I accidentally married a "CEO"

Is This For Real?

Is This For Real?

Jeff heard what Ronald said and wave his hands telling him to go. As soon as Ronald left, Jeff went into action. He's now in CEO full mode. He needed to get all the stock he could get, making sure that by tomorrow... Ann would be the next CEO of Tan Corporation.

"So, you're saying... " Jeff was busy with the head of the team, discussing various solutions to help the Tan Corporation out of the jam. 

"This is not looking good if this continues, the stock will be worthless by the end of the day tomorrow. We need to come up with some trick to boost up the price of the stock." 

Jeff went to his computer, plugged in some numbers, did some calculations and Walla! He told his team what to do, once everyone agreed and understood. Jeff went back to his office, thinking about calling his wife. He needed to hear her voice; just her voice was enough for a vitamin for him to keep going.

When Jeff arrived at his office, he found his cell phone on top of his desk with a note from Ronald. 

[ Boss! Sorry! Urgent matter to handle needed to leave.] 

Jeff slides his finger on the screen of his cell phone and saw a whole bunch of missed calls from Ann. "Whoa! Do you missed me too sweetheart?" He mumbles as he was about to call her back. Suddenly it caught his eyes a message and decided to check it first. 

"From wifey! Hmmm! Let's see what it says; she's probably texting me how much she misses me. hahaha!" He laughs out loud as he mumbles to himself.

He pushed the message button, and then...*BAM!* Anns' message popped and his eyes bulge for all was in bold and capital letter. It read...-


 '...?' Jeff's smiles first then texted Ann back with the same way, all in bold and capital letter...-


He then swiped the phone off and grabbed his suits that were hanging by the back of his chair. Put all the documents he was working on into his briefcase, grabs all his things, before heading out to rescue his wife. 

He was almost at his private elevator when he remembers something. He went back and stopped at his secretary's desk first to give him instructions. "If any calls come from my grandfather, tell him I'm busy and cannot be bothered. If a call comes from a woman tell her I'm on my way to the rescue." Once he finished, he left without giving any more information than required.

His secretary nodded but in a daze. He was only able to grasp half of what he said. And '...? What woman? What rescue? What's going on?' He thought with a blank look on her face. 'I wonder what is going on with CEO Go? Lately, he's been in a frenzy and always on the run? Is it a woman? What woman? Ahhhh! I'm going crazy myself.' Jeff secretary thought to himself.


Inside the car on the way to Ann's condo, Jeff was so excited he's acting like a teenager in love. If anyone could see him right now, they would think he has lost a screw, for he kept on smiling and talking to himself. Luckily, he was by himself in the car.

While he was driving, he couldn't help himself but think and asked a question to the unknown.

'Why are you so cute, sending me text all in capital letters. Knowing once I receive it, I will drop everything and come to you? Whatever it is, it must be important; I should have called her first. Too late now, I'm on my way already.' Trying to convince himself that he did the right thing.

Jeff arrived in Ann's condo in no time. As soon as he opened the door, he started yelling:

"Honey, I'm home! I'm here to rescue a damsel in distress!" No one answered, he went to the Master bedroom and opened the door. 

"Honey, Sweetheart, I'm home! Where are you? " Still no answer.

Jeff was now confused. "Where is she?" He grumbles. He went out to the living room, and there was no Ann, he went to the kitchen, still no Ann, lastly he went to Lea's room and knocked; again no Ann.

Jeff was now getting worried and upset. His anxiety levels were going on the roof. He took out his phone and called Ann's number. *Ring ring ring* No answer. "What is going on here?" He exclaimed. 

He took out his phone and reread her message. "Is this message for real? Did she get kidnapped?" After he asked himself the question, he starts to worry that it could be for real. There's a possibility with the thing going on with the Tan Corporation, someone could have done it to prevent Ann.

Jeff was now a full-blown monster ready to kill. "Alright, Jeff Go, calm down and think. There must be an explanation for all of this." He tried to convince himself. 

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