Married to his secret crush



A/N: Read chapter 480 before reading this one. It was posted wrongly ^^'     


As the sunlight filtered through the windows, Mu Shen rolled to the other side of the bed, hugging the bolster tightly.     

But the sunlight kept bothering him from the window. He let out an annoyed sigh and opened his eyes.      

He sat up on the bed with a massive headache.      

Mu Shen raked his fingers in his hair before covering his face in his palm, ''Argh... Why is it so troublesome?" He just had a couple of drinks, why were the after-effects so bad?      

He cursed the reporters and those women for making a big deal out of nothing and blowing things out of proportion.      

He removed his palms from his face and leaned back on the headboard of the bed before looking out of the window.      

Suddenly, something hit him.      

The unfamiliar surroundings.      

''Am... Am I kidnapped?" Mu Shen hurriedly pulled up the blankets to cover his body, ''I knew I was desirable but these women... aren't they going so far?" He took his bottom lips between his teeth, looking like he was about to cry.     

Then, suddenly another thought flashed in his mind, ''Is it those reporters...?''      

''Who would be interested in kidnapping you? You don't have anything to offer them except for your pretty face,'' came a cold voice from the door.      

Mu Shen turned his head in that direction and his lips parted when he saw the woman who was walking towards him with a tray in her hand, ''Li Shuang,'' she was wearing an oversized white hoodie that barely covered her thighs and her long hair was tied in a high ponytail. She sure looked beautiful early in the morning without any makeup on her face.      

Li Shuang snapped her fingers in front of him and he snapped out of her daze, ''Take responsibility for me, will you?" she asked.      

''Huh? What are you talking about....'' Mu Shen paused and scanned her from head to toe. His expressions morphing into sheer horror, ''We... Did we...?''      

Li Shuang raised a finger, motioning him to stop speaking when she saw his pale face, ''It was possible that if there was some other woman in my place, she would have said that. It's not like you have a lack of scandals but you recklessly end up in a woman's place. If that woman had some ulterior motives, then how were you going to explain this situation?"      

Mu Shen's shoulder relaxed, ''So nothing happened between us?"      

''Of course not,'' Li Shuang raised an eyebrow at him, ''You look quite relieved at the fact that you did not sleep with me.''      

''Of course, I am relieved. The last woman I want to sleep with is you...'' Mu Shen mumbled under his breath but Li Shuang heard him anyway.      

She frowned, ''Do you have some sort of enmity with me? You insulted me quite a few times in a row yesterday as well.''      

Mu Shen's jaw dropped.      

As if on cue, his mind started playing a few scenes and some of his dialogues in his head.      

'Do you think you will get a man with how stiff you are?'     

'You don't have a smile on your face, you never do and to top it off, that cold tone, those emotionless eyes, that bossy attitude.... are you sure you are not trying to scare guys off?'     

'Women need to be delicate, gentle, like a ray of sunshine... You need to level up.'      

''I...'' Mu Shen closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, ''...was just stating facts,'' Since he said all that stuff, he had to own up to it.      

He opened his eyes when he heard some shuffling sounds.      

Li Shuang placed the tray in her hand on the bed as she lowered herself to his level, ''So, is that all true?" she looked into his eyes curiously, ''Do you really mean it?"      

Mu Shen gulped. He leaned back only to realize that he was trapped between the headboard and her, ''I... Well, it's nothing that you can't work on,'' he cleared his throat.      

''I believe you have depraved tastes,'' Li Shuang said after giving a thought, ''I am rich, I have good looks, a nice body, a decent reputation and I don't keep boy toys unlike the other women like me. I am the best deal a man could ever get.''      

Mu Shen's brows tugged together and his lips tugged up in a mocking smile, ''Deal? Is that what you take yourself for?" he paused and scanned her from head to toe, ''Wealthy, beautiful, and everything else you mentioned...sure. But the way you compare yourself to a deal reveals the remarkable flaw in your personality.''     

Li Shuang's brows tugged together, ''What's with your tone?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest.      

''Love is a deal, relationships are deals and even you am a deal. Gosh, what's wrong with women these days?" Mu Shen kicked his blanket aside and got out of the bed, ''Hey, what are you doing....?" he asked when Li Shuang grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him back to the bed, catching him off guard.      

''You are not a woman, neither pregnant nor on period. So, you can keep your mood swings at bay,'' Li Shuang pointed her chin towards the tray on the bed, ''Have that. Hangover soup. It will help you,'' her words sounded nothing less than a command.      

And without waiting for his reply, she turned around and left his room.      

Mu Shen was left staring speechlessly at the soup and then back at the door. He raked his fingers in his hair in frustration.      

Initially, he was muddleheaded but he could now remember everything that happened yesterday. He had a lot of alcohol and he did not realize it when he ended up coming to his next-door neighbor's terrace which was attached to his.      

And everything that followed was a huge coincidence. Although he knew that Li Shuang lived in the same neighborhood, he never expected her to be his next-door neighbor.     

The last thing he expected was that he would end up acting like a jerk to her which he usually didn't do around other women, let alone her whom he has known for more than a year.     

He looked at the hangover soup before tilting his head to glance at the closed door.      

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