Married to his secret crush

Promising plenty of experience

Promising plenty of experience

''I thought you were not ready,'' he whispered against her lips.      

''I didn't want you to think that I am easy,'' that's why she hesitated a bit in the elevator.      

Easy? She made him crave her every gaze and every touch.      

''Ah Shuang...'' he stepped inside her place, carrying her in his arms. He kicked the door and it was locked with a 'click'.      

She looked at him, ''Hmm?"      

''Do you know that I had once looked into Zhu Boqin...'' The name made her lashes tremble. Even though the reaction was fleeting, he noticed it and kissed her eyes, ''...When I heard that you have a boyfriend, I could not help it. I wanted to know more about you... But there was something wrong with him. From what I discovered, he treated you so platonically for someone who claimed to love you,'' he could not understand how with a girlfriend like Li Shuang, he never spent time with her and never prioritized her.     

Even though it secretly made him happy but his heart ached too. It was a complicated feeling where he did not want her closer to any other guy nor did he want her to be sad or lonely. He wanted to make her happy with everything he had.      

''After you broke up with him, I wanted to come closer to you but before that, I wanted to let you heal and then you took over the position of the CEO, placing all your attention there. And somewhere along, I realized that neither did you have any feelings for me nor was I sure that you will ever like me. My past... I am responsible for it but since you came into the picture, I have been ashamed of many things I did. I felt like I was never worthy of you...''     

She blocked the rest of his words with a passionate kiss by crashing her lips on his.      

''You are enough,'' she whispered against his lips before kissing him again. She was clumsy at first but as their lips moved, she did not hold back.      

He was stunned, both by the kiss and her words. Yes, that's what he decided today. If he was not worthy of her, then who?... Jerks like Zhu Boqin or Edward. They hurt her repeatedly and he... he loved her too much to hurt her.      

It was best to keep her by his side and pamper her forever than to let her end up with some other jerk and drowning in vinegar. It would have been way too disgraceful and heartbreaking. He had enough heartache in the past two weeks already     

Mu Shen grabbed the back of her head and pressed his lips harder on hers, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth.      

His other hand moved to her bottom and he squeezed it. She threw her head back, a moan escaped her lips.      

He placed his lips on her chin, before slowly gliding it down along his neck and kissing her collarbone.      

When he stopped kissing her, she almost whined. Although she held back on the whine, a protesting sound left her mouth.      

He chuckled, ''Not here,'' he held kissed her forehead, and walked towards the room taking large strides.      

''Why not?" she was genuinely curious.      

He stepped inside her bedroom and placed her on the King-sized bed, ''Because this is our first time and I am going to...'' his gaze scanned her from head to toe, '' you properly,'' he whispered.      

She blushed, ''You know...'' she sat up on the bed, her long hair falling in front of her shoulder, ''I am quite jealous.''      

''Jealous?" he sat beside her, tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.      

''Because... when I think what you are doing to me... you have done that with other women before, I feel jealous, somewhat upset and sad,'' Li Shuang did not know how to deal with these feelings.     

In fact, she never knew she had this side to her.     

That day when she had witnessed him making out with that blonde, she was turned on by him but somewhere in her heart, she had felt this bitterness which she promptly ignored.      

Mu Shen looked at her side profile. Somewhere, he wished that he had met her earlier in life. Maybe as a classmate back in high school. He could imagine her sitting next to him with a cold expression on her face and him clinging to her constantly till her mask slipped. Maybe, if he had met her earlier, he would not have walked down that path.      

Looking at the distant expression on his face, she cupped his face, ''What happened?"      

''You are different, love...'' he gazed at her, ''...Not someone I am sleeping with. Not just a body I'm interested in. I'm going to do things with you that I have never done with someone before,'' his fingers wrapped around her neck, his grip neither gentle nor rough.      

In life, he has messed up in quite a lot of things but he wanted to love her properly.     

Li Shuang pressed her legs together. Excitement bubbled in her heart at his words.      

His fingers twisted the buttons of her blouse with expertise and all the while, he looked at her face searching for any shred of hesitation on it but finding none of it, he threw her blouse, gently running his finger along her breastbone.      

Li Shuang bit her bottom lips to hold back the moan.     

His fingers removed the front hook of her bra and he threw it aside, admiring the sight of her. His gaze turned her on more than before.      

''AH...'' She gasped as he took her breast in his mouth. The initial embarrassment flew out of the window and she grabbed his hair, thrusting her breast deeper inside his mouth.      

She rubbed her legs together as he bit her nipple, his other palm cupping her breast.      

His fingers roamed on her waist, gently caressing her skin. He paused when his hand reached her thighs.     

Mu Shen bit her nipple gently and she moaned. He kissed the dip between her breasts before looking at her, ''Are you sure?"      

Li Shuang was not in the right mind to decipher his words and it took her moment to register them in her mind, ''About?" she asked, extending her hand towards his face.      

As the tips of her fingers caressed his face, he tilted his head, leaning into her touch, ''About us?" He did not want her to regret anything. If she wanted to wait, he would wait for her for years.      

''Are you not sure?" her finger stopped stroking his face and she retracted her hand.      

Looking at the solemn expression on her face, he panicked, ''I've never been so sure about anything in life. Don't misunderstand...''      

She gripped his hair and supported herself on her elbow before interrupting his words with a passionate kiss.     

As he felt her lips curling up against his, he realized that she was just pulling his leg.      

This woman… was going to be the death of him.      

He grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her hard, knocking her breath out of her lungs.     

As their lips parted, he pressed his forehead against hers and they panted.      

He lifted her skirt and his palm moved to her inner thigh. He cupped her between her legs and she gasped.      

His fingers stroked the edge of her panties. She gripped the sheets, closing her eyes.      

Mu Shen gently kissed her chin before he moved down.      

He removed her panties and grabbed her knees before parting them.     

Li Shuang's back arched when she felt his warm breath on her inner thighs.      

''You are wet,'' he whispered and warmth crept up her neck.      

In the next moment, she felt his mouth on her, his tongue licked her wetness and she clenched.      

His tongue flicked and played with her clitoris and she raised a leg, placing the heel of her foot on his shoulder blade.      

Just when she felt like her body was going the explode, he pulled back from her, throwing her from the peak.      

She looked at him in disbelief.      

''That's what you get for teasing me,'' he smirked.      

She pouted, ''I am not doing this anymore,'' she turned her face to the side and sat on the bed, pretending to look for her top.      

He sat behind her, kissing the back of her neck, his fingers drawing circles on her waist, ''Really?" he whispered against her skin.      

She leaned back into his touch, ''N-Not really,'' she tilted her head to the side and looked at him with begging eyes, ''I want you,'' she glanced at his lips before leaning closer to him and unbuttoning his shirt with her mouth.      

As her mouth grazed past his skin, he felt something stirring down there.      

When she unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his hardness through his pants, ''Mutual feelings.''      

Her lips parted, her finger twitching slightly, ''Don't mock me later though…'' she whispered.      

He pulled her onto his lap, ''Mock?"      

''I…'' her lips puckered up slightly and she buried her face in his neck, ''…have no experience!''      

Mu Shen blinked, not knowing whether he should gush about her cuteness or about how this 'no experience' person was seducing him by rubbing his hardness. He could even feel her lips grazing back and forth on his neck.      

A vein throbbed on his forehead, ''Don't worry. From now on, you will get plenty of it. I promise you that,'' With that said, he flipped their bodies pinning her to the bed.      

He unbuckled his belt and removed his pants and she could see the apparent bulge in his boxers.      

Her gaze roamed on his rock-hard abs and she gulped. She had seen his body before, in his movies but watching them in person was another thing.      

She could feel the butterflies inside her chest.      

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