn't you be the one cooking?" Ronald was looking at Lea, thinking. 'Why didn't I notice before how pretty and sexy this girl in front of me, is? Her blue eyes, wow! bright like the clear blue ocean, I can drown in it just by looking.'     

"Are you going to get up and make us something to eat, or are you planning to eat me instead?" She said teasingly, then got up and headed to the kitchen to start cooking.     

'Take that! you hunk of a man.' Lea thought while grinning from ear to ear as she walks towards the kitchen, showing her beautiful behind.     

In the meantime, Ann finally woke up. She was still a little out of sorts and groggy, she felt something, and she turned and looked. Next to her in bed half seating and half lying down was her husband reading some document, held in one hand and while the other hand was caressing her hair.     

"What happened? Last I recall we were waiting for you to pick us up, suddenly everything went dark? Did I pass out?" she asked Jeff with a curious look in her eyes.     

"How much blood did you give for you to end up this way?"     

"Not much! Just enough to keep him alive, I guess." Ann said calmly.     

"Well, it seems like it's almost enough to kill you, though. Let me ask you something, and you don't have to answer if you don't want too, but I have an idea already okay!" Jeff warned Ann ahead of time.     

"CEO Tand and Sophia, are they your biological parents? You don't need to answer if you don't want too, as I said. However, I want to hear it from you instead of other people." Jeff told her with a quizzical look on his face.     

"Jeff, can we not talk about it for now? I promise I will tell you everything. Right now, all I want to do is rest and clear my mind. I have a feeling that something is going to happen soon, and I need to prepare myself, alright?"     

"As I said, you don't need to tell me right now, and I already know the answer anyway. I was only curious to see how this would turn out? When you feel better and are ready to tell me everything, I'm all ears alright!" He kissed his wife sweetly and continued his reading as he ran his finger through her hair.     

Ann grabbed the document on Jeff's hand and put it aside. She then grabbed his other hand and put it on her face, asking to be caressed like a little child. Jeff pulled his hand away from Ann's face and hair, lifted Ann's head from his lap, straighten her body to match his face to face, embraced her then kissed her lightly on her lips then closed his eyes as well and went to sleep in broad daylight with his wife next to him...     

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