Married to his secret crush



''Actually, I am really sorry. I just realized that I have some urgent work pending. Shuang, can we postpone our date?"     

Li Shuang paused for a moment before she spoke, ''Of course, go ahead. Work is important. I'll see you tomorrow,'' she hung up as soon as she finished speaking and glanced at her phone.      

Inhaling a deep breath, she tilted her head and continued looking at the side.      


The sounds from next door caught her attention.      

Earlier she still avoided the loud music because she was in a rush to get ready.      

But now that she was idle, she could not help but turn her head to the side.      

Much to her surprise, she saw something she was not expecting.      

She found Mu Shen holding a blonde in his arms. The door slammed behind them as they moved towards the terrace.      

Mu Shen was wearing a black shirt that had its top few buttons unbuttoned giving her a proper view of his muscular chest. The sleeves of his shirt were folded and she could see his toned forearms.      

His long fingers were raking inside the woman's blonde hair while he kissed her, holding her waist in a tight grip. He was arching the woman and she was arched. Literally arched.     

The woman was bent backward. Bent in what looked like a perfect 90-degree to the floor.      

The flexibility. Those bones. Li Shuang could give a standing ovation to her since she was already standing. Her body must be filled with fluids considering how effortless her 'I have no bones in my body pose' looked.      

She would have admired her longer but her attention gradually flew back to Mu Shen.      

He held her attention longer than he usually did. There was something different about him today, at this particular moment.      

She watched as his copper hair framed his face and they swayed to the side as he stood straight, pulling up the woman as he pinned her to the mirrored wall.      

Li Shuang walked towards the chairs on the side. She removed her navy blue suit jacket and threw it onto the table. She unbuttoned the top few buttons of her shirt and raked her fingers through her hair, tying it into a high messy bun.      

She picked up the water bottle and unscrewed its cap before taking a few gulps. Her gaze flew back to Mu Shen once again and she noticed that he was whispering something to the woman who was trapped in between his arms and the mirrored wall behind them.      

Her gaze landed on his toned forearms briefly before Li Shuang averted her gaze and fiddled with her phone.      

''What's wrong with me today? Why do I keep forgetting my manners?" Earlier, she pushed Edward's hand quite rudely and now she was intruding in someone's private moment.      

But... isn't there a bedroom for things like this? Why did he have to do it on the terrace despite knowing that there is no partition between his terrace and mine?     

'Why did you have to keep looking at him despite witnessing how both of them were engaged in their moment?' Her inner angel whispered and Li Shuang's conscience pricked.      

She pushed herself to her feet and entered her house.      

Li Shuang walked back to the terrace after changing into an oversized striped T-shirt paired with denim shorts.      

The clothes earlier made her feel uncomfortable.      

Even though she tried to not look to the side but her gaze flew there on instinct.      

And to her surprise, the woman was nowhere to be seen. Mu Shen was sitting on a single couch alone with a glass of red wine in his hand.      

She walked around the swimming pool before walking towards him, ''Can I have that too?"      

''You look underaged,'' Mu Shen said without looking at her.      

Li Shuang's lips parted and she looked at herself. She... looked like anything but underaged. When she was barely 16, she already looked like she was 19 years old, let alone now when she was about to turn 24 soon.      

She wanted to argue but as she looked at his quiet countenance while he glanced at the sky, she held back her words. He seemed to be wanting to stay alone at this moment.      

Was intruding in his personal space once again?     

''It's fine if you don't want company. We can drink together some other day,'' she turned around to leave but her footsteps came to a halt as she felt a grip on her wrist.      

Mu Shen grabbed her wrist the moment she turned around and he pushed her to the single couch next to him, ''I was just kidding, you know,'' he let go of her hand before she could say something about it and he picked up the bottle of the wine from the coffee table before he poured it in another glance. He extended the glass towards her, ''I'd love some company. Especially yours.''      

Her heart skipped a beat unconsciously and she found herself looking at him for an explanation for his words.      

He did not disappoint with it, ''You are a weird one, you know?" he looked at her in amusement, ''You have strange opinions regarding anything or everything. I enjoy those. I enjoy you...'' he paused for a moment before adding, ''...Your company, I mean.''      

Li Shuang chuckled, ''You are the first one to say that. People do find my thought process weird but nobody has told me that they enjoy it," Not like anyone ever dared to call her 'weird' on her face. Except him.     

''That makes me an exception then,'' Mu Shen said quite arrogantly.      

She did not deny it, ''I guess it does,'' she took a sip of wine.      

''So, you usually spend your evenings and nights at home? Yesterday, you were here after work and even today. No plans? Parties, friends or....'' he sipped some wine, ''...Dates?'' he asked casually.     

''Oh, I had a date today,'' She told him.      

He was about to take another sip of the wine and he paused. It was a brief pause before his movements continued, ''Then, why are you here?" he asked casually.      

''He has work.''      

''So, you were stood up,'' he concluded, ''Only a fool would do that.''      

''Do what?" she raised an eyebrow.      

''Prioritize his work over such a beautiful lady,'' he winked at her playfully.      

''I thought someone called me an underaged girl a few minutes ago?''     

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