Married to his secret crush

Resignation letter

Resignation letter

Li Shuang took another step towards him, closing the distance between them, ''Zixuan used to visit the girl's dormitory once in a while to see the girl he loved. What about you? Why did you tag along? To be a cheerleader for him? But then... why did you have to end up in my room? Did you think I won't know how you'd come to me acting like you were just checking the dorms' paint, doing this or that and that you just happened to bump into me?"      

Never in his wildest dreams did he think that she would notice all that stuff. She seemed to have an extremely low EQ all this time but he suddenly felt like this one was a wolf in sheep's clothing.      

''So don't you dare 'I have no feelings for you' me,'' Li Shuang was domineering as usual.     

Bossy? Be it then! She was not going to change anything about her just because people found her qualities problematic.      

As for this gorgeous red-haired creature standing in front of her, the lost prince whom she found on her balcony, she has resisted his charms for months already. She could not resist him anymore and she was sure of it.      

Every little thing he did made her heart melt, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. He was it.      

Fuck the rules that she made. Fuck 'no dating, no love'. For him, she was willing to change them all.      

''You want the truth?" Mu Shen grabbed her hand, ''I'll give it to you.''      

Li Shuang's lips parted, her heart hanging in her throat. She has not felt this nervous during her exams or during the time she took over the position of CEO.      

''Do you remember the first time we met?"      

Li Shuang remembered it well. He had barged inside the dorms with Jun Zixuan and Jun Boyan. While Jun Zixuan ended up in Yu Mei's room and Jun Boyan escaped in time, Mu Shen however came to her room covered in mud from head to toe, ''I do,'' she nodded.      

''You didn't pay much attention to me at that time. It has never happened before that any woman would act so unaffected in my presence and it made me... well, interested. I wanted to...''      

''Have me in your bed?" Li Shuang stepped back from him.      

''Sort of,'' Mu Shen shrugged, ''You are gorgeous. Which man wouldn't want you?"      

''You are lying, right?" Li Shuang bit the insides of her cheeks.      

Mu Shen shook his head, ''It's in the past. We are friends now and everything is good between us so... let's just forget all about that,'' he glanced at her drenched body, ''You will catch a cold. Come, let's go back,'' he turned around and glanced at the car parked in a distance.      

''I think you are right,'' Li Shuang shouted just when he had taken a few steps ahead, ''In fact, I think I acted on impulse today. I saw you making out with that woman yesterday and I was turned on so I guess I acted on my lust. I have no other feelings for you,'' Tears pricked her eyes but she said all that anyway. She wanted to save her pride.      

For the first time in her life, she confessed to a guy. For the first time after the incident with Zhu Boqin, she decided to give herself another chance but it didn't work out how she thought it would. It seems like she had misunderstood his intentions all along but it was not his fault.      

And she felt ashamed at this point.      

''I can understand that,'' Mu Shen said without turning back, ''And it's fine. It happens. I am cool with it. Let's just go back.''      

''Yes,'' Li Shuang looked at the sky, letting the rain wash away her tears.      

Maybe it was for the better.      

Yes, this was for the better.      

Feelings are just a distraction.      

She inhaled a deep breath and followed him to the car, all the while not taking her gaze off his back.      

Mu Shen dropped her at her place and after that, she did not see him around anymore. It was not until 9 pm that there was a knock on her door.      

She looked into the peephole and opened the door when she saw that it was Mu Shen.      

''Your car keys,'' he extended the keys in his hand towards her.      

''It was left at your place...''      

''Yes,'' he nodded, ''Did you have dinner?"      

Li Shuang looked at his face quietly for a few seconds before she straightened up, ''I was about to go to bed. Good night,'' she closed the door on his face without waiting for his response.      

Soon, she heard the sound of retreating footsteps.      

Li Shuang sat on the floor before leaning back on the door.      

It was no big deal. She convinced herself as she hugged her knees tightly.      

She got over Zhu Boqin despite being in a relationship with him for so long. Mu Shen was just a crush whom she confessed to on an impulse... and got rejected.      

That's it. Everything will be better soon.      

She will get over this tomorrow.      

With that thought, Li Shuang went to her bed only to end up pulling an all-nighter.      

She could not sleep no matter how she tried and after a long period of twisting and turning on the bed, she ended up burying herself in work.      

The next morning, however, it resulted in apparent dark circles.      

At the company.      

The atmosphere in the CEO's office was quite tense as Li Shuang worked on a few documents while Edward and Lisa stood in front of her, waiting for her to speak.      

Li Shuang placed her file down, sensing their presence, ''Sorry, I was a bit distracted earlier,'' she had called for them and in the meanwhile, she was looking at the files, not realizing when she zoned out.      

Edward and Lisa were stunned. She sounded off. After everything that happened yesterday, how can she still talk to them in a friendly tone?      

''I called you here to let you know that...'' Li Shuang pushed herself to her feet, ''You can hand in your resignation letter. I will approve it for you. I have a meeting in 35 minutes so you have to do it in 20 minutes.''      

''Shuang...'' Edward frowned.      

Blood drained from Lisa's face.      

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