Married to his secret crush

Cancel the date

Cancel the date

A/N: Read Chapter 480 before reading this one. It was posted wrongly ^^'     


''I heard that Luoluo is coming back today,'' Li Shuang twirled on the swivel chair and grabbed the file placed near the edge of the table.      

''You heard it from Mia?" Yu Mei's voice could be heard from her phone which was on speaker.      

''Yes, you both did not tell me about what happened to her. Mei, I still can't believe that Han Jingyi would be so crazy,'' Li Shuang looked up from the file and sighed.      

''It's in the past. She is not around anymore,'' Yu Mei said.      

''So, there is no point discussing her,'' Li Shuang nodded, ''Let's meet after Luoluo is back.''      

''Yes, what are your plans for the day?"      

''I have finished my meetings. My secretary should have arranged a date with Edward. After the date, I will go back to my place.''      

There was a long pause on the other side and Li Shuang had to check her phone to know that Yu Mei had not disconnected the call.      

''You are still going out with that Vice-President of your company?"      


''You don't like him.''      

''There is no such thing as love in the world, Mei. Even if it is, for me, it doesn't have a place in my life. It's either money or works for me,'' Li Shuang continued after some thought, ''And I'd like to count a warm bath in my bathtub and my soul food in it as well,'' she added after some thought.      

''Pfft,'' Yu Mei burst out in laughter.      

Li Shuang blinked, ''Did I crack a joke?'' she asked and continued looking through the files.      

Yu Mei stopped laughing, ''The thing is, love used to exist in your world too. You liked Zhu Boqin with all your heart and you were so sincere about him.''      

Li Shuang's fingers which were about to flip the page, paused, ''It has been a long time since I heard his name.''      

''I know.''     

Both of them went quiet because this name only reminded them of the bad memories that they buried in their hearts.      

"Mei, I will hang up now. Let's talk later," Li Shuang broke the awkward silence.     

Yu Mei sighed, "Ah Shuang, just remember that Zhu Boqin was not your whole world, and not every man is the same. Don't do things that you will regret in the future. Relationships, love, or feelings are not a deal that you can calculate and predict their profits and losses before settling on one," She hung up as soon as she finished speaking.      

Li Shuang was left staring at the phone in her hand, "I know they are not some deal but I just want to stay away from all that and Grandpa won't let me do that so in the end, I resorted to this," It was not like she did not make her conditions and thoughts clear to Edward but the man said he was pursuing her with sincerity and her staying beside him was all that mattered to him.      

At this time, there was a knock on the door which snapped her out of her thoughts.      

"Come in."     

"President, here is your schedule for tomorrow," Her secretary, Lisa, stepped inside the office and placed a file on the desk.      

Li Shuang glanced at the file before she nodded, "Lisa, how long has it been since you started working here?"     

"It has been almost 5-6 years," The woman in her mid-20s answered, "I joined around the same time as Vice President Edward."     

Lisa was competent and she had completely no links with Yu Family. Li Shuang discovered it during the background check she did on the employees to fire the corrupt ones. But there were a few employees like Vice President Edward and Lisa who were completely clean in all these matters.      

And she decided to keep them beside her and they did not prove her wrong given how they efficiently worked.      

"I see. It has been a long time. Thanks for your hard work," Li Shuang said with a straight face before she flipped through the pages.      

Lisa was flustered, "Uh... I will work harder in the future."     

Li Shuang nodded.      

"Well, President, the Vice President seems to have a meeting in some time. He asked if he should cancel it for your date..."     

"No," Li Shuang interrupted her as she frowned. Why would he think of canceling the meeting because of date? "Ask him to go ahead with the meeting. I'll look through my schedules and arrange another date when I'm free."     

Lisa's lips parted. When you're free? She was speechless. Aren't people supposed to make time for their partners?     

Li Shuang pushed herself to her feet and walked towards the glass wall behind her, ''Why is it so crowded outside?" she frowned as she glanced at the reporters standing floors below, near the parking.      

''You have been avoiding them since the day you took over the position of the CEO. The last time when you attended President Jun's birthday party, they swamped you at the entrance. But the public confession made by President Leanne stole all the limelight so you were able to breathe. But they have been swarming here since then. We've kept our security tight and they never let them in so you never saw them before because you use the private exit.''      

Li Shuang frowned but she eventually nodded, ''You did well. I am not some celebrity so I prefer it as much as I stay away from these people and their cameras,'' She never liked the limelight, to begin with.      


Li Shuang scooped out some ice cream in a bowl and walked towards the couch. She placed the bowl on the coffee table and picked up her phone.      

After scrolling through her schedules, she went through the news.      

One certain headline caught her attention. She recognized the person involved very well.      

Mu Shen's cheating scandal?      

Li Shuang thought back to the time when this man snatched the gift that she prepared for Jun Zixuan.      

Later, in the Ren Mansion, she got the dare to unbutton his shirt with her teeth.      

Before that, they met on the day when she broke up with Zhu Boqin. It was raining heavily that night and he sent his date back and took her to his place. She spent the night there.      

The first time she met him was when Jun Zixuan broke into the girl's hostel and this guy accompanied his friend but ended up in her room.      

Other than that, she has seen him once or twice in passing. Cheating? Li Shuang placed her chin on her fist. He seemed quite cute when he was flustered while answering the truth questions regarding when he lost his virginity when he had his first kiss.      

She blinked and placed her phone aside and shook off her thoughts. Who knows?     

People these days usually have two faces, one which they keep to themselves and the other which they show to the world. Zhu Boqin was a living example of it. She knew him for so long and the last thing she expected was for him to force himself on a woman, let alone the fact that he forced himself on Yu Mei, her sister.     

The feeling of betrayal was still as fresh in her mind as if she felt it yesterday and it was combined with disgust for that man and she was equally as disgusted with herself for falling for a man like that and treating him with all sincerity.      

So, it was not her place to conclude anything given that she barely knew him.      

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