7 Path of the Lilies

Clashes of Eon Energy Master Rank 4

Clashes of Eon Energy Master Rank 4

The web hit the ground as the three of them moved to the side. Looking at the sharp mark like blade on the ground, Ye Jiao was astonished. Unlike the water blade, there was nothing that appeared from Mr. Jing when he attacked. It was as if it just appeared before them so suddenly.     

"What in the world is that?" Lu Wan was shocked.     

Qi Huan stood up and looked straight to Mr. Jing. His hand was holding his sword tighter. "That's Eon Energy Control. You have to be more careful of his Eon Energy's movements."     

"He's non elemental?"     

"It seems so."     

Ye Jiao's eyes turned solemn. She was unfamiliar with the attacks from Eon Energy Master non-elemental.     

This might last longer than she thought.     

While the three of them were fighting against Mr. Jing, Zhan Jing also started his attack against the two masters. The moment Qi Huan released that wave of Eon Energy, he knew that the children would be able to take care of themselves. He only had to finish his own battle soon and helped them out.     

Crack! Bam!     

Numerous sharp objects appeared from the ground, aiming for the two men. They swiftly evaded them as they started to utilize their own ability.     


"Those illusions won't work on me," Zhan Jing charged straight to the first master and waved his hand. In that moment, a large boulder appeared from the floor and effectively destroyed the layout of the second floor.     

The first master's face paled. "Damn it!"     

Using his Eon Energy, he controlled his body to reach the ground safely. At the same time, the second master started to attack Zhan Jing ferociously, preventing the man from dealing the killing blow to the first master.     

"You're not getting away from me."     

Bam! Bam!     

Zhan Jing controlled the earth element from the wall and floor as he swiftly moved back. It has been some time since the last time he fought against Eon Energy Master Rank 4, but he still could control his Eon Energy perfectly.     

His control of the earth element caused the entire floor to be ruined. They were forced to move back to the first floor unless they wanted to be buried in the rubble that he created with his element.     


"You b*stard!" the first master grew annoyed. He expanded his Eon Energy, enveloping the three of them in a smoke like front. It was soothing yet at the same time it caused one's sense to grow numb.     

Zhan Jing's eyes narrowed. Those who picked the path as illusive masters would never try to attack directly because their strength lied in their ability to create illusion or to mess up with their opponent's sense. He had a better base than these two, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't be affected by this layer of fog.     

"Finish him quickly," the first master ordered. He was already doing everything he could by pushing his Eon Energy out like this. It was not his fighting style to pour everything out because his body felt weak.     


The second master swiftly moved towards Zhan Jing's direction with his weapon ready. He made a slashing movement as Zhan Jing hurriedly created a wall to block it.     


'He's faster.'     


Zhan Jing quickly moved away. His eyes were locked at the sword that the second master now used. It was a different weapon, and even he felt there was some terrifying aura enveloped the entire body.     

"You're not going to survive using such a sinister weapon," Zhan Jing said coldly.     

The second master smirked. "Before I fail to control it, you'll be the one to fall first, Zhan Jing."     

As soon as he finished talking, he sprinted from his position to reach the man's location. His expression contorted slightly because the sword was taking a toll on his body, but he had no choice. Normally, he wouldn't be able to fight against Zhan Jing equally.     

After all, as someone who used to be in rank 5, Zhan Jing has numerous battle experience and could control his Eon Energy much better.     

Slash! Slash! Slash!     

"Stop running away!" the second master roared.     

Zhan Jing paid him no heed as he continued to create walls that blocked the attack while his own body moved away from his position by controlling the ground beneath it. He didn't like to do this, but he couldn't possibly attack that sword head on. Somehow, he got a truly bad feeling coming from that weapon.     

"Who in the damned world designed this arena to be filled with earth?" the first master cursed as he raised his hand once again.     


"Secret weapon, huh?" Zhan Jing asked, yet his tone was filled with sneering and mocking. This was not the first time for him to see someone using a hidden weapon during a fight, but the first master must be the lousiest. It was so apparent when he launched them.     

The first master's expression grew solemn. "You won't get away."     

Tak! Tak! Tak!     

Slash! Slash! Slash!     

The two of them fought together as Zhan Jing continued to move away from them. He created numerous objects from the ground to block their attack as much as possible. Even though he had done a lot, it didn't look like his Eon Energy depleted at all. On the other hand, the two's breaths have started to become rough.     

"Guh," the second master felt that the sword started to move on its own. His strength was not enough to control it anymore.     

"Use a different sword!" the first master yelled.     

The second master put the sword back into his storage bracelet before he felt sudden searing pain in his hand. From the palm of his right hand, where he used to hold the sword, he could see fiery engraving had appeared. His expression sunk, for he realized that it would hinder his future path.     

When the man was distracted, Zhan Jing made his way to the first master. His hand waved at rapid speed, creating several sharp earth from the ground.     

"GET AWAY!"     


The first master could only try to throw his secret weapon, but it merely landed on the surface without being able to do anything. Before the second master could react, the sharp rock that Zhan Jing created had reached him.     

Stab! Stab!     


The second master coughed as blood came out. His expression was filled with disbelief as he looked at Zhan Jing.     



Zhan Jing created another one without mercy. It directly stabbed into the man's heart, efficiently killing him in that one strike. The moment he died, the fiery mark started to burn and spread into his body, covering it in a sinister aura and destroyed everything until nothing remained.     

"Damn it!" the first master cursed out loudly. He was about to attack Zhan Jing again when a powerful shockwave came from the other side, where the three children were fighting against Mr. Jing.     

"What in the world?"     

Zhan Jing hurriedly turned his head around. His pupil shrunk when he realized what had happened there.      

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