Married to his secret crush



Li Shuang shrugged off her thoughts. She picked up the bowl of icecream from the coffee table but before she could eat it, her phone started ringing.      

She glanced at icecream and a frown appeared on her face. She placed it down on the table and checked the caller ID.      

She stiffened when she saw that it was a call from her grandpa.      

Li Shuang cleared her throat and quickly answered the call before it could be disconnected,  ''Grandpa,'' she greeted the man.      

''What's your relationship status with that Edward guy?" The man did not bother with any greetings as he came straight to the point.      

Li Shuang distanced the phone from her face and she stared at it quietly for a few seconds. Generally, grandfathers are supposed to ask about the well beings of their granddaughters first.      

''Why are you silent?" Grandpa Yu asked impatiently.      

Li Shuang pushed herself to her feet and walked towards the terrace while looking at the gradually darkening sky, ''Vice President had a meeting today so I cancelled our date. Things are going well between us and I believe we are very compatible.''      

''Compatible, my ass.''      

Li Shuang frowned when she heard a whisper around her.      

''I see, Ah Shuang, you just need to find yourself a man. Grandpa won't ask for more....''      

''Grandpa, I have some work to deal with. I will call you later,'' she hung up without giving him a chance to respond.      

Li Shuang turned around and glanced at the man lying near her swimming pool.      

She could not see his face but she could see there was a bottle of whiskey in his hand.      

''Drunkard, trespassor....'' Pressing charges on him will work out in her favor, ''Let me call the cops first,'' she mumbled under her breath and swiped her contact list.      

But just as she was about to dial the number, she paused.      

She tilted her head to glance at the man once again. Li Shuang tilted her head to the side, ''This shade of reddish hair...looks familiar,'' she contemplated it before walking towards him.      

Li Shuang paused and picked up a flower vase before walking closer to the man, ''Hey...'' she called out but there was no response from the man who seemed to be lying in a half-dead condition.      

She hestitated before gently kicking his back with her toes, ''Hey, I am calling the cops if you don't answer my questions.''      

''Call cops... not reporters. I swear I will kill you,'' the man turned around and looked at her with hazy eyes. His eyes widened as if realization dawned on him, ''Oh, hey there, Miss Li, what's up?!" Mu Shen excitedly waved the bottle of whiskey in his hand before he closed his eyes.      

Li Shuang: "_" It's him?!     

She placed the flower vase aside and squatted on the floor, ''Mr. Mu, wake up!"      

''Let me sleep,'' Mu Shen grabbed her hand, ''Be my pillow.''      

''Are you confusing me for your girlfriend?" Li Shuang frowned, ''I feel sorry for you. If you want, you can give me her contact number. I'll call her over for you. Do you live here too?... Mr. Mu?"      

The man opened his eyes and glanced at her, ''Ah Shuang, were you always this talkative? Shh...'' He pressed a finger on her lips.     


Her heart skipped a beat at his sudden touch and Li Shuang was stunned momentarily as she looked into his hazy eyes. His reddish brown hair was in a mess as it framed his face. She had never seen him up so close and this was the first time. It did not take her long to understand why this man was so famous in the entertainment industry.      

He looked nothing less than a lost Prince as he blinked at her innocently.      

Li Shuang massaged the spot between her brows before pulling her hand out of his grip. What's up with this man addressing her formally in one moment and informally in the other?     

She extended her hand towards him, ''Come, stand up first,'' After all, he had taken her to his place the night she broke up with Zhu Boqin so it was improper to leave him here out in the cold.      

He placed his hand on her palm and she helped him sit, stumbling a few times in the process.      

He placed the whiskey bottle aside and grabbed the railings of the swimming pool in the other hand and pushed himself to his feet.      

''Be careful..'' Li Shuang helped.     

''I heard you...''      

She paused, ''Huh?" She held his hand carefully.      

''When you were talking... your date...'' Mu Shen glanced at her, his vision was blurry.      

''What about that?"      

''Is it that Vice President?" He asked.      

Li Shuang nodded. Since he was not a stranger and she had already told everyone in their circle about this matter on Jun Zixuan's birthday, she did not think there was a need to pretend otherwise.      

Mu Shen's mouth formed an 'O' as if the realization just hit him, ''Do you think you will get a man with how stiff you are?"      

Li Shuang's tilted her head to the side, ''Mr. Mu, you need to mind your own business.''      

''Exactly my business. Look at that cold toneeee~" Mu Shen said exaggeratedly, ''You don't have a smile on your face, you never do and to top it off, that cold tone, those emotionless eyes, that bossy attitude.... are you sure you are not trying to scare guys off?"      

''Mu Shen! That's enough,'' Li Shuang inhaled a deep breath to compose herself.      

''Truth pricks, CEO Li... I am just saying this as a friend. Women need to be delicate, gentle, like a ray of sunshine.... You need to level up... Ah!"      


Li Shuang did not hold back in that kick she gave him, ''A delicate woman won't be able to handle jerks like you,'' she glanced at the man who was deep down inside the swimming pool, throwing his limbs in all directions.      

Bubbles appeared before he burst up to the top with all his might, ''Li Shuang!''      

Li Shuang flipped her hair and crossed her arms in front of her chest, ''Hope you are awake now. If you are not awake yet, then I don't mind helping you with some more kicks,'' she said expressionlessly before walking inside the house.      

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